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Eurobricks Vassals
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About treffer21

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    star wars

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  1. Its correct, he was the guy who did the instruction for cavegod. I built that Version also and there are many Mistakes and you have to Do many changes as you can see in this topic. Right now some guys are working (also in cooperation with cavegod) on version2 of that beast....with Interieur and so on. Cheers Stefan
  2. Wow, Excited to See a New onecase moc.
  3. But who wants to build this Model with used parts?? Hard to find parts are also the 4 Black wheels in the engine. I think you can calculate with 700-800 eur All New parts. cheers stefan
  4. Happy birthday, Mirko! All the best. Hope You never get tired of designing new mocs! Do you make a break?? "Coming soon" date is feb 2024 Cheers Stefan
  5. Awesome, thats what i need. Finished my buil yesterday but the lower engine are to heavy without modification. Cant wait for monkfiche mods. Great build ,kit bricksto. Really awesome size and look! Cheers Stefan
  6. in progress. so far no problems. great and clear instruction. stable build. 2 little kids around so it goes slowly, but steady! ;-) I enjoy every step :-) Cheers Stefan
  7. instruction is here, all bricks are here...now i am counting and sorting. Instruction is awesome... again a masterpiece. Thx mirko Cheers stefan
  8. Wow, really excited now!! @StarBricksdoes the .ldr file for the parts coming with mail directly after ordering or with usb stick in the parcel? Counting the days now. Go b goooo
  9. He still will have an happy birthday?
  10. And there are enough instructions ? they are not sold out after 1 hour, right? i would die if they are sold out before i get mine! go b project gooooooooooo cheers stefan
  11. So its already touching the finish line? Great news!! Can t wait for this masterpiece! Gooooo B Gooooo! Cheers Stefan
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