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Eurobricks Knights
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About Rinzler

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Marvel Super Heroes

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  • Interests
    Marvel, DC, Star Trek (mainly Original Series and the Reboot), TRON, Tank Trouble, Lego


  • Country
    Central City

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  1. Anyone notice it reading LEGO Spider-Man instead of Lego Marvel Super Heroes? Spider-Man theme revitalised?
  2. Anybody see the Lego version of the MCU 10th anniversary poster? Fig designs for Wong, Wasp, White Wolf and a new War Machine are there How many Ws?
  3. Identity Discs. New mould? Have Ideas sets in the past had exclusive mounds before? None come to my mind
  4. That rumour is the main reason I'm anxiously awaiting the results. I'd kill for a Tron set
  5. When will the results be announced? Is there a confirmed date or will it just happen when it happens?
  6. Anyone know what I could do with the parts of Mime from the Lego Batman CMFs?
  7. Anyone tried using Catman's legs on the 2014 Wolverine?
  8. No problem. Sure, as long as you credit me in the video
  9. Has the Clash Of Heroes set stopped being made with Batman's cape? I got the set today and there's no cape to be seen, not even in the box art. I've seen reviews of the set where the cape has been included. Anyone know what happened here?
  10. That's badass! How on earth did you build Zurg's cannon? I've been trying to get that right for years! That's badass! How on earth did you build Zurg's cannon? I've been trying to get that right for years!
  11. A while ago, I made a pretty serviceable Agent Z from the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command cartoon Pictured here with Buzz himself
  12. Ditto. Love that series
  13. So the figure is confirmed a fake? What a croc! Thank you, I'll be here all week
  14. Rinzler


    I was in it for Star Trek and Transformers. Kre-o actually put out some pretty decent stuff, some of which I'm still looking to get. I NEED the Kreons of Worf and Khan
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