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About Biggus_Brickus

  • Birthday 01/21/2000

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Star Wars

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    on earth
  • Interests
    Everything except stuff I don't care about


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  1. Han's Torso from Force Awakens or Solo
  2. Which Character is that? Those Legs would look great on Cyborg
  3. Try the Spacesuit batman head from the green lantern set. It works wonders
  4. Ah ok. I was just curious. Sorry if that sounded rude
  5. Hey a while back i requested a few figs from you. Y'know Kyd Wykkyd and a few others...any chance you have pics of them?
  6. The new black and gold minion guys from the infinity war leaks could work. Ok I have a pretty specific request. Has anyone made Angel with the Justice League Flash head, The Silver Centurion armor, a LOTR ring on the front, wings, and Beetle's torso? Because if anyone has or could assemble that combo, could some one post a pic of it?
  7. I'm trying to make A good Paste Pot Pete and Forbush man, any Ideas?
  8. Yeah but with the blue breaking the two up it should look ok
  9. Hear me out, has anyone tried making a clasic Luke Cage with Finn's Head / Hair, Brown and Yellow Wolverine Torso, Catman's arms and hands with the Blue and Yellow dual molded legs?
  10. CMF Baby sitter torso backwards works wonders on medusa.
  11. So I really wanna make Deadpool with one of the Ant-man Torsos, could someone recommend some combos for that?
  12. It's been 15 days since anyone has posted
  13. By black helmet i mean like the one on the calculator but black
  14. For Black-Bolt I reccomend a black biker helmet with the lone ranger head under it. This makes for a good cowl. Torso wise I'm not sure. As for Medusa I'd go with Ariel Hair, '66 catwoman head and Nebula's or LBM catwoman's torso.
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