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About robbo

  • Birthday 08/08/1975

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  1. Definitely now and as stated above, it was star wars that brought me back to lego in 1999, with a much bigger budget my collection has boomed in recent time. Also loving the creator/ city sets in the last 5 years... truly amazing work and detail. Recent castle and lord of rings has my mouth watering for more. Bought my first set in 1980 :)and still have every set bought.
  2. robbo


    All the best KimT with your new position, truely the experience of a life time. Your work here as a moderator is most appreciated and it will be missed. Boy hasnt the last 7-8 years flown...guess time goes quick when your having fun. Congratulations and thank you.
  3. thanks for the news axel..most appreciated
  4. My local KMart Isle just got bigger due renovations, but most shelves are empty. Have noticed V2 impulses sets have arrived and the town MF pack as well. But my Target store has cut the lego isle in half from the full isle in the last big toy sale in sept/oct.
  5. Its official i have no life..lol...well i better live up to my tag. Eurobricks we have done it again with the arrival of the new pirate sets the most users online had just increased to 475 I wonder how long it will take to reach 500.
  6. I have always been a quality rather than a quantity person, contradicting myself with the size of my collection i know..lol I think we had this discussion at the start of the year, i think other people do ensure the collectiions as well I dont know how you can commit so much time here with 2 young boys, your doing much better than i am. My little 2 year already has her duplo and a thomas train that your boys would love. Dont worry, i think i still have a few years yet before i am sitting on the front porch scaring away boys...lol Being of the same vintage as me....do you own the yelllow castle......i think it would make a great centre peice as a throne room with some modifications for the modular castle that is being built at the moment
  7. I have been here almost 4 years now and this is finally my 100th post and i just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you a little more about myself. My name is Bryan Roberts aka robbo, I am 33 years old and from Australia. I have been married for 5 years now and have two beautiful little girls. I have a huge Lego collection and currently it is insured for about $40,000 AUS. I do have more than that but as a Risk Manager in a local council to reduce my premium amount i split my collection. Half at my house...the rest at my parents. Star wars Lego brought me out of my dark years and since then my Lego collection has ballooned. Curse you Lucus....my bank manager could have been allot happier. My collection consists of every star wars set since 1999 and in some cases multiples for army building. I must take a pic of my 60 rebel troopers some day and show you. I also have every castle, city and train set from the past few years. I also have a viking army of 100 plus troops. Before my dark ages i had a nice collection of castle, pirate, classic space, trains, city which i still have in mint condition. But my number one passion is castle Lego, would you believe i have just bought my th Orc battle ship. I do have dreams of building a massive battle scene MOC with a huge castle under siege from several different factions. My time is very limited as my priorities are my family and work but one day i hope to share with you my creatively about 30 odd years of experience. The main reason why i come here is to admire the talent of the members ......Eurobricks is truly an amazing place and i just love what i am seeing in the castle forum at the moment. I also just love the amount of Aussies that visit here and some of you have climbed the ranks superbly, i have always been curious just how many of us to visit Eurobricks. I think we would rival some the bigger nations..lol
  8. I was very fortunate to have a tattslotto win just as this Legend set was released, one day online i noticed that Lego.com had them discounted and i just took the plunge...lol Just wondering if you have seen my crown army?Visit My Crown Army I have always loved this set and it was a perfect way to build up a decent army and get a great parts pack...who can forget those yellow tudor walls. My only limiting factor is my work is crazy and i have two beautiful girls to look after.....Maybe one day i will get to my MOCs
  9. Great review.......I just love this set and thats why i bought 50 sets of the 10039 when they came on sale. I just love the sight of my 300+ falcon army in formation and the parts that come with this set are great for MOCs. Hopefully one day i will have the time to build my falcon castle using the 50 sets. I am really enjoying the quality of reviews these days.....again well done.
  10. How often does Kmart have vouchers like this?.....this is the first time i have heard of it. An incredible saving for those lucky ones who found it, i will have to check the Kmart site more often.
  11. Oh i love this scene....it so reminds me of 20 years ago when i use to make scenes like this of my classic space (certainly not to this quality of course). Love your sense of humour, the more i look at the photo the more i find.....great detail.
  12. Wow.....having just read the past 23 pages i am simply stunned and sitting here in amazement with all the work that has been done so far. Congratulations to all the organizers and participants and thanks for making this front page news. Can i suggest maybe having a plan of the castle with a link to a photo of each module. This has to be one of the best projects undertaken by Eurobrick members since i have been here......Well Done.
  13. It brought a tear to my eye when my 2 year old daughter joined two lego bricks together. I totally encourage her playing with my built sets and she already has a favorite set which is the Coast Guard Helicopter 7738. She gets great enjoyment by swishing the blades around and putting a Lego man on top so he can twirl around. Even pulling off the windscreen to pull out the two pilots and place them in the back, closing the doors behind them. She can play there for over half an hour, totally supervised of course. I have two daughters now the youngest only two months old and will never stop them from playing with my (their) Lego. The eldest has already got sets of her own which are a couple of Thomas duplo sets. I received my first set 28 odd years ago now so i have collected allot of sets and some are priceless to me but i will always let my daughters play with them as i have always done with my 5 nephews. As long as they treated my Lego with respect they were always allowed full access to my collection which include every star wars system set. My two year old can say gentle quite clearly now and she knows the Lego is quite special to me. To some extent i think she realizes just how lucky she is that she can spend this special time with her dad. Not once has she put a piece in her mouth and of course i would never leave he alone with it until she was old enough.
  14. According to the Target web site the toy catalog will be made available from the 7 November
  15. Thanks for the information, i must go an have a look at my local store.
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