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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Simarilius

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  1. Hey guys just a heads up that the ebook of Peter Reids Lego Space: building the future is in the current humble book bundle, along with several other lego books (like Sariels Incredible technic creations) You can get all of them for about what 1 costs normally on amazon. https://www.humblebundle.com/books
  2. Just a heads up for anyone interested in this book that the ebook version of it is in the current Humble book Bundle along with a couple of other lego books https://www.humblebundle.com/books
  3. Can I use a non lego pen? Dont really want to spend 5 quid on one of these: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?G=x245px1
  4. 6:10 4:6 37:4 27:3 36:2 11:1 Some really good entries, great job everyone.
  5. Since I just bought an unplanned 42030 (33% off was too good to pass up) I'll keep an eye for a good deal on an NXT as a starter to see if I actually play with it, can always get an EV3 later :)
  6. Looks really nice. got that classic style down well. Second the request for more pics :)
  7. Thanks for the heads up on this, colleague and me had been trying to get these on the Argos deal unsucessfully, just ordered them through very.
  8. Very cool model, and great presentation! Very impressed!
  9. Ah, I'd forgotten the quad was a single cylinder. guess that reverts my comment back to faultless :)
  10. That handle/trigger mechanism is genius. Looks fantastic too. Would love to see this modded with some pucker rotorblades once the contest is over.
  11. Looks great. Not entirely convinced by the 1 cyl engine, but other than that couldnt really fault it.
  12. Pretty sure its the pin in these: which isnt meant to come out. (if you search bricklink for 40345 you'll see set and date info)
  13. What country are you in? If your in the uk then if you want one with lots of little drawers, amazon has some decent looking ones (havent actually bought any of these) if you search for "draper parts organiser" I've got a couple of these: http://www.wilko.com/tool-bags-boxes+storage/wilko-organiser-case-4-drawers/invt/0343928 and some more of these: http://www.wilko.com/tool-bags-boxes+storage/wilko-large-organizer-clear/invt/0343099?VBMST=&VBMTC=aed2160ab871215415a7cc4ccc4c6032 they had them in my local store and it was the cheapest I found them.
  14. Just looking on Ebay, and theres a fair few NXT 2 sets at reasonable prices, just wondering if its worth picking one up as a starting point to play with as I dont really want to blow the money on an EV3, or if theres enough of a difference to hold out and save up for the newer one?
  15. Argos are doing the 3 for 2 on toys again. Amazon has the at-at for 72.99, the snow speeder for 25.43, the b-wing for 38.95 and the Technic Volvo for 132.99
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