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  1. I want to have an ARC 170 in my collection so much, but somehow I'm not entirely convinced. It looks a bit... fragile? Maybe the wings are too short or the nose too narrow. It's not bulky enough. The lack of a back printing on the droid is no problem for me personally but stickers on the cockpit at THAT price is a huge Hopefully the U wing will be much better.
  2. Here is the English version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tbNkvkmOvc
  3. So the rumors were pretty accurate after all; and it's a very nice modular. Though I'm not sure if it'll fit in my collection. The GWP is unfortunately boring. A vintage British delivery truck would have been awesome. I'd really like to see some Asian style modular in the future, perhaps with a little colonial touch if it's not too political.
  4. First pictures of HP 76447 Hogwarts Castle Flying Lessons are out... now something like that for Gondor please!
  5. I'm still convinced that the complicated license agreements between the various owners, Amazon, etc... are the reason for the overall lack of LOTR merchandise - especially now with a brand new ROP series! If nobody is allowed to make products, there won't be a demand obviously. Kids are easily excited when it comes to new cool things. And dragons, knights and creepy creatures are very cool - just like dinosaurs. Btw. I've been at the Lego store for 2 hours on black friday - big crowds and nobody was buying Dreamzzz.
  6. Yes of course but what about the Balrog? Hopefully not something like the Mona Lisa...
  7. Very interesting how the Lego booknook subtheme will turn out. Perfect for recreating indoor LOTR settings etc... However it's basically an expensive diorama with additional parts "wasted" for the sides and an unnecessary top. Minifigs are for me (usually) the most important factor for buying a set. I don't want a micro scale Moria without orcs. For 120$ we'll get ca. 1300 pieces; a new mold for the Balrog is highly unlikely but if it's not even something like the brick built Surtur form Marvel then I'll pass, even though the price range for a LOTR set is acceptable for a change.
  8. The wheels and base of the soap box cars look different, with a push-pull mechanism inside perhaps? That would be fun just like stunts. The cars need to be more colorful though.
  9. If it wasn't for the wolf and cockatoo a rather weak series for me. Even the steampunk guy feels not right or is it his accessory... I like the jetpack racer however; the transparent visor looks fantastic. It would be enough if one could order specific older parts like Roman, Spartan helmets, torsos etc. online. In store polybags (e.g. x-tra) are probably not profitable enough for Lego...
  10. New images of a few sets are up. The red farm tractor (4+) comes with two adult sheep, one lamb and shepherd puppy... it's 20$ though and it has no big elements to justify the price tag
  11. Very cool vessel, I like the color and element change in the yellow bow area especially. Thank's for sharing.
  12. Nice to see a Lego set in a reasonable price range for a change. I like the Galaxy Explorer except for the small quad very much, so a new spaceship sounds pretty cool. I suppose there is no chance for a Space GWP?
  13. Highly unlikely that Lego will continue this by adding a Soviet era icebreaker to the list, but the rescue of trapped whales in the arctic in 1985 is a very interesting story by the way: https://todayinhistory.blog/2024/02/22/february-22-1985-operation-beluga/
  14. I didn't expect to buy the complete set anyway since it's not the time period I'm generally interested in, but the ship looks to me totally wrong. Either it's too long or the masts are too short... Don't know what exactly but it's unrecognizable to me. The sails are also hardly attractive - won't even bother to get them on PAB. Shame.
  15. Perhaps the prices are Canadian$ ? 75372 clone trooper & droid bp is currently 40$
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