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  1. Out Run cabinet updated! There were some things that really bothered me about the original build, and when something bothers me, I can't let it go until it's corrected. Here's what I wanted to accomplish: Use a 2x2 tile for the screen (the old build used a 1x2 brick) Get rid of the gaps below the top section Make the front section sleeker and more accurate to the real thing. So I started with redesigning the screen area, because I felt it was important to use a tile for the screen which would allow it to be swapped out with different screenshots a lot easier (you could have different screenshots printed on different tiles). I also used the build technique I used on my Space Harrier cabinet to get rid of the gap below the marquee/top section. This all changed the internal structure quite a bit and I basically had to redesign it almost completely. It was all for the better though; the redesign allowed for more space, which let me add some internal detail. So now you can open up the back of the cab and see the pcb and other components. I was even able to make the screen look kind of like a CRT! See this cross section to view the build and details (some parts removed to show detail): I still want to redesign the base, because I think it should be narrower, so maybe that will be what I'll tackle next. By the way, this project only needs about 1,600 more supporters to get to the 10,000 mark! I'd appreciate the support if you like this! https://ideas.lego.com/projects/96810 Thanks! Comments and questions welcome!
  2. Thanks for the compliments guys! I'm glad I'm not the only one with fond memories of playing these games. When I was a kid, one of my favorite arcades was actually at Disneyland -- the Tomorrowland arcade had all of the deluxe cabinets and I remember playing the massive Galaxy Force II deluxe cabinet there...that thing was so impressive that when I started playing, a crowd gathered around to watch. Living in California at the time, we would go to Disneyland at least once a year, and we'd always play in the arcade after riding Space Mountain or watching Captain EO. That reminds me, I totally want to make a Galaxy Force II cabinet as well.
  3. If you like this, please support it at Lego Ideas: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/96810 Classic Sega Arcade Machines made with Lego bricks! Perfect for any Lego City arcade! As an old school Sega fan, these games have the quintessential "Sega" feel. Simple yet challenging gameplay, colorful and interesting graphics, and most of all, they're just fun to play. I originally wanted to create 5 cabinets: these three plus Hang On and After Burner. However, I've been so busy with family, work, and other hobbies that it took nearly half a year of on and off building just to finish these. I figured it's about time to show them, yes? Out Run Sega's Out Run came out in 1986 and has been a long time favorite of mine. The game is iconic to me on many levels; the music, the graphics, the gameplay, the Sega-ness of it all...it's just perfect. This was the first arcade cab I worked on for this series and I worked on it on and off for months trying different ways to build it. It's still not very close to the real thing, and I'm still thinking of ways to improve it. I'm talking mostly about the front section; the real thing is much slimmer than this. The stickers were custom made in Photoshop and Illustrator. The Out Run logo was found off the web and the Sega logo was created using a font by HariHariSonic. BTW, all of the stickers in these photos are virtual; they were applied in Photoshop. Some Out Run cabinets have this little step on the side. I decided to include it since you can easily remove it if you don't like it. The screen for this cab is on a 1x2x1 brick. Not ideal, but there wasn't enough room to put a 2x2 tile in there and still have all the current dimensions. This is how a minifig looks playing the game. I kept going back and forth on whether the coinop device should be 2 studs wide vs. 1 stud wide. Neither is accurate as it should be somewhere between that. Eventually I decided on 2 studs wide because I felt the coinop panel on the sticker should be larger than 1 stud wide. This photo also shows how the cabinet can rotate left and right to approximate the movement of the real arcade machine. Thunder Blade Thunder Blade was the second unit I worked on. I thought it would be easy because it's such a simple design compared to the others. The problem was scale. If I added in all the details of the real unit, it became too tall. So I had to remove some things to shorten it down to something closer to minifigure scale. The helicopter skids took a while to get right and I finally hit on this solution after other tries didn't work. Other methods were too big, too fragile, or too small. This one was the closest to the scale I wanted to achieve. The model is pretty stable. The chair is probably the most fragile thing though. It's mounted on half of a 2x2 turntable plate. It could be stronger with an extra plate in there, but I felt that it added too much height to an already tall model. Like the Space Harrier cab, the screen here is on a 2x2 tile, so it can be switched out with other screenshots. Here's how the build looks with a minifigure. Obviously, the foot rest is kind of useless, but it's there for accuracy. You can also see how the chair swivels like the real thing. Space Harrier This was the third cabinet I worked on. I nearly gave up on it after a couple of failed attempts to build the front and seat sections. I took a break from it and tried to build Hang On, but that didn't go well either, so I came back to this. I decided to start from scratch and start with the basics: just study the dimensions and details of the real thing for a long time. I figured the front section would be 4 studs wide, the middle would be 3 (with SNOT sides) and the seat would be 2 (also with SNOTted details). This led to the use of some technic beams to add support to the weak 3-stud to 2-stud connection. Once I built the floor of the actual cabinet (the red and white section) and the seat, everything came together really quickly. In fact, I think I took less time on this than the other two. The front section was a bit of a pain though. There aren't any Lego bow pieces that have the same curvature of the arcade cabinet, and I didn't want to use hinges because I wanted smooth sides to make stickering easier, so this brick-built approximation is what I came up with. Connecting the front section to the floor was another issue I had to deal with. At first I simply used hinged bricks to attach it, but because it's a 4-studs wide piece connecting to a 3-stud wide floor, I could only connect the two section by just 2 studs (offset). This was too weak for me even though it looked fine. So I redesigned it to use a combination of technic pieces and clicky joints. This worked really well because it's connected to the technic substructure and it's really strong. The only con is the clicky joint is visible at the back of the cabinet. I'm fine with the tradeoff. Stickering was hell for this one. First, finding good source material was difficult. There really aren't many good shots of the Space Harrier cabinet artwork out there on the interwebs. I even searched in multiple languages. Eventually I found some photos that I had to manipulate in photoshop to create the stickers of the dragon and the back "jets". All the rest I created in Illustrator and had to customize to the dimensions of the Lego pieces. The fonts come from HariHariSonic. Sadly, his site is 404 right now. Here, you can see how a minifigure will look at the controls. A minifigure can't actually grab the control stick; that's just a camera perspective trick. This picture also shows how the cabinet can turn and tilt. It's mounted to the floor using the new ball joints. Minifigures The proposed minifigures for this project. I had originally wanted Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue to be included, but I felt that was just another license they would have to get if this project passes review. Yu Suzuki is the Sega game designer responsible for Space Harrier, Out Run, Hang On, After Burner, Virtua Fighters, Shenmue and many other iconic Sega games. That's it for now! I want to continue with the series and may try to tackle After Burner next. Thanks for looking!
  4. One of my MOCs got recommended. If it gets full support, I will not give my approval. I believe only the MOC creator should be allowed to submit their MOC. I also don't like that you have register a user account for the site just to browse more projects.
  5. It's not as common as a 2x4 brick, but it's been around since 2010 and has appeared in lots of trucks in the City line. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=87609 Great review!
  6. Whoa. I am extremely honored that I got 1st place considering all of the absolutely amazing turtles in this contest! Some of the build techniques were just stunning. A big THANK YOU to Eurobricks, The Lego Group, Peter Reid, Mark Stafford, Karen Frost Sørensen and of course, EVERYONE who voted for my little turtle! You guys ROCK!!
  7. Lego Wooden Turtle Built in the style of the Lego Wooden Duck, this turtle is ready to roll! See one more image on my Flickr stream!
  8. Presenting the Television Transport Turtle (T.T.T. or T3)! This turtle literally brings the entertainment to you and is fully equipped with a widescreen Television and 5.1 surround sound system. Included antennae and satellite dish allows for terrestrial and satellite TV signals. Speakers can be repositioned to the user's liking. I wonder what video is playing? This speaker configuration fits within the 8-stud wide limit of the contest rules. For more pictures, see the album on my Flickr stream.
  9. Created a Vine of the food truck: https://vine.co/v/MdnJLLAX2qj Might make a YouTube video later for it.
  10. Just storage space, though you can't fit much in there. On real food trucks there tend to be storage spaces in that area.
  11. Thanks! I'd like to reinforce the hinges on the flip up door, but there's no more room! Thanks for the comments! Yeah, it could probably use more stickers to add a little extra umph to it, but I tend to be a little hesitant with custom stickers, and to sticker this up properly would probably mean STAMPs. Thank you! You don't happen to be related to Hinckley Springs? I see the company trucks and ads when driving around IL ( I just moved here a year ago). Thanks! I'm trying to strike a balance between detailed and simple building. LOL! No, I'm just a web designer with obsessive compulsive tendencies to improve past MOCs indefinitely. Thanks! It was important for me to approach it like an official set as much as possible, so playability became a big focus on the 2nd revision. Thanks, Tiger! I learn from the best! Your sticker work is truly inspiring! Getting frontpaged was a nice surprise after a long work day! Thanks! The original design's interior was so cramped that it bugged me every time I looked at it. I contemplated going 8-wide for a bit, but I had some ideas to open up the interior a bit and thankfully it all worked out. Good idea! Though I'm not sure if I'm happy with the current stickers...I kind of rushed it and I feel like I can come up with something better. I was also thinking of using large tiles (like those 6x6 tiles) to put stickers on, then you could just remove the tile and switch it if you wanted to change brands, so to speak. Thanks for your support! Thank you! I appreciate it! Thanks! Haha! Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had anything with carrots from a food truck...hmmm... Let's hope that'll be the case, but I don't think it will this time around. I need to get support from non-FOLs to make it happen I think. Anyway, thank you all for your comments! There's still some things I want to improve, but I currently either don't know how to improve them or I'm waiting for a certain part to be made in a certain color.
  12. Did anyone else get two lightsaber blades with their Revan figure? I thought it was normal, but I just read Elrond's review and it seems like he only got one blade.
  13. Well, there's been some new parts and new colors of existing parts since the last revision, so I figured it was time to update this model again. Plus, it'll be the first time this was updated since Lego switched from Cuusoo to Ideas. This is the 3rd major revision of this model, so let's get to what's new: Stronger, redesigned, removable roof. The removable roof is now one plate thicker, making it much stronger. I've also added "handles" to make it easy to know where to hold the roof in order to remove it easily. Redesigned snack/display case. The older model used a part that is no longer being produced (1x2x2 panel without side supports). The new display case uses currently-produced Lego parts and is built with interesting SNOT techniques. New wheels. The old wheels have been replaced with the new wheels that have been showing up in late-2013/2014 City sets. These wheels are about a 1/4 stud thinner, and thus, do not stick out from the vehicle body as much as the older wheels did. This allowed me to get rid of the front mudguards, making the food truck more accurate (real world trucks of this type do not have mudguards on the front wheels). Other minor changes. Here's the link to the Lego Ideas page: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/937 Thank you to everyone who has already supported this project! C & C welcome!
  14. In The Lego Movie, Calamity Drone uses a brick-built minigun and not the rifle that her minifig comes with. The Lego Movie Videogame allows you to play as Calamity Drone complete with her minigun, and it allowed me to see how it was built. I was also able to compare it to the actual movie scenes and it does appear to be accurate as far as I can tell. It's a simple construction using the following pieces, and you should have no problems figuring out how to build it by looking at the above image: 1x Minifig, Utensil Loudhailer / SW Blaster (black) 1x Plate, Modified 1x1 with Clip Horizontal (black) 1x Tap (black) 1x Technic, Axle 3 with Stud (dark bluish grey) 3x Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth (bluish grey) Enjoy!
  15. Not sure if it was mentioned already, but you can also get the robot DJ when you buy the Lego Movie videogame from Walmart, but only for the Xbox 360 or PS3 versions. http://www.walmart.com/ip/The-LEGO-Movie-Videogame-Walmart-Exclusive-Xbox-360/34288941
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