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Nachapon Lego

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About Nachapon Lego

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  1. Fall Guys LEGO Olympic Eiffel Tower MOD for Tech demo only, made with Unreal Engine for Fortnite LEGO set Set 77048 - Kapp'n's Island Boat Tour, New elements modeled, set modeled in LDraw using LDCad by Philo Hurbain
  2. LEGO Olympic Eiffel Tower MOD for Tech demo only, made with Fortnite Unreal Engine + my UnrealBricks tool using a higher polygon bricks and all standalone bricks.
  3. Lego Fortnite Unreal Engine, 1:1:1 cube building blocks for UnrealBricks tech demo experiment only
  4. Studio model Lagoon_Lock_Up_export.io by Marcin Dski Today I tried to use Unreal Editor for Fortnite for the first time. I used my UnrealBricks tool to port custom Lego models into Fortnite. Some bricks and scales need to be fixed. Lego Fortnite Unreal Engine, 1:1:1 cube building blocks for UnrealBricks tech demo experiment only Now I am working on the UnrealBricks (Studio2UE) project, which revolutes the ways people play with digital Lego bricks! The most powerful and freedom ever! It is the most powerful ever! Easy / fast / correct / massive / beautiful / support all formats (Studio / Ldraw / LDD / Mecabricks) of digital Lego model importer for Unreal Engine / Fortnite / Roblox / D5 Render! It turns any digital Lego model into a game asset or map level in a very short time (3 minutes, typically). DM me on FB Messenger for information, or to watch 100+ Lego Unreal Engine videos and tutorials on my “Nachapon Lego” YouTube channel.
  5. Free game download! Runs good on old Laptop. made with Unreal Engine 5 and UnrealBricks tool in 1 hour. This game 380 Mb download link in the comment of original post, or my YouTube video description. Runs good on an old Laptop Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H CPU @ 2.50GHz Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable) GPU Nvidia GTX 1650 ti 4 GB VRam One duck = 10K pcs Lego. This game made with Unreal Engine 5 and Studio2UE digital Lego tool in one hour. The duck model gen using NiemanSculpt. Available now! Studio2UE digital Lego tool. Turn Unreal Engine into the most powerful and most freedom Lego sandbox game / game maker / realtime renderer ever! UE5 supports VR, AR, ios, android etc. Studio2UE fast and easy import tool. It can import not only Bricklink Studio io model, but also Ldraw ldr and LDD lxf model. Mecabricks model import tool coming soon. DM me on FB messenger for to learn more. There are hundred more Lego Unreal Engine demo and tutorial videos in Nachapon Lego YouTube channel (link in first comment). - Endless fun! Turn Unreal Engine into the most powerful Lego CAD ever! - Digital Lego: build / edit / animate / physics / play - directly in Unreal Engine. - Auto-apply brick materials: colors, solid, transparent, metallic, chrome, rubber, grow in the dark etc. with master material feature support. You can fine tune only the master material - in example changing the opacity value of the transparent material master, then all the transparent bricks in the scene change at once. - Auto-apply stickers and print decals. -It took less than 3 minutes to import a typical Lego model. "Slayer" model by :Dim0s Model credit in the main post comment.
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