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Eurobricks Ladies
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Everything posted by smittyfan

  1. Just heard on the news that about 300 people were killed in it.. Kinda glad I don't live there, but really bummed for those who do. Take care SFOL's, the South will rise again!!
  2. Sure. (Hey maybe next time we can be scum buddies!)
  3. Sorry, it's just I'm sort of adjusting to it. Out of the dozens of forum sites I've joined this is the first that's ever really gotten this 'brutal'. So far they all have had rules against cursing, swearing, and even politics and religion. Some of them are even as strict as not allowing any outside links being posted without moderator approval. I'm really not meaning to harbor any grudges or anything, but just trying to get used to it. just trying to figure things out....
  4. Wasn't meaning an attack or anything... just that things aren't always as they may seem. One can never be to careful to trust anyone, or assume someone's scum based off not communcating in certain ways. I do kinda feel for those who have been the brunt of others anger, or somehow gotten stuck in that spot when everyone goes with the majority when they're wrong about it. Sure it is just a game, and I realize that, and sometimes the only way outta something is to fight for your life. (literally) Sometimes arguments arise or things can get ugly, but still I think we should try to be somewhat civilized and not resort to defending our case by swearing and namecalling. We're all adults here. (or should be)
  5. If it's anything like the previous Forest Mafia, then I have a feeling it's going to be good! 1. Nope, no vacation plans of any kind in the near future. There's talk of my family possibly moving one of these days, but nothing's been confirmed or set in stone. 2. Yep, just graduated from Sandy's Escape From Isla Paradisa Mafia School game. Thoroughly enjoyed it. 3. TIGERS!!!! I love tigers more than any other animal in the world!
  6. awwwww... such a cute little chick! Hope you had a happy Easter Sf!
  7. Uhmm... It greatly depends on the circumstances. Sometimes one who 'looks' like a 'trusted townie' to some, isn't necessairily innocent. A Vanilla Townie doesn't know who they can really trust. It's best to trust no one, but rely on your own instincts until you find someone who you know you can trust. and it doesn't help matters when the supposed 'confirmed innocent trusted townie' resorts to namecalling and be-littling.
  8. Very nice handbook! the pictures for it, and the mini-stoyline make it easier to understand than the actual Mafia Wiki.
  9. YEAH!!!!! Bring it on! Naw, just kidding... it's hard when you're new and figuring things out. We won't be too cruel to ya'll.
  10. Amazing game Hinkley!! it's been great following along! I'd just love to see a second Forest Mafia. Seeing Shadows get brought back and modkilled over and over, and then get a statue erected for the 'Tree Stump' was hilarious.
  11. Then there's the soul extraction and the 'weeping and gnashing of teeth'... Certainly can't forget about that.
  12. There's nothing wrong with being a Vanilla Townie. Sure, you don't know anything, and can't do much, but it means you kinda have the freedom to step out a little, and the advantage of knowing that you don't have to lie at all, (or at least shouldn't because you have no reason to.)
  13. Maybe that's because the rum is hidden in plain sight, and thus there's no reason for a map. It could be cleverly concealed in a wall, or in a cave like in The Secret Of Santa Vittoria. (although that was wine, and not rum.)
  14. On one hand, I kinda feel sorry for Shadows, but on the other, it's pretty hilarious.. Any bets on how many more deaths he's gonna have before this game is over? Poor Booker to have died a second time...
  15. Well, good news is they come in some of the older beach Belville sets as well as Paradisa. If all goes well, I should have my hands on one of them soon... I'm very glad it was just the simple roles, as I'm not familiar with most of the advanced ones. It seems like every day one of the 'All-stars' is mentioning some other new advanced role that I've never heard of before. Also, is there one page in the Mafia Wiki that has a list of ALL the possible roles that can be used in a game? I seem to have missed-placed that page..
  16. LOL!!! :laugh: ironically I just saw all 3 Pirates movies this weekend for the first time... and, This is the day you will always remember Siegmund Freibrg.. Siegmund Freiburg – Town You have come to Paradisa Holiday Romance Resort to seek true love, harmony and relaxation. You originate from Germany, where you spend your days fiddling with computers and model trains. You are an authentic nerd, but that doesn’t prevent you from dreaming about finding that special someone to share your nerdiness with. You are an innocent member of the Town. You have no night actions to use during the night phase. On a day phase, you can vote people you think belong to the Mafia. It was quite interesting how Brickdoctor and I hit it off romantically from the start. Probably the hardest part for me was to kinda think like a guy since I've always been the girliest of girls. The nerd part wasn't too hard because I have a sort nerd side. I figured my name was pretty easy to figure out where i was from, that and also some people still seem to have a bit of a thing against Germany, due to it's ugly past of Hitler and the Holocaust. On the positive side, it's where Martin Luther came from, and partially why I enjoyed the whole 'placid martyr' thing...
  17. Now you finally remember your place as Haitan and not Jamaican!
  18. Now that I think about it, your way of taking some 'chill pills' makes sense of being a doctor, like House Although at first it came off like you were a drug addict of a scum. I dropped that notion though, when I learned you were indeed the doctor. Ironically I'd already thought it was a good idea for our doctor to keep a close eye on our cop, and had mentioned this to KDM early on when I thought he was innocent for a brief moment. Later though, I learned that KDM hadn't been a confirmed townie, and it was only mere blind faith and trust, so I went back to being against him. Since he hadn't been investigated, he could easily have been a Scum trying to act town. Personally, I would've investigated him on Night 2.
  19. Yeah! great job Sandy! It's been great playing it, and great getting to know the other players. I'll be anxiously awaiting another awesome mafia game to arise...
  20. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye bye Hello Kitty... I was really loving it too... is there a way to change it back?
  21. Yeah, Knight Rider! or how about even The A-Team? Better yet, STAR TREK!!!!!!
  22. I've checked out Ebay from time to time, but overall, I prefer Amazon because I can just use my debit card for anything, whereas some people on Ebay and Bricklink are particular about different kinds of currency trade systems, that vary from one person to the next. I don't have to worry about paying Paypal fees, or about losing a check or money order in the mail. It's nice.
  23. Too bad, I was kinda hoping to get some of the figures. That'd be cool, but at the moment, I don't have much money to spend, or alot of other LEGOs to trade, so unless anyone wants to practically give it away (which I highly doubt, cuz that would be kinda stupid.) One of these days life will settle down, and I'll have money to spend.
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