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Eurobricks Vassals
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About mfrazier

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    star wars

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  1. Tony Great great upgrade to an iconic loco. Will you have instructions for this in your Bricklink store?
  2. I have asked for payment instructions several times but never received a response. But I the last response mentions the use of magnets. Have these been removed from the modal?
  3. This part is being used in many of the newest super-car MOC's. But it only came in the big Porsche set, so only comes in orange. I would love to build several of these MOC's, but only orange cars gets old. Does anyone know if it will be included in a future set in another color? If not what are other choices - 3D printed, painting or ??
  4. Shock is 48912c01. Great suspension and interior.
  5. Absolutely amazing. The interior is incredible.
  6. Very nice. Took a good LEGO model and made it great with added details.
  7. Great MOC. Thanks for the file.
  8. Fantastic model. Looking forward to instructions.
  9. Agree, and I also on postsMichael
  10. Thank you Michael
  11. cjd223 Did you use Henrik's updated instructions with the better support? Michael
  12. I asked this question on the BB-8 Builders Club forum and got this response. I don't know if it is accurate, but - BB is the moniker for Bothan Ball Droids, located on a secretive Homeworld few have ever seen. Rumors swirl about a nearly magical high tech manufacturing facility where the BB series is produced, but left inactivated until delivery. The units are powered on by their ordering purchaser and do not have any way to identify the location of their manufacturer. Repair sites are scattered across the Outer and Inner Systems in case of a need for parts. The first few series of BB droids were not as successful but do make appearances in the Star Wars saga. For example, the black hemispherical BB-1 series droid in the sand crawler scenes on Tatooine, the flying BB-1.5 light saber trainer drone, and the far more sinister BB-2T Imperial Torture droid (which was a design iteration from the light saber training droid, rumored to be the last development cycle by the previous leadership of Bothan Ball before an internal build team staged a coup using their own iteration of BB technology).
  13. I built one also
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