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About Smitty500

  • Birthday 06/04/1993

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    Star Wars of course

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  1. True.. I just always admired yours! Very cool! its such an odd windscreen to begin with. Neat to see it implemented well into a Star Wars build. Post more! Who knows long they'll take.
  2. I had to log in to comment (I've been lurking). Welcome back! Another superb model! Those windscreens look brand new. Also, I still love your gunship over the official one.
  3. How is this any different than Brickvault, who's whole site is 80% Star Wars?
  4. This is incredible! I didn't think it would be possible to cram an interior into this thing. That Ramp mechanism is really clever and just makes the model so much better.
  5. Wow, that is incredible! I attempted this a few years ago but was not satisfied with the way the legs moved and the weight of the model could not be carried by the motor I used. I am interested in looking at your instructions to see how you made it work!
  6. I honestly would not have noticed this was Lepin at first. I would think if the mods had a problem with it, they would have removed it already. I think the real problem is just the lack of building ingenuity. I am sorry. I am going to be blunt. It just looks like you cobbled pieces on top of the original 10174. I understand that it is your own variation, but making it a variation in your own world can lessen the appeal, especially to those who worship canon. I personally just dont think it's that interesting as a model, but I'll give some feedback. I like the the little side hatch thing, that's pretty cool. The tank thing on the back is a nice touch, and your added greebling is good, especially the back. The only thing that needs improved are the feet.
  7. I would agree with this. That is pretty unique figure. Has some value to people who collect misprinted pieces. but I can't say for sure.
  8. OK. This is a pretty sweet build! it's a welcome update to the Land speeder but it could have waited another year.
  9. Thank you! I believe so too! Thanks Veymon! Thanks Reaper. I had thought of making a custom one, but then I saw Lego had just made a nice big cloth piece.
  10. Long have I planned on making this ship, but there wasn't any part available without having to make a custom one for the fan portion. Once I saw that new parachute piece lego released, I knew that would would be the perfect part to use as the fan portion, and so building began. two months later, I came up with this.. Fanblade Starfighter
  11. Wow! The Vignettes kept getting better and better! The upside down boat was the perfect piece. Then I see Admiral Ackbar hands are those Bionicle heads (I believe). Then Peppers Ghost effect in the last one. Really brilliant!
  12. Hi All, Just wanted to share my custom Bantha, It is 3D printed, sanded and painted to give a real LEGO look. It is based off the Original Trilogy game's version. I am hoping to model the new one here soon based on the newer games model. https://www.flickr.com/photos/113021024@N05/48955010108/in/dateposted-public/
  13. another point is that there are always new people getting into the theme. Whether they are just becoming old enough to play with LEGOs, or they are coming out of their "dark age". While we can complain all we want about it. I would be afraid if they gave us everything the fans/collectors asked for, the brand would become fatigued a lot quicker and could ruin sales in the long run. Just because you have an x-wing or multiple Millennium Falcons, doesn't mean that some else has them, and would like am opportunity to buy one.
  14. Very clean looking, and smooth! Have any photos to see the top
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