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  1. Based on your past comments on the subject it's obvious you posted the con side because you agree with it, which is fine. Though there is something to be said for being fair and objective on a topic and presenting all sides. Exactly, you don't know how genuine my experience is/was. I agree with you that people are smart enough to see things for what they are and for making their own decisions. However, I believe they should be able to do so without being bullied to agree or not agree with the majority or minority. What a silly thing for you to say.
  2. In all fairness, shouldn't both links pro and con be included on SDCC exclusives?
  3. You have no idea what you are taking about :iamded_lol: . It would behoove you to get your facts straight before making false accusations against someone. Your "guess", (accusation), is 100% wrong. Everything I have posted about my first time experiences with LEGO during San Diego Comic Con 2014 on this forum is 100% accurate. I can back up everything I have said. The only thing "odd" are your obnoxious comments regarding me. Want to say something true about me, fine. Say something untrue about me, not fine. *Edited for spacing. Oh and want to "check" if that's true, then ask the mods to show this response before I edited it .
  4. That is a very good question . The topic would make for a very interesting debate/discussion . I imagine the answer(s) given would depend on a few things. Who the question is presented to, and who is supplying the answer(s).
  5. Nobody is perfect of course. However, LEGO and every company in the world do have to adhere to business law and practices. It's not just about "a few people planning on making $$$". Re read what I said. It's much deeper than that. You can add the people who could not attend past cons who paid the high price of those selling. Should they be penalized for wanting their fig or set? Many people complain about those selling them for whatever price but let's remember one thing: Nobody forces anyone to pay anything for an item. The market determines price. I disagree. If LEGO re release advertised exclusive, limited items, they would possibly be violating business and advertising law as well as damage LEGO's trust, credibility, and word. All of which would go down the drain. Understandable. However, nobody forces you to do so. The second people STOP paying exorbitant, after market prices is the day it stops. Sadly, I doubt that will happen and I don't think the solution is to try to force others from buying or winning exclusives just because some people are upset they couldn't acquire the item(s). I don't believe that's a fair and equitable solution. Pre order can be your friend . *Edited for spelling.
  6. Thanks for the comments fred67 it's interesting hearing everyone's views. For me, the exclusives (the sets they were selling initially, and also a shot at winning a minifig at the contest) are what attracted me back to LEGO from a kid as a now adult. I have to sadly say the exclusives for purchase set up were done rather poorly at the LEGO booth. On Saturday and Sunday LEGO was both deceptive and unethical (no other words for it) in their behavior. I won't rehash what happened (see my original post for details,) but there were definitely shenanigans going on both by LEGO mainly, as well as a few "dealers" in line who were supposed to be regular con attendees. As for the minifig contest give away, I felt that was run fairly well (though making fans wait outside in the hot sun wasn't the most fan friendly thing). I didn't notice anybody (fans or LEGO) pulling a fast one, which is good. I did hear LEGO ended the line early even though they still had a box full of figs still left. That seems a bit odd. Where did the figs go and why didn't more fans have the opportunity to win them? As for people either winning a fig or buying a LE set and then later selling them via Ebay, etc. While I don't want to pay some crazy price for anything I can understand (to a degree, and if the person bought/won their item legitimately without cheating or early access, etc), someone selling them for as much as they can get. It costs time and money to attend an event and those that do spend hours and hours waiting on line. So I understand (though don't like) their doing so. It's pretty simple in that when people buy something they want to pay as little as possible, but when they sell something they want as much as possible. That's commerce and human nature. Doing so unethically and dishonestly is what bugs me. This is such an emotional subject and I understand both sides of the topic. Whether collectible or a subject, we all have different things we are into and passionate about. It's totally reasonable to want something and to feel upset or annoyed when we don't get it. Case in point, the limited LEGO sets you could purchase (with a voucher/ticket) at SDCC. I did the line thing 4 days (or was it all 5?, lol, it is all a blur now with all the time spent on line), and while I didn't get their early enough the first few times, I was there early enough to have received said vouchers Sat and Sun. If it weren't for LEGO's sneakiness and unethical behavior those days I would have. One set to open, one to keep closed. In spite of that I wouldn't tell LEGO to stop making them just because I didn't get them the first two days, I would though definitely tell them not to play dishonest games with customers the way they did those two days of the con. As I said in an earlier post, LEGO might look into having a limited pre sales as does Mattel and a few other vendors at Comic Con. Set aside say 25% of stock so anyone who cannot attend the con has a chance to purchase them online. Of course that will also cause complaints (I don't own a PC, my PC is slow, there are too little to sell, it's not fair, etc). I'm not saying none of those complaints are not valid, but it's impossible to do it in a perfect way to please everyone. What LEGO shouldn't do is go back an re issue anything they already released as an exclusive, limited item at Comic Con or anywhere else. That would seriously damage their reputation, credibility, and honesty with toy fans in general, as well as the LEGO customers who spent their time, effort, and money to attend the convention and spend at the LEGO store. LEGO might possibly, and I am saying possibly, also be violating certain truth in advertising laws by doing so too. I think pre order might be a partial viable solution to satisfy both sides of the coin .
  7. Uh oh, an exclusive... Do you know how many are being made by LEGO? Also curious how this is different than the "only at San Diego Comic Con 2014" Star Wars ship and figure was (was in line for it 4 days, no chance of getting it the first two days (my fault for not going early enough), however LEGO was deceitful, the last two days of the show, and I and many others, who had low line numbers and should have got a set, didn't) . Is only the minifig different? I wonder how LEGO can say the SDCC 2014 set was exclusive to SDCC since it looks like the ship is exactly the same. Hmmm.
  8. I wasn't aware my posting (an invited posting by a mod to start my own "pro exclusive" thread) opinion and experiences was "gasoline" or "entertainment". It is interesting you did not add anything to the discussion however, which to me, more represents "bringing gasoline to a fire". Thank you for your input RM, however I don't see how attacking my views on the subject adds to it. You don't have to agree with why someone believes exclusives can be a good thing. Calling the examples given "cruddy", doesn't appear to be a constructive way of sharing why you agree or not agree with the reasons stated. I'd also like you to know I could care less if agf is mad at me or not. I don't know him and could care less. SG. My experiences with LEGO at SDCC were/are real. Some people may have had similar experiences others not. Lets try to stick to the subject matter of this thread in a mature, adult way. I'm surprised how difficult that is for some of you.
  9. The word "product" has more than one definition. One definition of "product" is: a thing produced by labor. The LEGO minfigs are created for a give away/contest for promotion/marketing purposes and do not have to be "sold" to qualify as product. They are products. Nonsense. I am not "railing" about anything. Just giving my view on a topic. Also, you have "no idea" regarding what I "know" and "do not know". Your putting spin on terminology used in my thread and other people's comments in other threads is pointless and serves no propose other than to try and unsuccessfully deflect what the average person fully comprehends we are talking about. Additionally, repeating what you consider "not product" over and over does not make your statement any more accurate. I do agree with you that LEGO has no obligation to anyone, other than to LEGO and its shareholders. That's pretty obvious. However, advertising a contest/promotion/give away (free or otherwise), with rules/statements included in the fine print, do have to abide by multiple state laws. Can LEGO or anyone else basically say how their contest/promotion is run? Yes, but they do have to adhere to those laws. To be fair, lets say LEGO does not have to adhere to any laws governing giveaways/contests. To clarify, the minifig "promotion" was a contest and not something just handed out to everyone who walked by LEGO until they ran out. LEGO employees scanned your badge and you had an approximately 50/50 chance to "win" said figure. I would imagine that most companies, including LEGO, care about their reputation with their public/customer base. That in and of itself is reason for LEGO to adhere to rules it lists, as well as statements it makes publicly regarding contests and or sales of items. If you read my entire "Open Letter to LEGO", you would have realized I also mentioned the three exclusive, limited edition sets they were selling as part of my comments. Not that I believe there should a difference in behaving ethically and decently regarding customers depending on whether the company is running a contest or selling an item. Either way, there are points and feelings on both side, pro and con, concerning limited editions/exclusives at Comic Con. I don't believe however that those with differing views should attack or insult each other for their feelings, interpretations, or observations. Makes you wonder what? Sadly, most of what you said is true. Though you would think that all companies would care about their customer base, because as you said, it is about profit.
  10. Why can't LEGO or any other company or person make original and interesting exclusive products once in a while? Thanks. I'm not sure to be honest. Would I have given LEGO a good portion of my time if they were available any old time? No way. Would I make a special trip next time to LEGO (or any other manufacturer) to spend my money on a common, everyday item? No again. Is it a little extra special owning something that's different or a bit more creative from the norm, original, limited, etc. Yes it is. Wanted to add. Do I think LEGO ran their sales booth well? No freaking way. What they did Saturday and Sunday was underhanded, sneaky, and possibly illegal (false advertising). Is the world going to end because of it, or is it important in the grand scheme of life? Of course not. Do I understand it stinks not getting something you want? Sure do. Wish I had gotten the Batman, Collector, and the 3 limited sets to purchase, yet I say again, I feel that doesn't give me or anyone else the right to demand LEGO shouldn't make them. I mean I spent time, money, and part of my day trying to win and buy them was not happy about winning or the nonsense LEGO pulled Saturday and Sunday. Yet, I don't want LEGO to stop doing the exclusives. LEGO totally failed with the purchased exclusive sets, IMO. Something is definitely fishy about that. LEGO has been asked about it on the net and so far, not one response.
  11. If you want be goofy about it then knock yourself out . Let's add to your comment above: Are you saying those who have access to food, water, and condiments shouldn't be allowed to consume them? Anyway, there is no need for being snide, nastiness or fighting. Having different views and sides to things is good and I have no problem with it. While attending any convention or taking any trip is usually not a free thing. I don't think those that choose and attend them should be penalized because someone else either doesn't want to or can't attend. Hey I didn't win a Batman or Collector but I am not telling LEGO not to make them just because I didn't win one. That would be pretty selfish and self centered. I didn't go to CC for anything LEGO. Seeing the exclusive LEGO Comic Con items whose designs I liked, attracted me to their product. Taking that away because some can't or don't want to go is a bad business decision in my opinion. Some very original and cool products come out because of any company doing exclusives. Comic Con has many of them.
  12. Nice you agree with me, though of course you don't have to . I am amazed you believe you know how much it cost me to attend the event. You are wrong however. I believe anyone/everyone is free to do as they please unless incarcerated. I am not saying everyone has the funds, vacation time, desire to travel or attend the convention, only that they are free to do so. Not editing anything .
  13. Excuse me? Listen pal if you think I am going to take your harassment you are sadly mistaken. You made a post that complained about the subject and asked for opinions. I and others responded. Then you get nasty with anyone who did not share the same opinion as you. a mod had to step in for Pete sake. I say to the mod it's all good, then you say .You couldn't resist could you? Try keeping your word. Anyway, the same mod suggested I post my own thread why I think it's a good thing to have limited and exclusive items which I did here. So, to satisfy (not that I have to) your "curiosity", I would like to point out this is the only thread I posted about why I believe limited exclusives are fine. The system here double posted and I instructed the mods to delete another post which is blank by the way.
  14. Unfortunately the same things are not available to everyone no matter what the item. While what you say could be true, there are plenty of products and contests not available in my hometown, state, and country that I can't access,buy, or win. I am not happy about it but stopping it is not the answer. Additionally, I suggested a limited pre order as well .
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