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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Dengar

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  1. Hello, yes you are right, I wanted to write Theed. Sry. Can anybody change this in the headline? And thanks for your nice words.
  2. Hello, today I want to show you my new Moc. I hope you will enjoy to look at these pictures.
  3. Hello, thanks to you both for your answer. @lightningtiger: I come from Germany an so I do not speak english so well, sry. What do you want to say with your second sentence?
  4. Hello, an other Moc from me is my Arc 170 Satrfighter, but until now I did not get a good idea, how I should design the cockpit, because at the moment it is to small. Do you have any idea? Hopening for a answer. Dengar
  5. Hello, thanks for answering. No, I did not play with it^^
  6. Hello, this is my new castle moc called "Outpost on the high seas". This is a really great forum and so I wanted to show my new moc. I hope you will answer. Regards, Dengar
  7. Ok, for Alfred 11Euro + Shipping costs for a Battle Droid 1,90 + Shipping cost Sth. means something. 7655 I don't have any more.
  8. Hello, yes I know that I'm in general too late but I wasn't able to post this entry earlier, because I registered such for a few days and I built this vignette ´specially for this challenge, so I really hop that I still can take part in this challenge.
  9. Hello, I want to show you my entry for the new Challenge "Every day live". It takes place at Vader's house. Here are the pictures:
  10. Hello boys and girls, I want to sell some things, I didn't need any more. If you are interested in something, write my want you want and from where you come. I come from Germany so it would not efficiently to buy one mini fig fi you come from Italy f. e.. Here the things I want to sell: Minifiguren: (Star Wars) (Seperatisten) - Asaijj Ventress - 9x Battle Droiden - Battle Droiden Pilot - 1x Magna Guard - AD-4 (Grievous Starfighter) - 2x Suchdroide Sith Infiltrator - Jango Fetts Torso (mit Riss) - Spiderdroide (blau) (Republik) - Anakin(Pilot, jung, gelb) - Mace Windu (TCW) - 2x Qui-Gon Jinn - Episode 3 Klon (Jet Trooper) VERKAUFT - Anakin Episode 2 Tusken Raider Encounter - 2x Suchdrohne RAG - Qui Gon ohne Beine - Anakin Encounter Set ohne Beine - Yoda (ehemaliger Schlüsselanhänger) - Padme ohne Haare - Luminara Unduli VERKAUFT - Plo Koon - Obi Wan (Naboo Swamp) - Obi Wan (EPI2, Headset gelb) - Obi Wan (EPI2, gelb) - Obi Wan (flesh, aus Jedi Starfighter mit Hyperboostring) (Imperium) - AT-ST Driver - Darth Vader(ohne Helm) - 2x Darth Vader - Mouse Droide - 2x Sentry Droide (Landspeeder) - Snowtrooper - Tie Droiden Gehirn (Rebellen) - C-3PO(Landspeeder,dunkel) - 2x C-3PO (Sandcrawler,hell) - Chewbacca (altbraun) - Dack Ralter - Hoth Rebell (flesh) - 3x Luke (Pilot, altgrau) - 3x Luke (Pilot, neugrau) - Obi Wan Kenobi (4501) - Obi Wan (Landspeeder, ohne Haare) - Leia (Endor) VERKAUFT - 2x R2-D2 (alt) - 2x R2-D2 (neu) - R2-D2 (6210) - Rebellen Pilot Y-Wing - 2x Yoda (alt) - Yoda (TCW) - Han Solo in Carbonit - Rebellen Pilot (blauer Helm) - Luke (Landspeeder flesh) - Hoth Rebellen Soldat (alt,gelb) - Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) Andere: - Gasgano - Owen Lars (ohne Haare) - 2x Skelett (Wampa Cave) - Boba Fett (6209) - Boba Fett (altgrau) - Wookie Krieger (Sonstige) (Batman) - 2x Alfred - Two-Face - Batman(ohne Umhang) (Harry Potter) - Ron Weasley (blauer Torso) - 2x Harry Potter - Draco Malfoy - Ron Weasley (grauer Torso) (Andere) - Gary(Spongebob Schwammkopf) - 7x (Alte Mars) Aliens - 3x Zombie (sammlerfiguren Serie 1) Sets: (Star Wars) - 7259 ARC-170 Starfighter (GEBRAUCHT, OHNE Figuren, mit BA) - 7675 AT-TE Walker (NEU, mit Figuren, mit BA) - 7675 AT-TE Walker (GEBRAUCHT, ohne Figuren + Stap, mit BA, Bilder im Album) - 7655 Clone Troopers Battle Pack (GEBRAUCHT, ohne Figuren u. Turm, mir BA) - 8014 Clone Walker Battle Pack (NEU, ohne Figuren, mit BA) - 2x 8085 Freeco Speeder [/size](NEU, ohne Figuren, mit BA) - 7153 Jango Fett's Slave I (GEBRAUCHT, ohne Figuren mit BA) VERKAUFT - 2x 8092 Luke's Landspeeder (NEU, ohne Figuren, mit BA) - 6x 7668 Rebel Scout Speeder (NEU, ohne Figuren, mit BA) - 1x 7668 Rebel Scout Speeder (NEU, MIT Figuren, mit BA) - 7663 Sith Infiltrator (GEBRAUCHT, ohne Figuren und Speeder, mit BA, Bilder im Album) - 7663 Sith Infiltrator (ohne Figs) - Tie Advanzed (aus 10131) - Tie Advanzed (aus 7150) - 2x 7658 Y-Wing( ohne Figs) - 4x 8083 Hoth Bp (ohne Figuren) - Bunker (NEU, aus 8038) - AT-ST (NEU, aus 8038) - 2x Ewok Katapult (NEU aus 8038) - 2x Ewok Gleiter (NEU aus 8038) - Wampacave (NEU,ohne Figs und Snowspeeder) - Wookie Catamaran (aus 7260) - Swamp Speeder (aus 7260) - 3x Clone Trooper BP 7665 (ohne Figuren) (City) - 2x 5610 Builder (NEU) - 2x 5613 Firefighter (NEU) - 2x 7630 Front-End Loader (NEU) - 2x 7942 Off-Road Fire Rescue (NEU) - 2x 7236 Police Car - Blue Sticker Version (NEU) - 2x 5612 Police Officer (NEU) (Andere) - 1x 8967 Gold Tooth's Getaway (NEU) - 7x 8631 Mission 1: Jetpack Pursuit (NEU) - Seeschlange aus (7018) (Basis) -Weiße Basis und Schrägsteine in großen Mengen (teils stark gebraucht)
  11. Dengar


    Nice, you built it really detaileded.
  12. I like this clock and the picture with Darth Vader is really funny.
  13. It lookes like is bigger brother from Lego. But if I would you I would't use so much orange in the front.
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