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About truebricklove

  • Birthday 09/08/1985

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  1. Could it be the world release of the app LEGO Life?
  2. This is beautiful! It makes me want to actually be in it.
  3. It's so clean and organized! The colors go so well together! I hope many wonderful Lego memories are created in this room!
  4. This room is beautiful! I'd never want to leave it. Was it really expensive to BL the MF?
  5. This is so beautiful! I instantly thought of Ocean Drive and it brought back many pleasant memories! The interior is also just perfect. It has that warm and inviting diner atmosphere! I wish real restaurants only had booths. That is the kind of seating I prefer! Hahahaha awesome MOC!
  6. Definitely the Detective's Office. Hopefully it's in stock at my Lego Store so I can also redeem the March coupon for the free Build-a-Mini!
  7. Does anyone know when the Easter one will be released?
  8. Zoinks! This is going to be fun to build and photograph!
  9. Wow! That roof is so intricate! Good thing Stian didn't fall through it while the dwarves were there!
  10. Thank you Captain Braunsfeld and Balbo! Slegengr, I'll try to find your posts! Castles sound marvelous!
  11. I love the fact that the building has a number! That small detail makes it so real! Awesome!
  12. This is beautiful! The guy throwing up is the best scene! Ah, the beauty of youth and knowing no limits.
  13. This topic is awesome, just followed it. Everyone's input is very helpful. I definitely agree that building the modular sets gives you a feel for making a MOC. Although I am no where near the level of expertise of photos in this thread, I have done a few trial and errors. I think it's fun that way, to learn and build based on your own findings and growing it into better ideas.
  14. This is beautiful! The palm tree makes me feel like I'm somewhere tropical! Did you have a specific location in mind while you were building it? My favorite part is the kitchen!
  15. Hello, Slegengr and adventurer1! I mostly build according to instructions, but I've also created a few of my own Modular Buildings. Those are my favorite sets, specifically the Green Grocer because I love FOOD! What are you into? We're the best kind! HAHA! It'll be my day soon enough.
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