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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Riftx

  • Birthday 02/01/1989

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  1. It could easily have been the persons personal choice to do it that way. Both adorable and cute
  2. It seems a bit weird that the mix and murp pages on the site only show the confirmed downloads, thought all the others might have been put up by now?
  3. I direct you to early G1 Transformers, having figures look nothing like the character is nothing new
  4. Now these I gotta see, particularly your Klinkers and Weldos ones
  5. While a no doubt inspired name, for a creative childrens toy it might seem a tad bit excessive
  6. It's probably just me, but I'm getting the feeling the MCFD Max might have a secondary form. The top of the head looks like the from of a truck and with the wheels on the limbs well..?
  7. Spectrum wise that pic bugs. Why ain't the Weldos and Electroids together? Otherwise, daum(!) seeing that is tempting me to retry my mega mix max again
  8. It's more city park maintenance the trash cleaning. Everything there is to do with foliage, hence why they are green. But on closer look it may actually be cleaning, didn't notice the hand helds
  9. Any and all? The whole point of the series is mixing anything with any other. Only ones you have to get are the ones you want, lest of course you want to get a max, then it's the whole tribe
  10. Well considering we have a pyromaniac and a one eyed thief. I'd say still rather antagonist, but maybe there will be some 'civilian' nixels
  11. Multi limbed max, almost called that for the mixies. Plus the MCPD pretty much is a police themed munchos max
  12. Chances are (if true) we will get a screen/monitor, similar to Busto, a computer tower, with its mouth like a disk slot and either a mouse or computer chip
  13. You're surprised? They always announced them in groups of 3. First 1-3 then 4-6
  14. Now I'm interested in see what the Max's will be? Police: Da Chief! Otherwise I got nothing Music: hello one man band alla Bert from Mary Poppins Castle: perhaps just the or a knight shield/sword Fire department: I'm seeing a weldos variet with a water pipe arm Pirate: maybe a ship looking one or Jack Sparrow! Dentist: nothing but a big honking smile with lotsss of teeth!
  15. I can see what you mean about the ladder one, but it looks like that's its entire head, Lunk only had his at the top Plus I feel like all these new sets work with how the most recent episode ended. A full city would require services (police, fire, hospital, construction) Plus it is fairly safe bet that Busto will be the one with a nixel in his tribe
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