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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Pheonix1604

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  1. These look really nice..does anyone know if those shields are printed or stickers though ???
  2. I know most of you probably dont know what this game is or why I am asking you to do this but I thought of how this community helps everyone and thought it was worth a try... If everyone could take a few seconds of their time and make an account and sroll down on the homepage and vote for Angela to be Playable in MH2016 http://www.gameinformer.com/polls/f/10/t/4352446.aspx?PageIndex=1 I know this is a long shot but I have to try...
  3. How so?? alos i would think that if this is indeed the case we might see New 52 Catwoman and New 52 Batgirl together in the set :)
  4. Could it be possible that Catwoman could be racing Batgirl in the racers set ???
  5. Who is this guy http://cs622721.vk.me/v622721700/1ac51/IdL4milhyy4.jpg
  6. So do these have stickers or just printing on there chests...???
  7. So I was thinking about what the fact that the LOSS may no be the real Main Bad Guy but what if the real bad guy was using the LOSS as an illusion ( sort of how like Makuta used a infected Matoran in MNOLG ) to fool the Toa into thinking that once they had defeated him all there problems will be gone. On another note I think the Summer wave will consist of six villain characters just like in previous wave`s of Bionicle. :) Also I really hope the bring back mask packs those were really cool.
  8. The Earth Defender is my favorite out of all of them. He look awesome and full of nice part`s.
  9. Yay!!! not only does Ezra`s Speeder Bike contain Ezra and Sabine ( My two favorite Rebel`s characters) it also contain`s two awesome speeder`s and it is a cheap set. :) I assume this set will cost $14.99 due to it being very similar to Battle Saleucami in both box size and the set.
  10. Do you think if Lego made the set`s it would sell good ????
  11. There could be five Doctor Who set`s and a Collectible Minifigure Series Small set: Could Contain The Outside of the T.A.R.D.I.S with the Tenth Doctor along With Rose and maybe a brick built Dalek : $15 Should also include a printed brick with the word`s BAD WOLF for the T.A.R.D.I.S ;) Small-Medium sized set : A Random Build along with a tree . Minifigure`s Include The Eleventh Doctor and two cyber-men along with a scooter and helmet for the doctor.Should also include a Fez ;) $25 Medium sized set: A medium sized lab with a added few random builds. Could include The Twelfth Doctor along with Clara and two of there enemies. Should come with a driver`s manual for the Tardis ;) $40 Medium- Large Set: Dalek Mother ship along with four Dalek`s and A gold Dalek. It could also contain two Dalek drop ship`s for a extra added play feature.$55 Large set. The Entire inside of the T.A.R.D.I.S along with a brick built K-9. Minifigure`s include Five Doctor`s and Five of there companion`s. $100 Doctor Who Collectible Minfigure Series: The Remaining Five Doctor`s along with there Five Companion`s and 6 of there foes.
  12. Yeah I like the Genie Girl just the way she is. and for those who really don`t like her head just replace it with the head of the Intergalactic Girl form S6. :)
  13. He could perhaps be a reference to of the most famous Agent`s on TV and Movie`s Nick Fury = Marvel Jack Bauer = 24 Jack Bauer + Nick Fury = Jack Fury
  14. Minecraft has been already been annouced https://www.facebook.com/LEGOMinecraft
  15. Thanks but the picture seem`s to be broken :/
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