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  1. Merry Christmas everyone! after an hour or two of madness all i can now hear is the search for Lego bricks in tubs - pure bliss :-) hopefully they have enough to keep them busy building for a day or two
  2. Guess that’s a big fat nothing from the toy fair then!
  3. I’m not sure if this is s clue either, but those 2 sets are 10+ and 11+ so I really think there must be more to come! Jim’s thoughts on PuP and it being ready or not seem plausible- as would be TLG desire to keep it under wraps for as long as possible!
  4. If you *need* one of these for Christmas, they are on the shelf in The Entertainer in Cardiff city centre, I managed to avoid being if just emptied my wallet on retiring sets in the Lego shop!
  5. This is so true! And not a convo I usually Wade into, but recently building sets with my son, printed is best - the stickers don’t look great to start with - even if you can get them in straight - but when your 3 year old wants to put them on.... I generally don’t put them on the sets I build and think if they are printed they look better and you just have to work that in with any of your own design
  6. I see the release date has gone back to end of December apologies if I’ve missed this discussed before
  7. According to the usual suspects, both those listed below and brickset, TLG are somewhat behind with dispatching sets for review - but they are "on there way" (hopefully not in the style of "the cheques in the post") Also I note the Mack is on back order already on UK S@H !! Difficult to tell if this is higher sales than anticipated or just TLG using just in time method of fulfilment (and slightly missing the mark) - as it's saying shipping on 9th Jan - I notice the downtown diner did similar for a few days but it's back now!
  8. I was just typing that!! Oh yeah... Happy New Year Everyone :-)
  9. @efferman fantastic work as ever..... can't wait to get one here in the UK!!
  10. Yes thanks - I got one from Cardiff before Christmas
  11. For interest - went over to S@H UK to spend Christmas money and get free PAB box, you can now order the H1 sets (Mack still not listed :-( ) but the are on Back order for shipping 8th Jan, so have they sold stock already or didn't really have it, what was the point in listing it!? Be interesting to see if any Lego stores have stock or anything shows up elsewhere this week.
  12. Merry Christmas one and all we've put out the mince pies, sherry and carrots here and now waiting for the little people to actually go sleep! Then a load of rattely boxes to put under the tree, I wonder what's inside? have a great day everyone - whatever you're doing - hopefully mine will be spent between finishing winter village display and breaking out the mindstorms - I've even bought batteries!
  13. I've gotta say it does look like that panel is blue, but I'm with the light/reflection/ crappy image thing - it's just going to look odd with a blue panel there.... Ahh the image I've seen is not in any way to see any more than a blur of that
  14. That's a fantastic video so jealous you have this already
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