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Eurobricks Vassals
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About mzzl88

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    The Netherlands

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  1. really a superb C model. I love the cool looking motor compartiment....
  2. thanx for the video, I will also try to contact the TLG for a solution. it is odd that the motor and battery boxes suddenly die..
  3. just tried 3 of them...still nothing
  4. you're right, it uses an M motor. But the problems remain the same
  5. Hello everybody, currently building the Claas Xerion with my son again. Just up to the moment of building the battery box in the model and test the servo motor. The battery's that are used are brand new and the green LED on the box is burning bright. When I connect the servo motor to the box nothing happens...I just tried it with another motor but still no results. Are the motors broken or did I just missed something..?
  6. what a nice build, I'm sorry to hear that there are no instructions for this beautiful attachment. is there somebody who can reverse engineer this thing...? I would love to build this thing..
  7. Is it possible to make a video once you're done...? I'm really looking forward to make this set RC....
  8. Wow, really stunning build. did you try to couple it with the CLAAS tractor? and are you considering to build instructions..? I would love to rebuild it here with my son too start up the agriculture MOC's..
  9. shouldn't the engine be placed a few studs forwards...? if you look up the details of the car the engine is placed between the front suspension
  10. nice design for this size, I really like the tipping bed and the clever design for operating it.
  11. @Milan, sorry I will look in to the bricksafe for the future.
  12. Thanks efferman, I will make new photos this afternoon and will make smaller versions of it so that I can post it in this thread. edit: -pics removed- Instead of the brickshelf link I thought I'd post them here...so here it is.. the crane is a MOC so it is NOT finished...I'm waiting for a decent attachment for the Xerion..anyone a good advice...? (Sorry moderators if the pictures are to big...)
  13. hello, In the previous comments is mentioned a better arm for the Xerion, I just tried to build it on the existing gearbox...this is what I came up with in just a few hours... there are some similar bricks used as mentioned earlier. thanks for reading and please leave any comments... http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=6456059 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=6456058
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