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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Igniton

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  1. He looks so much better than i expected. I thought that he would be skinny, hollow and flimsy, but he's not. I still have kinda mixed feelings about his lower legs. He is currently the best villain set of whole G2 in my opinion. I really have to consider do I want to buy him. But there is still one thing that I am curious about. How does he look with Mask of Control and the creature on his back at the same time. Another great review by the way.
  2. I am so happy that set like this has been ever released. That is amazing how all the little details come together to create something that beautiful. There is too much things to look at and a lot is going on. The play features are great. Level of detail is amazing. Construction technics and the uncommon ways of attaching parts for a great effect, ohhhh... I don't know what to say next. I am so impressed. I feel that it may be my favorite set ever.
  3. Great job. That is incredible what can be build using pieces from so small sets.
  4. I got 75040 General Grievous' Wheel Bike and 9448 Samurai Mech.
  5. Hi, welcome to Eurobricks! And as you asked me to do, I "write that we know each other" :v
  6. Entry 1 (the only one): The Stranger Full gallery Please be understanding towards me. I've been limited by quantity, shape and colors of parts that I have. I was trying to do my best with parts that I have. I tried to build it as best as I could with the parts that I have. I'm glad that I could take part in this contest and have fun with the build. I am really sorry if I wrote something incorrectly. Note: The pictures were taken by the phone.
  7. The best set from this wave!
  8. I really like that set, especially the chopper trike.
  9. Cool minifigure!
  10. Igniton


    This is freakin' awesome! It looks like a huge Classic Space set and the landing pad, because of the way it's build, kinda resembles top of the Milenium Falcon :b
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