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Eurobricks Vassals
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About gottabekd

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Star Wars
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    TLG UCS A-Wing


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  1. anyone aware of anyone produces mods for the new UCS to replace the sticker portion of the Republic symbol?
  2. greatly appreciated! Made my weekend that much better!
  3. no you were correct, it is my pins, for most of them the rod doesnt fit (they might be older ones I had from before) I did find 2 that the rod slides in with no problem at all
  4. @Jerac sorry to tag you Jerac, but just wondering if the standard Bar 4L should be fitting within the Technic Pin without any modifications or excessive force? I feel like if I put anymore pressure that the bar will snap
  5. the lightsaber rod is the perfect length in theory, but mine dont want to go through the technic connectors (all the way through at least). its almost as if the connectors are too skinny in the centre, or the rods are too thick to fit
  6. anyone else have issues with step #448? I cannot seem to get the rods far enough into the technic piece so that it is flush on both ends is there something I'm missing?
  7. also any other advice for this adjust above would be greatly appreciated. I do love the look of it
  8. Hey @Jerac, love this idea for the engine, wondering if you used Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2 Inverted to connect the Tile, Round Corner 4 x 4 Macaroni Wide, and if so what is the bracket 1x2 connected to in the engine itself Looks amazing and would love to convert mine thanks
  9. @Jerac silly question,, but if my plan for this beautiful model is display purposes only, am I able to replace the tedious lighting bricks with 4x 2*3 brick plus 4x 2*3 plate? If so, will any colour work? thanks so much! happy to have bought into this beautiful MOC
  10. @Monkfiche taggin Monkfiche as a bat signal, that guy was a wizard with this set and was very deep on a lot of mods! save us Monkfiche!
  11. accidentally purchased 2x canopies for this gorgeous MOC if anyone is looking for the canopy and doesn't want to pay $55 USD, shoot me a message. I just want to recoup my cost can only ship to NA due to current pandemic climate. thanks,
  12. due to some unfortunate circumstances, I am currently looking to purchase a copy of this gorgeous MOC's instructions. I had a deal fall through after I had already purchased everything my son and I needed to construct this. If anyone is able to help us out and is will to sell theirs, please send me a private message, any consideration is greatly appreciated! thanks all!
  13. greatly appreciate it @Mace Handowan!
  14. outside of the canopy price, does anyone have a recent estimate on costs for parts. The set is gorgeous but don't want to bite off more than I can chew on costs. And with a $56 CAD instruction and $70 CAD canopy, just curious about the remainder. Interested in NA sellers only, rough estimate, from anyone who currently has purchased the parts list. Greatly appreciated
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