Hmm.... Well, I'll agree that Star Wars started and revolutionized space battles and special affects. In many ways first three movies (meaning the original three) were ahead of there time in terms of special affects. But taking alook at the last three movies (numerically the first three) they fail miserably in the special affects area. Which is a real shame because that's where Star Wars had the real edge of Star Trek. Now i believe S/T has the advantage now.
As far as who has the larger fan base, your claim of S/W fans having a larger fan base is purely subjective. But one thing you must remember is that S/W has 6 movies and one (?) series under its belt While S/T has 11 movies, and 5 series. Also S/T started around more than a decade before the first S/W movie came out. Also the last 3 S/W movies were really a turn in the wrong direction for the franchise. If it weren't for the original 3 they would have been long forgotten. The last S/T movie was a huge step forward, as not only was it loyal in the eyes of the fandom (well, for the most part at least), but the general public to a real liking and it related to them that no other S/T film has in the past. For the first time you could watch a S/T movie, and no prior knowledge of the franchise and have a complete understanding of what was going on.
Agreed. The acting in those movies was terrible and beyond corny. S/T defiantly has it beat in those departments. S/T has also always been story based with science as the key point. Now this made for far better stories IMO, but i have to admit the space battles in S/W overall were better.
But to answer the OP's question..
Favorite series- TNG
Favorite film- Star Trek 6 The undiscovered Country, and Star trek 4 the Voyage Home
Favorite characters- Worf, Spock, Kirk, and pretty much the whole original cast.
Episodes- Hmmm.. Well, to many to list, but if i had to pick one, it would probably be "Yesterdays Enterprise" for TNG series.