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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Redbeards_Rum

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  1. I think we need Lando (Bespin) perhaps another Bespin set....the other half of the carbon chamber, (entitled Bespin Capture....although that doesn't really sum the set up but could be used along with the line "take the princess and the wookie to my ship....I am thinking aloud) with Vader, Leia and Lando. Another £19.99 set perhaps? Luke (The Force Awakens) perhaps in a polybag exclusive Shmi Skywalker (probably in a Tusken Attack set. With two tusken raiders, a tusken tent and equipment, anakin and his mother) Updated Tarkin. Perhaps in a Rogue One set. Garindan needs to be made as well. Perhaps in a mos Eisley escape set. To go along with the cantina. Admiral Ozzel is needed. Perhaps in a £19.99 Vaders chamber set. With vader, sat in his chamber along with ozzel and perhaps a naval technician
  2. This is a nice (stand alone) play set if you look at it from the perspective of Legos target audience. It has a villain, a hero, a standby and some action features. I have to admit, if I were a child, I would enjoy this set. As an AFOL, however, I appreciate it for its Simplicity and appeal as a play set, (display set)
  3. https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=21030613708
  4. Wow. I have to admit this is incredible
  5. I recommend the first order transporter! I built this on New Year's Day (with a hangover) and it was great remedy!
  6. Welcome back to Lego! Nice photos, good quality. For me this is the kind of collecting in enjoy. Couple of sets, random usually, over the table in front of the tv (often with a beer)
  7. For the glory of the First Order They are the radical imperials. More so even than tarkin
  8. I am loving the takodana set (although it is incredibly over priced) But am making a diorama with the transporter
  9. Amazon had some good deals for uk customers in November, let's hope they do again
  10. You are not mistaken. The Gian speeder was a repulsorlift vehicle and heavy patrol speeder used by the Royal Guards of Naboo. It was a heavier version of the Flash speeder. (I'll get my anorak....)
  11. I received the First Order Transporter for Christmas from my wife and I just grabbed the Resistance Battle Pack whilst out doing the food shop in Tesco! I had to scurry off and hide the box haha. Money is tight but Lego is life
  12. I was very surprised by the details in the cross sections. It made me appreciate the a spotter ten fold
  13. The article didn't specify lego minifigure, but stormtrooper figures over all. A frightening concept.....if they could act upon their masters wishes of coruse
  14. I really do enjoy lego Star Wars and am thinking of making a short animation myself along with the new sets
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