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  1. I woumd like the balrog to be molded but due to legos last few years trend of only making molds for dinosaurs, I assume its very unlikely 🙁
  2. Well for one reason, all but one were knew at the time, addition to that a couple of them for not even present at the scene or had minimum exposure. Lego do tend to be both less inclined to introduce new figures as they have previoudly done.
  3. Yeah, really didnt like the Book of Boba palace. I inly bought it fir the figs.
  4. Cool, watched it now as well. See his lines ate much darker, which was good.
  5. Maybe, but she stands out in the palace. I dont think she should be the first one to be replaced. But that lineup, for the 2012 jabbas palace was more solid than the current 2024 sail barge.
  6. Sorry, saw this now… will drop further discussipn from my part. Do we have it confirmed if jabba is the same or not? This might even be the determinant to buy the new set or not.
  7. If thats the case, I wonder why lego even bother. I found my daugther standing and dancing with her friends now daily to Ugly Andz. And they in lower primary. I know I go abit off topic here. But I think the sexualisation through tiktok amongst others do reach the young kids at an early age even if we like it or not. A printed or not printed skirt on a lego figure is so under the treshold that I think u guys are out in the woods. Or maybe lego are themselves if they really think that it matters.
  8. Dude, you asume alot of stuff. Have lego clamed they never make an Oola again? Besides that, is there really a need. Im already irritated on all repetitions. I would have prefered a complete new character to any form of slave Leia anyway.
  9. Well its not the same as removing the name of the ship as making certain design choice. To me it has nothing to do with wokeness, this one is too isignificant for that, but I have a feeling that you and me will never agree on this.
  10. Lol, well I could have a use for another hutt, acting as one from the TBOB series. The Gamorrean for me as the last version is ok. But since they cane from TBOB they should have been barechested actually back then. Yes Bib was lazy, Vizam was lazy. Im not sure Leia got molded legs for politicaln reasons 🤔 sounds a but conspiration theory to me. They could just have not included her if it was sensitive. And in that case, equally as much to avoid sexuality exposure as political I would say. Like a bit too naked for some parents. But I like the new hair mold. Too many repeats in generally. I mean the only figure we had from Max Reebos band was… Max Reebo. And who do we get again? Taadaah! Max Reebo! 🤦🏻‍♂️ Honestly I dont see how its a plus for them to reuse and reuse. Only figure I really like is Wooof, but do agree they could have get him printed legs.🤷🏻‍♂️ The build seem fine but to much money for what we get I might say.
  11. Isnt SW sets almost always more expensive in price per brick and in number of minifugures included?
  12. Thats a boring selection. Nothing new at all. If true, compared to Mos Eisley which was atleast solid, even if not great. This is deficient.
  13. That Zelda set looks great, wished that I could afford to expand my collection beyond SW and LOTR but I cant. Would be a supercool set to havr next to my nintendo.
  14. Totally agree with you, but I like when they do not include ninifigures in those coz it just gets expensive to collect a minifig from a set like the droids set now, when it only contains baby Leia. Totally agree with you, but I like when they do not include ninifigures in those coz it just gets expensive to collect a minifig from a set like the droids set now, when it only contains baby Leia.
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