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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. The tumbler! 76023
  2. Id like to get four of the winter Village sets, out of the 7 available. One for each weekend of Christmas, building one every sunday as a Christmas tradition, but i cant decide Which ones to get
  3. I always put all bags in one big pile. Its just more fun
  4. Black Mass, was a so so movie. Nothing to writing home about.
  5. That's quite ok, family man my self, and with renovations i don't have A lot of lego time. I'll BrickLink the while thing and then start modding as time allows ☺
  6. Is there any chance of a BrickLink list of parts for this beast? Id like to have all the fixs and trims you've applied to this, without having to order a full BrickLink ed 10179, and then figuring out what to replace. Awesome build.
  7. This is really fantastic. What are the pieces right at the front? Those antenna?
  8. I got a factory sealed b wing ucs
  9. Excellent look. Not having the interceptor myself, is the canopy from anikin set? Or is that also a replacement? Did you order the parts?
  10. Moved all of the lego into storage for my upcoming renovation of the kitchen. Living room and spare living room
  11. Thanks for the good words. Unfortunately, its a good 2½ hours drive to the nearest Lego store with a PAB wall. Only two in Denmark. Who could believe it :( There are sites similar to craigslist, but its very expensive and its a total crapshoot what you get. Im prone to start using bricklink more. Still ordering 100 of this and 100 of that, would mean I kne what I needed, I need to get my feet wet and starting MoC, otherwise Ill never get there. Theres hardly clearance sections here, some stores has 35% off every one in a while, but LEGO is massively expensive here. For instance. http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?S=70747-1&name=Boulder%20Blaster&category=%5BNinjago%5D#T=S&O={"ii":1} costs 36,95 USD in Denmark. I paid 240 USD or 1600 DKK for my Tie Fither and my Slave One UCS, each. Where I can find the Slave One UCS on Amazon.com for 200 USD, and Im betting it can be found cheaper elsewhere.
  12. Yeah I figured out as much when I was asking the question, but thought I would leave it as a question. I realize the job title, doesnt prevent me from building, but i was thinking it is a rather large part of the characters background and it wouldnt make a sense for a pilot, to only make land vehicles.
  13. So a mech such as http://www.amazon.co...r/dp/B00CMHWTRG provided, it can do space travel, would count as a spaceship, even if it can walk. The reason im asking, is because if i build a mech will it be a land vehicle, and thus require a driver job profession or will it be a space ship and require the pilot job? Taking inspriation from for instance Gundam Seed, some of the GUNDAMs cant go into space on their town but they can travel a reasonalbly short distance in space and fly/walk. I guess I answered my own question there.
  14. i think my biggest issue (apart from not having an MoC workspace, as I have no workspace at the moment) is I dont have the bricks for it. I have lots of sets, but its primaryly SW sets, and not very many sets where there are bricks for MoC's, that i see online. Perhaps im jumping the gun, obviously I can jump in and do the same quality moCs as someone who has done them for years and years. And I've never done a single one. Since coming out of the Dark Ages.
  15. How do robots Count? As land vehicles? What if it can fly?
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