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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. ? Try the Buy/Sell/Trade/Finds Forum for such things
  2. If they do, then you know who to call. Congrats on your new job
  3. The RA tag and the Star Wars tag? I removed them... Not that I haven't got anything to do with either place anymore. I'm still around,I just need a "tag-break"
  4. Wow that's really well done. Good job on that Frontpaged too...
  5. Our member _shaddows_ presents us with a fine MOC of hisSonic The Hedgehog Click the picture to check the MOC and comment
  6. A dual topic? This is moved as well. Now, you're more than welcome to share any decals you make, but a topic on your new BL store in a theme forum plus the MCW is too much. We've got a forum for promoting stores and other forums to discuss MOCs, sets, decals, news and so forth. Please in the future, refrain from mixing that up again.
  7. Congrats on your new shop. This belongs in the BSTF Forum and not here, so I'll move it for you. And since you decided to post this in two places, I decided t shut one of them down. CLOSED
  8. Wohooo Yessir! A great driver for Renault. Go Go Go!
  9. No, please don't. I voted for a new AT-RT myself Great work on this topic and the poll.
  10. Our new member Guards presents us with a MOC of his.The Republic AAC. Click the picture to check the MOC and comment.
  11. A lot of greeble on that speeder, but a little too "colorless". Maybe adding a few parts in off-colors like red or yellow might do the trick.
  12. Wow, that's a great MOC. I like the use of dark green and the sides of the AAC are also pretty well done Welcome to Eurobricks, and do not stress yourself over your English skills. You can only do your best, that's all we ask - a lot of us aren't native speakers of English.
  13. Not that many sets are scaled with the minifigs. Most are just the regular system scale. Imagine how large the AT-At should've been if minifig scaled. Or the regular AT-ST...
  14. We already have an AT-RT
  15. Welcome to Eurobricks Dundenman. As far as I was aware this is a voting topic and not a critique. If you have a criticism of my entry, it'd be more appropriate to post it in my entry thread and I'd be more than happy to respond. Please read my entry thread and you'll understand my motivations and why it is my ideal battle pack. Thank you. And I fully agree. I've moved this post into the discussion topic. Feedback is meant to be given in each entry's own topic. Agreeing to entries or not, doesn't belong in the vote topic. It'll come off as if the voter is trying to affect other members vote and we'll have none of that. I'm glad to see that pedro took this slight flaming lightly - I will not
  16. Cole presents his CABG Entry.A stunning display of a Heavy Combat Zone Hardsuit for the 112th's clone troopers. We wish him the best of luck.
  17. Oops. Didn't mean to sound rude. Sorry if I came off that way And it is. I just thought it was....well..priceless and thus I added it. Didn't mean no harm. Agreed. Which, who and why?
  18. I agree with Morten here. Personally I'd prefer, if we could kick it back another week or two.
  19. The topic is about "Official LEGO Star Wars TV Commercials & Ads" The Han Solo affair is an ad, just like "The Quest for R2D2" is an ad. Both were made in cooperation with TLG (at least to my humble knowledge). Animated series and comics go in the Multimedia and Culture Forum. You're forgiven
  20. No matter which sets they decided to highlight, some people would still disagree. It's kind of a lose-lose situation. Let's not whine over what each of us would have liked to see. But instead let's rejoice over what we've actually gotten. Show a little gratitude people. A lot of people put a lot of effort into this book.
  21. Which has absolutely nothing to do with this topic at all.
  22. For special reasons, I cannot attend if the event takes place from the 13-15th of May. I'd love for the event to happen earlier... Please
  23. How, what and where do you enter the cheats? Godammit, I want Ani with a dual red lighsabre now...
  24. I like the way you've beefed it up. Perhaps you could a few more pics for us plus a few close-ups of your design?
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