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  1. I will also be there almost the entire week I'll be showing new mocs, from Star Wars and various Castle themed builds.
  2. Yes, we are all blown to pieces by its awesomeness
  3. Haha I welcome your analysis I was just explaining the choices that were made during the conception of this layout. Actually I was considering building a hangar in the right scale after I break down the layout later this year
  4. Thanks guys! The white and blue X-Wing is not the actual set This was built way before the movie came out, so we did not have all the details yet. Form the available trailers back then the Resistance Fighter looked more white than grey. I had to scale down the hangers... My Lego collection would never allow me to build them minifig scale. In minifig scale they would have been big enough to fit the UCS Falcon.
  5. Thanks! Although now we have seen the movie it has become clear there are no Stormtroopers during these scenes. We planned to display this layout at Dutch Comic Con Utrecht this March. However due to the horrible communication skills of the organizers of this event we were inclined to cancel. There is slight possibility we will display at other events this summer, but nothing official yet
  6. There is really no way to be sure... But with all the new movies coming out there will be less rereleases... So I would consider it unlikely.
  7. I wonder if it is just an april fools joke... How much effort did the designer really have to put into this... Basically 90% is just copied from other sets, and the remaining 10% is not exactly rocket science...
  8. Thank you for explaining capitalism rather off topic though
  9. Got my order yesterday. I ordered 2 Finn torsos. 2 Sheldon torsos, 4 Buzz cola cans, 4 1x1 round tiles with can print on top and a bunch of hair pieces. I hope some new stuff will become available soon, as there is not much interesting licensed stuff left at the moment... My order came from Germany.
  10. So the trick is to buy whatever parts are available now and hope others will become available when those parts are sold out
  11. As pointed out, this has happened to more people recently... Just call them and ask what the problem is. I have ordered through B&P about 4 times in the last 3 months. And yesterday I got confirmation of shipping for my most recent order.
  12. Bothans stole the plans for the SECOND Deathstar not the FIRST that will appear in Rogue One. But I have no doubt that Lucasfilm and Disney will come up with some new stuff. Based on the set leaks we will probably be getting more X-Wings, which is not a bad thing it will enable Lego to design "new" sets instead of re releasing the original one...
  13. Probably because they need these parts in sets, and know from experience they can never meet the demand for these separate pieces. Besides, their core business is selling sets to kids. They have every right to withhold certain pieces to force us to buy the set... And we will...
  14. The odds will not be in your favor, at least until the set is released this spring/summer.
  15. They reason they closed the site is due to higher demand for replacement parts because of the sales increase during december. I doubt they would have had the time to update inventories and decide what they could or could not make available. We can only hope they start updating it during the coming weeks. This is not their core business so it will not be a priority...
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