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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Looks amazing! I hope the red roof lifts off, would suck if there were only 2 'full' floors. Will also be interesting to see how deep the blue building is, I wonder if its going to be more shallow than the main one
  2. I just built this, and wanted to say it was one of the best Lego building experiences I've had. The techniques and technic math to get slight angles on the legs while still being sturdy are genius. I was expecting the angles on the armor plating to be super flimsy, but it's generally solid. I especially liked the shoulder build and how you got a slight angle on the chest armor. Not to mention how all the articulation and play features are still in tact, and in some cases enhanced (Like being able to rotate the head). All while using less than the original pieces in the set (and keeping everything symmetrical and the part use still feeling purposeful, unlike other alt builds. Wizardry.) Overall it looks fantastic, the proportions are on point and it is getting the most prominent spot on my shelf. (It's so huge it would still be the most prominent thing regardless of where I put it though lol). Incredible job ransom fern!
  3. My headcanon is that this is inspired by new orelans so the primary colors arent too out of place actually with that logic
  4. Looking at the modular leaks again and I think it really is just the color scheme that bugs me. Red blue yellow is just too "basic" of a combination for me I think changing the bottom floor to something else may really help its overall look Also, doing the math and it seems like the jazz club is really deep. Should be at least a 20 x 18 footprint. So we shouldnt have to worry about interior space this time around despite the third floor not going fully across
  5. I think i found how im gonna display botique hotel on my street: as a straight between PR and pet shop. It actually works as a straight building since it takes up about 28 studs of horizontal space on the side, more than downtown diner does. Since pet shop is also short it helps blend the height with other modulars. And next to parisian the other side of the building isn't completley hidden. I personally think the layout makes more sense this way than as a corner.
  6. Yeah, honestly I agree. I think this is better than parisian restaraunt. Theres a lot of really bold choices in here, and some people may not like them (color choices, the unique layout that limits its displayability with other modulars ) but I think (in a vaccum) it results in the most visually appealing modular they've done. The color scheme is really nice, the details are very intricate and even extend around the back, and the interior is great and has a lot of nice builds. The best part is the architectural style, very inspired. Only criticisms is the plam tree is just okay, and I wish the building was 2 bricks taller.
  7. Do you have the ldd file? I'm planning on extending the height by 2-3 bricks to be "standard" modular height. Its too short imo.
  8. Aanchir has been documenting the floor area space of each modular, and apparently botique hotel has the most floor area out of any modular that's not town hall or assembly square, despite the shape making it appear smaller. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Uvy5XSmGY_8Y9iPLYTtqNEsbbF0acRgY0MEhH1RMbhI/htmlview The first floors actually pretty big. https://i.imgur.com/DGKDao4.jpg I guess its easy to forget that even though the older modulars were bigger on the outside, they had things like big holes in the floor on grand emporium, or only having 2 floors on sets like fire brigade
  9. Molded the second level of ninjago city gardens to be structurally stable. For those not in the know: if you pick up this level on one side in the official set it will snap in half. Middle is too flimsy, fixed that here. Added some greenery to cover up the extra structure, I think the layout makes more sense this way anyways cause now the tree has an area to grow out of and its not just sticking out of a gap.
  10. My biggest criticism is how the layout is essentially the same as ninjago city but with a gap in the middle instead of the side. Could have been more imaginative. I would have preferred a straight section like this: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ab/ea/9c/abea9cb50b37ae0e587afeb3023262a3.jpg
  11. Very briefly before it retired, i got it last year for $209 USD (normally $300)
  12. Im mildly irritated that theres 3 blue lanterns on the left and 2 on the right Also it looks pretty good, although a bit too similar to ninajgo city for me. Reminds me of MOCS of ninjago city extensions that almost just color swapped ninjago city instead of coming up with new layout ideas.
  13. Wasn't interested in Speed Champions before because i thought the cars at that 6 wide scale were awkward and cartoonish. 8 wide should be the standard for all lego vehicles imo. Its so much better, you can get more accurate details and proportions and fit 2 minifigs in. I think its more accurately scaled for minfigs too. Not for height obviously, but width. 6 wide is way too narrow for 2 minifigs to sit in. And its just weird seeing a cramped inside area on older speed champion cars with room for only 1 seat. Just pretend everyone in lego world is 4 feet tall, cause honestly the way minifigs are proportioned they would be pretty damn short in real life.
  14. Sorry for the big bump, but this is awful. This "company" is so shitty. Especially since you're trying to make money off your work and they're most likely circumventing potential buyers. One of the many reasons I'm never buying a product of theirs despite how much cheaper they are. Shame on people who support them. And chinas gotta get their shit together and prevent "companies" like this who exist purely by stealing other peoples intellectual property from existing.
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