This was my fourth BrickWorld, and as always it was awesome! Each year it seems to improve in its organization.
It was announced that they will have the event for 5 more years at the Westin, and this is a really scary proposition to me. With the rate of growth they've had over the past 5 years I don't know how they will manage. The rooms felt pretty packed this year, and there isn't really any room for more tables/MOCs.
As a vendor I did like having all the vendors in one room, though it was a double edged sword. It was nice that everyone knew where to go to make purchases and could understand that MOCs weren't for sale in the other rooms. However, it did get pretty crazy in there on Saturday, which was the only down side for me. It's probably against code, but could we put anyone in the hall? There's a few vendors that only have a table or two that I think could swing it.
My one major complaint has to do with nominated MOCs. In my opinion, I don't think one MOC should be up for multiple awards. I don't think anything actually won in multiple categories, but still it would be better if more people were nominated.
Speaking of nominations, I want an FFOL award category! If they want to promote women builders, that's a great way to do it! The MOCs I bring have changed over the years because I am trying to fit into the categories they have.
THANK YOU for relocating the auction to the restaurant! Huge props for that! Much more comfortable!