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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thank you guys for your feedback...and yes indeed the helmet is from the #70164 set.
  2. I always wanted to make a Maschienen-Krieger in Lego at minfig scale. While working on him..it turned into this guy...it is probally too small for a mecha, but I liked the size of it. As a scene I choose not to put him in a fight scene but an after-the-battle-scene where the victors pose for a photograph. At first I wanted to use a classical battle scene (destroyed landscape with ruins) but then I thought it would be more of a contrast to make this park scene that was still pretty intact. Hope you guys like it.
  3. I have to agree with you on that one...I was short of time, but still wanted to post it before x-mas/new year And many thanks to all the others...I wanted to do some castle stuff with chima figures and when I was told that chima is to be taken out of production, I ordered some figs and used them for my CCC entry...I wanted to do some more entries and create a story around it...but the lack of time :( maybe next year will bring some more...
  4. Hello, I'll keep it short... My entries for the CCC XIII, I wanted to participate with a lot more MOCs, but unfortunately time wasn't on my side. Medieval Dungeon Miscellaneous Small Hope you like it and looking forward to your Comments steentje
  5. THX! always good to get such possitive feedback. are you kiddin' me...it's a everyman comic ;)
  6. Hi there, here's a vignette of Spidey's bathroom. You can see Peter Parker dealing with more serious problems than super-villians. "MJ...did you use the last...!" ...and in the meanwhile The Lizard has other problems to deal with: "It's suppoesd to be here somewhere..." Hope you like it steentje
  7. steentje


    very nice..I also would like to try a small vignette
  8. THX guys! Just looked at your flickr account, love your micro MOCs...they're great! Only the last 3 entries (Robespierre, crashd Tie-fighter and the endscene of SW episode I) are competition MOCs and the space contest entry of course...that was my first competition entry.
  9. Execution of Robespierre - my entry for the "Mad History Contest" at Imperium der Steine. You had to build a MOC with a historical scene wich should contain a little twist (limited 48x48 studs). I made a version where Skynet send a terminator in the wrong time and location. I made it into the finals. Hope you'll like it! steentje
  10. Great use of the Minifig head/mask It used to be my favorite horrormovie in the eighties...have to see it again!
  11. Great Design, Rolli! I think I even like this one more than the first :)
  12. (speechless)
  13. Oh what a MOC. What a lovely MOC! Love it, especialy love the skulls with the ultra agents hair!
  14. THX! guys...always cool (and xtra stimulance) to get such great comments. @ sneeuwwitje: yes that's a whip, there perfect for branches
  15. After the dark army of Strelok Ironfist has taken the strategically important harbour Bridgecliff, Davlan Holm is ordered, with a small force, to get behind the enemy lines to sabbotage the fleet of the dark army. Because he must rely on his men, he wants to gather the old pack. But time is running out ... Davlan Holm und John Ryall visting Jorgan Bradshawe Having served under Davlan Holm, Jorgan Bradshawe has (with his wife and son) pulled back on his small farm. Here he leads a tough but peaceful life until he visited his old leader... Jorgan Bradshawe working on his acre The pigs were just being fed by his son Ian This is my second Moc in "The Davlan Holm Chronicles", the first one was published before I became a member of Eurobricks. An unexpected meeting with the dark army at the Moorwald Fall For those who are interested, here you can see some more pics of the MOC: https://www.flickr.com/photos/48198405@N07/17324683312/in/album-72157634222305398/ I hope you liked my entry. steentje
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