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  1. It definitely is I did mean 42075, that was one of those 'I'm really tired right now' type mistakes...obviously knew the 42082 was huge. Yes the 42079 is impressive from a technical standpoint of having all the systems..the 8416 Forklift from 2005 was the best thus far, but I was surprised at the lack of an engine and diff for 720 pcs, still the granddaddy of forklifts tho, sits proudly in my collection as well.
  2. Yeah, I forgot about that model having a diff. I was just going back to models of previous years and 42049 which is approximately on level with 42082 (piece count) did not have diff, just a gear setup to spin one rear wheel. Usually TRU would already have these sets out by now, at least in Michigan, USA. Just really too bad they are no longer. Have to go to the Lego store, unfortunately kind of a drive, but worth it. The whole lineup looks good this year, the Volvo is a strange beast. Stinks I only have the budget for 42079, but hopefully I get back to work soon so I can get the rest of the lineup. Most definitely better than last summer's sets.
  3. The Forklift(42079) has a differential? I saw on Lego.com that it has a 2-cyl engine, but with such a low piece count, and the fact that most models in previous releases with 400-600 pieces only have just a gear and an opposing one turning 1 of the rear wheels surprises me. Is this really the case? Only one I can afford this summer, but would be great if it had a real diff.
  4. MIchealF - yes, I am having the same issue, I have rerouted, but I just get the friction/binding of the hoses in other areas when operating the turntable. Anatem - thank you for the pics. I guess mine looks about like yours, unfortunately my camera is crap, need to get a new one, but yes Jurss and Anatem pics or video would help, but like I said it seems all the hoses just kind of go up thru the turntable in no particular order, except following the instructions for each pair of them. Leonardo da Bricki - I will try your method and see how it comes out, this thing kept me up way past my bedtime and it was a rough one working this morning. I left the hoses all disconnected again and even though I want a nap bad, it is bugging me too much to sleep, I'll give it another go. Guess i could try zipstrips to bunch all the hoses together, somehow I don't think that would work tho...
  5. I just today finished building the 42043 MB Arocs Truck. Yeah, 2 and a half yrs after release. Issue: I cannot get the turntable to turn freely. I realized before I built the model that this was a topic when released, but its really bugging me that I just can't get the turntable to turn without hitching or getting hopelessly stuck. The instructions we're really confusing and unclear, both with the routing thru the turntable opening, but also how to route the hoses to the valves also. I Googled topic, found a little about it. I did find a post someone put up somewhere, as Google did lead me to an Aug 2015 discussion on Eurobricks about removing all the hoses and routing them one at a time through the turntable. Makes sense, so I removed dump bed and the 3x5 H frame and took the turntable off the truck, but instead of dealing with the valve bodies and 3x3 liftarms where the 8 hoses route through under the turntable, I decided to pull the 6 upper hoses off the T-pieces (which btw should have those stepped inputs like the valves and cylinders) and also removed the 2 hoses that go direct up thru the table onto the lower cylinder on the crane that raises it up and down. This is so damn frustrating, I am just not sure what I am doing wrong. I put them one by one back up thru and reconnected to all attachment points, but no dice they are somehow still getting pinched (I definitely hear a rubber on rubber or rubber on plastic (turntable opening) noise). Really only difference it makes is now it is worse when the turntable goes to the right or left past dead center. Though it seems to be more of a problem going from 0 deg down towards the stop on the right side of the truck. I was really excited to finally get the truck completed and it is really a beauty, all other functions perform flawlessly (both pneumatic and regular PF), but that's just it, I love to build and display, but I also enjoy ALL of the functions working as they should. Geez, I have nearly every Technic set produced since 2003 (when I forayed into Technic from other themes) and quite a few from before that. I built the pneumatic heavy 8455 Backhoe and it operated without one issue. I am rather sure others may have experienced this beyond the little bit I was able to dig up from Aug 2015, so any help/advice is much appreciated.
  6. TRU stores in my area received the 42075, 42076 and 42077. No sign of the Mack Anthem yet. Being a bit short on cash I just picked up the 42075 First Responder kit. It is a really good model IMO, wish it had dual rear shocks instead of just the one, but for small-medium size kit, it was nice to see an actual differential. Also I think a good companion model to last summer's 42068 Rescue Truck. Around the large city I live, the airport uses lime green paint on the emergency equipment instead of red, as a lot do in the US that I have seen. That would have been quite cool for the 42068. Will have to wait until after the New Year to pick up the Rally Car and hopefully at that point the Mack will be in stock at local TRU as well, not interested in the Hovercraft myself. For a company that has declared bankruptcy, I'm quite surprised they are even stocking larger sets.
  7. Sorry, felt I should leave the images in for comparison, but seeing them together, I would agree dark azure. Any idea when these last 4 sets get released. I know from past experience, you generally see smaller 1H sets just before Xmas, sometimes all, this was the case in 2015 and 2016 here in the US. We got jacked with the larger 1H sets last winter and had to wait until 2H releases. Just wondered if anybody had any info on it? Since coming out of dark ages in late 2004, I've never seen any 1H releases in November.
  8. I don't know, it sort of looks like it could be medium azure.
  9. That stinks...getting tired of the same old LBG engine blocks/cylinders. DBG and clear we're rather cool, I know my 8435 4WD has DBG and my 8428 has clear. I know I could probably get different colors from Bricklink...I actually have some blue pistons and also brick red pistons, also some clear cylinders. Just wish with the all the different newer parts in a myriad of colors they would produce some different mold cylinders and pistons out of the box. This car does look a lot like Racers cars from the mid-late 2000's...just with suspension, steering and an engine...definite plus, interesting color choices though...
  10. Not exactly on topic, but I wonder why the 42061 Telehandler had such a short life span? Less than a year here in the US. I see it is Out of Stock and call to check availability on the US S@H website, even Amazon doesn't seem to carry it anymore either. That's odd. Another oddity is the lifetime of the 42042 Crawler Crane from summer 2015 being so short, yet Lego still sells the 42043 Arocs truck. Agreed there. New pieces are still a cool thing for me, a Lego nut in his mid-40's. So many have been released in the past few years, and some in different colors. Kind of agree with you on the 8297. New style diff, suspension I'd never seen before, a model almost totally in my fav color, DBG...
  11. They have been in TRU's now since few days prior to Thanksgiving(week of Nov 20). Largest set so far is the Racing Yacht. Got the compactor/dozer. Nicely working set for such a decent price. Not really interested in WHACK! and BASH!, or whatever the pull-backs are called this year. Container Truck was a bit smaller than I had thought. I see there is a lot more new added since couple weeks ago, have some catching up to do. One Racers set I always liked that was almost purely Technic pieces was #8649 Nitro Menace from 2005. Could kick myself for not getting #8653 from that same year. $99 MSRP at TRU, I still recall seeing it. Now its selling for like 10-15x that or more. I was just getting back into Lego in early 2005, and $99 seemed like a lot to spend on a kit, little did I know how expensive they woudl get. I even haggled for months about getting the #8421 Mobile Crane at $149 that summer..didn't end up buying my 1st one until summer 2006, right before the 8285 Tow Truck was released. A 2-cyl engine on a medium size model?? Almost looks silly. Come on Lego, at least 4 cylinders would have been nice, if in a boxer style. It will go nice with 42068 from last summer tho.
  12. Someone asked if some of the 1H2018 sets we're in TRU stores in the USA, and they are in some stores at least. My AFOL friend in Pennsylvania said the pull-backs we're there, the blue/grey/orange compactor type set and also the catarman we're on the shelves in the TRU nearest him, he even snapped a pic with his phone and sent it to me. I didn't find any in 1 of the 4 local TRU's around city I live in, but I've only checked 1 store. I am very surprised that they are available so early this year, in the past 13 yrs or so since i escaped my dark ages, I've never known January releases to be at TRU this early, they aren't posted on TRU's or Lego's websites yet.
  13. That is a really sweet looking catamaran...is this at least in part of what the actual model looks like? Not too bad for 1H, but where's the largest one? Guessing its supposed to be the Mack truck? Generally, there is at least one medium-large set for 1H. It was the 42066 in 2017. That would rather suck if there wasn't a larger model. Kind of like that wheeled scraper set, lots of colors and interesting wheels, rather small but pretty cool. Wish they would make one on a large scale for a 2H model. Catamaran is must buy for sure, as well as the rally car. Looked quite extensively, even Google pics, but just can't find any...but now I see since that some have been posted.
  14. Wish I had seen the prelim images before they we're taken down...ah well I'm sure they will be soon up since January is coming fast. And hopefully us Americans and Canadians don't have to wait until August for the larger 1H sets like this past January although most of the larger 1H sets we're pretty pathetic, only one I bought was the 42066 Air Race Jet besides the ones we did get (42057-42060) with the BMW and Telehandler coming couple months later. Crazy thing about the 42066 is there was an importer from the UK selling most of the other sets on Amazon and I picked up the 42066 for $135 and when it was officially released here in August its MSRP was $159.99, so made out $25 ahead on that one. We get so many European cab-overs that us Americans/Canadians do like to see some long-nose tractors in the mix, 8285 and 9397 we're very cool...not saying I'm against the cab-overs, not at all, the 8258 was an amazing build and truck as was the 42043, but our road and highway network can handle the space long-nose trucks need. I also realize TLG is based in Europe, so their designers would obviously be more familiar with cab-over trucks and enjoy designing them. Just saying, that's all...
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