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About Trojan

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    Technic Motorcycles 1/7th, Trucks/ Construction/ Farming 1/18th, Helicopters 1/32
    Architecture and creator.


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  1. Hello. Did your superbike ever get finished? Was looking tasty would love to see it ?
  2. Hi all. I’m hoping to find out about any groups or events in the UK that are particularly interested in Technic Mocs, mods etc. Or at least include some in their collection. I see lots of videos and photos of gatherings on YouTube or Flickr in the US and Europe. I am aware of adult Lego groups in the uk however they are not really interested in Technic. I know that the Technic side of the community will always be smaller and I think that by nature we are more solitary creatures. I do wander why it is so hard to find this kind of thing over here though, I know there are many talented builders In this country. Are we just a miserable lot? Do I really have to get on an airplane and cross the channel to see some of these custom creations in the flesh? Many thanks Troy
  3. Here's my first attempt at modifying a bike. Tried to beef it up a bit with the parts I do have and get an idea of what I will need in future. Kept some of the blue and went for a stripped down track version of a superbike I guess. Perhaps a GSXR750/1000 look to it? Got rid of the central pillars on the windshield (Dont like'em), tried to add a seat, filled out the panels and underskirt, moved the kick stand outwards, modified exhaust, removed lights, added yellowy race bits and just experimented really. Baby steps. Would be nice to add a radiator. Good brain exercise but very therapeutic. My hope is to definitely try to make some other rim styles, produce some wider rear tyres (slick would be nice) and find some solution (preferably using lego parts) for front mud guards because I think the leaf petal thing that gets used a lot looks odd and can be awkward to work into the design. I might just cut or modify that piece. Or is that cheating? Cheers
  4. Way ahead in the greedy department maybe. Thanks for the welcome and will post some pics soon :) Cheers Troy
  5. Hi. Thank you but my doctor told me if I went on that site any more I'd go blind. Probably just an old wives tale.
  6. Hi there. You read my mind :) Thanks for the buying advise. All sounds like the way I would go about things so great thank you. As for limited productions I am chuffed that something I like is actually being made at all so wont tempt fate there. Even fewer helicopters and mods :( The Decool kit is not bad really very hard to tell and ive given them a hard twist to test strength. Whether they perish or not I doubt it. Lego does innovation Im not sure if the materials are anything special. Perhaps Im wrong. There are reviews and compatibility tests on youtube. I think ill make the B model chopper and not mix them with lego. I found someone in london selling for £45. Ive actually got 4 of the 42007 and few older ones (says with ashamed face)
  7. Sorry I just wanted to add that wheels for the technic bikes is one of my biggest interests at the moment. I have 2x the 8420 and would like to get more of those thick tyres as well. Brick link for that? Where is the best place to get the gold rims etc? Brick owl? I am looking into fabricating different custom rims too. Wire spokes for that cafe racer would be nice :) Thanks again and will start my own thread next time.
  8. Hello everyone. My first post. Been collecting the odd heli and motorcycle over the years and am gearing up to do some custom bikes now as I see what sexy creations you guys do and I can't wait any longer. I've been stocking up on parts and technic kits. Bought 4 of the 42036 for eg as they are relatively cheap and I think they form an excellent base for any sport bike. I see the bike side of the community is small which surprises me as they are amazing. If any veterens out there can throw some advise my way that would be fantastic however I'm a firm believer in finding things out the hard way too. I am aware of brick link etc but any words of wisdom or preferred sellers, building tips, design sources or other good forums. I find it hard to get 3d building instructions for a lot of creations probably because some builders don't share them. Regardless I like getting involved in the community and hope to stick around should I be welcome. On the subject I wanted to ask what people had to say on the 'Decool' imitation of the 8051? I know the 8051 is a popular model for mods too but sometimes expensive to buy now. I have two originals but recently picked up one of these 3rd party kits. Any thoughts or warnings? The material quality seems fine though can't say how good in 10 years. Do purists stay away from these and if so why? Thanks for any replies and I look forward to picking brains, admiring peoples work and hopefully sharing my own one day. Troy, London. P.s. What's with all the cafe racers guys?? I love it!!!
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