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Eurobricks Knights
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  1. SO getting this. Propably twice. Blacktron I is my favorite space theme by a country mile, and this just looks brilliant. Plus, the original Renegade is the only Blacktron 1 set I don't yet have (completely, piecing it together slowly, only missing 2 yellow 4596 now) Next, I'd like a remake of the Message Intercept Base, please :D. (best set ever)
  2. If that's real, it's a really cool looking set, and one I will get sooner rather than later (or propably never, as with the last two). Finally something I can put next to my tube station :D
  3. Thanks, @LL1982 & @jalemac34!
  4. That's utterly comical The Botanical Garden looks very good though. Extremely similar color scheme to the friends set, but that's not a bad thing in this case. Seems like we get another new transparent panel to form the corners of the glass roofs. Or did that exits before?
  5. This about sums it up for me, too. Floor height and level of detail of a Creator 3 in 1 building, but footprint of an XL modular were my initial thoughts. Weird. At least teh Sanctum Sanctorum looked cool on the outside. The "two" middle floors that are actually just one was a slap in the face, though.
  6. On the other hand, if they retire the Museum after three years, the 20th anniversary would be just in time for a new larger building. And I don't expect the Museum to be around for even close as long as Assembly Square. 3-5 years seems to be the usual shelf life expectancy for modulars nowadays. Assembly Square being available for 7 years is a huge anomaly (for the modulars, and even more so for Lego sets in general)
  7. Mostly residential corner could be very interesting. Provided, they actually make a real, full corner building and don't scam us out of half of it like they did with the last two with their reduced footprints. It also would ne a nice change to the residential buildings we got so far, which basically were the two two-building sets. And as the corner is a given imho, I think we won't get two separat(abl)e buildings this time.
  8. It's a tight race. Corner Garage is up there aswell for me. For me, it's not so much the colors, though. The only thing I don't like about the color scheme is the azure tone for the ground floor of the Jazz Club. Dark red/light gray and bright light yellow/medium nougat are cool color combos for the buildings, imo, and also fit together overall. But the overall look of it doesn't work for me. The entire Jazz Club part of the set just looks lackluster and not very appealing. It's basically a big dark red box with some totally random details tacked onto it. I fail to see an architectural idea behind it. And the 'stained class' style windows on the upper floor don't help either, making the set seem rather gloomy in any normal setting (without lighting inside). It's propably the first modular where I like the throwaway smaller building better than the main one. Usually, those just annoy me .
  9. If it is indeed a townhouse, I'm curious which architecturalk style it'll be. Might be the first interesting modular since the Boutique Hotel.
  10. @Feuer Zug Thank you! @hugore & @jus1973: Don't mind at all - it's great when my MOC inspires you to start your own. Be sure to share results when you have them, would like to see that!
  11. @Yperio_Bricks, @hugore Thank you! I already had them lying around & I think they add a nice splash of color .
  12. After taking some time off from Moccing, it's finally time to present my latest MOC! This modular building represents a traditional small german brewery as you can still find them in a lot of villages and towns all over the country - a village brewery, or "Dorfbrauerei" in german :). The brewery features the various tanks and coops required for the brewing process, a small bar/restaurant and a cosy beer garden outside - where a mighty old tree offers welcome shade in the summer time! The MOC sits on a 32x32 baseplate and is fully modular. Despite its rather small size, it consists of almost 3000 pieces - around 600 alone were required to build the tree! Let me take you on a quick tour through and around the building - more pictures can be found on flickr The attic. The annex with the brewery itself features fully brick-built windows. When the tree is otherwise occupied, you can get a better view of the facade facing the beer garden ;) Hope my 'small' MOC brings you as much joy as it brought me when building it! Cheers, Tobias
  13. Very nice! Great overall design, nice building techniques everywhere and neat little details.
  14. While it propably is a decent attempt at recreating it without resorting to prints to better capture the face/facial expression... this is fuel for nightmares. It's like "Mona Lisa, but she looks angry because of a horrible alien growth on her forehead". Her torso is fine, the background is fine, but the face and facial expression are just completely off, imho. Even leaving the shape of the forehead aside - having the entire forehead elevated by one tile creates too much of a brow, which gives her eyes a mean expression that is nowhere near the soft, peaceful look she has on the original.
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