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  1. BSC – BlueSmartControl – Newsletter Dear friends of BlueSmartControl! After a long time of testing and improving we are ready to offer our BlueSmartControl Units. We have done a lot of research in the pastand the results are finally here! A list of the great Features of BSC: 1. 6 Output channels each with a powerful 3A driver at max 11.5V! 2. 4 Digital inputs for sensors, switches, etc. 3. One of the digital Inputs can be configured to be used to connect to a serial RFID-Reader 4. RESPONSE control is the most powerful function of BSC! 5. Ready for use with an optional extension module. With this BSC-EM you have another 10 digital inputs for switches and 4 inputs for future extensions. 6. Very small footprint which gives you the chance to hide this module inside your model! We have made the smallest possible housing, not depending on LEGO© measurements, so you are able to use it with LEGO©, FischerTechnik, Matador. Just let your imagination flow....... A key feature of this design is that all devices (motors, leds,…) are connected by means of PFS adapters which you can order in the specific length you need for your model – so you save a lot of space! And much more - the adapter you need for your other models you can build by yourself, because we use standard 2mm Pitch Sockets from Molex! To give you a more LEGO© feeling we will also offer an adapter plate to place the BSC Unit on LEGO© studs! 7. Last but not least our Android App has been growing to be a very powerful Control Center. The BSC App can control all kinds of models, and some specific functions can turn your train system into a fully automated train system. There are a lot of videos in the internet, especially on YouTube, just search for BlueSmartControl! Please visit our new webshop, You will find the link also on our homepage: https://bluesmartcontrol.jimdo.com/shop/ If You have any more questions please send us an email to: office@bluesmartcontrol.com
  2. Hello LEGO Friends The long awaited BlueSmartControl is live on Kickstarter ! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1628872772/bluesmartcontrol-remote-lego-or-fischertechnik-cre?ref=nav_search BUT, please read the whole info, because this is not just another S......, its a complete new and different approach to control LEGO's or even any other LowVoltage (11Volt) Motors or Lights or whatever You like ! It is a Remote Control Center with Response Control, that means You will get infos back from Your Model, e.g. if the lever is fully extracted or if the supports of the ground and so on. There is no limit in the possibilities this Unit will bring to You. It can Control up to six Motors or lights and supports 4 Response chanels. And You can connect an RFID reader to it, so You will e.g know where Your train is all the time !!! The housing is so small, so it will fit even in the smallest model. Hope You will like this new product Whenever You have a question, please send me an PN Andreas
  3. @ epic technic Did You read the Patent ???? If Yes, yo should have seen that even the way where the signals are located on the connector is covered !!!!!! Do You remember how Long LEGO was fighten the patent for brick in the 90's -- good luck for everybody to overcome. The SBrick Design is NOT VERY different!!!
  4. Some notes to BSC As iOS is not a Major issue in europe they foccused on Android, I suppose ! According to BT4.0 Spec it should be compatible to BT2.1 !! I checked with LEGO 1 year ago: The PF Connectors Patent was issued 2014 !! SBrick is violating a lot Patents !!!!!! An official request to LEGO got this answer: Take a laywer, we are not telling you if you can make your own PF connector !!!! best regards Andreas
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