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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Andrzej777

  • Birthday 08/02/1979

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    Historic Lego contexts, viewing historic lego mocs, trying to get better at lego (quite untalented! :) )


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  1. Buy lots of pab cups
  2. I have to both agree and disagree. Due to the lack of a proper castle theme I had a look at the elves theme and actually bought the starlight inn, twice because I got a good price and thought I could sell the dragons and mini dolls (still got one doll left). The sets are actually quite good and could have made a fantastic castle theme, if it wasnt for the dolls and colora used. The starlight inn had definitely amazing parts, but it also came with parts I am not sure I will ever use. Should I ever find an interestung elves set on sale I will probably buy it, but its not really what I want! As of now I decided only to buy sets if the figs are interesting to me a d rather invest my money into brick cups and parts orders and of course cmfs. I am relatively new to lego and when I look at the great sets of the past its quite disappointing that lego has apparently put those kind of sets on hold. What is more disappointing, there doesbt seem to be any kind of historic theme coming out next year.
  3. Totally depends ob the sticker. I generally dont use them because I am afraid they will get damaged when the set gets disassembled. I generally prefer printed parts. In one of those movie sets they had piano notes, unfoetunately with a sticker. Would have made a nice printed piece
  4. Time will pass and you will make good use of those sets. Never wise to worry abou spoikt milk.
  5. I had to realize thay keeping a budget is impossible for me. I generally buy if there is an occasion or need and base my buying habits on priorities and money available. The most important thing for me are historic minifigs. Whenever I get the chance to visit a lego store I buy at least one cup, depending on the bricks available even more. When I need specific bricks I use pab bap, I put those on a list and when there is enough to warrant free shipping I place an order.
  6. Everyone got their preferences. I generally tend to buy sets because of the minifigs. The builds are secondary. Not getting any historical sets with historical minifis was not satisfying. On the other hand, I invested the money which I didnt spend on sets on CMF, pab cups, pab/bap orders, and recently on the nexo knights magazine (lava warrior). Looking forward to the next CMF series. In regard to the Disney castle, its definitely quite nice, but still I will not shell out that much money for a castle and some Disney figs. Still I appreciate the build.
  7. Classic western Maybe we will get a classic western figure next year
  8. From what I am hearing, Nexo knights is quite popular among the kids. Will probably stay for quite some time. Lego has invested a lot into this theme. I actually got to like nexo knights a bit, I bought a couple of the current nexo knights mags, the monster fig is amazing IMHO. WIll probably buy some more. I hope they will bring out some serious castle in the future, hopefully not just a rehash of the last castle theme. Any news about new themes for next year? Any chance for a western theme?
  9. Exactly! The monster figures (at least some of them) can be used for other themes (as I have realized!) In regard to nexo knights proper, I dont like the colors used, IMHO they dont really fit into a castle theme, and technology puts me off somehow, vehicles like castle tanks or something dont really help, sorry, but thats just my opinion. On the other hand I think this theme is generally awesome and kind of cool. Its just the idea that as longs as its there, there might not be another classic castle theme coming out . Other than that, really, I think its awesome, just not my cup of tea.So my hate towards it is rather symbolic :)
  10. :) I definitely hate the nexo knights line - and I am probably never gonna buy a single set (hopefully :) ) - no offense, please, I am more into classic castle. However, I must admit, that I quite like the minifig which is featured in the current nexo knights mag. So much, that I already bought it six times. I dont know why, but its really great. And I am probably gonna buy some more and build a small army - or tribe, rather. I might even resort to buying that army building pack. Hopefully, they will bring out another cool minifig in one of those mags. And I thought I would never ever buy anything nexo knights related. - I guess, I was wrong. Just btw, this minifig carries and axe, a stud shooter which resembles a bow, and carries arrows - not really thought trough I must say - but thats just a very minor complaint ( they should have given it a regular bow)
  11. I think they could. But when I think about the last castle wave, and the last pirates wave, I think Lego should also re-imagine those themes. The last two pirates waves (with a 5 year hiatus in between) were roughly similar, so if they bring out another pirates line in about 4 years with basically the same sets in different colors, people will complain. Same with classic castle! I think people are likely to complain about such beloved themes because they have to wait a long time until something comes out and then it seems to be some sort of a lackluster re-hash. Maybe lego should bring out a totally different historic theme, like the creator line. They could call it Lego History creator or something like that :) Total fan service - with just a couple of sets each year spanning different themes, like maybe two sets castle, two sets pirates and two sets wild west, with new sets coming out each year to continue. Releasing fewer sets of each subtheme might help make those sets more interesting. I dont know - its just a thought.
  12. just realized I posted my reply in the wrong thread :) shame on me this is what I have found recently https://innovalug.com/techniques
  13. Does anyone know what kind of pick a models are available at the brick wall in Europe this quarter of the year? As far as I know they change the models every three months.
  14. https://innovalug.com/techniques I found some interesting techniques here
  15. PPP ratio is theoretically interesting, however, it can be misleading. Lego sets consist of lots of small parts. To me its the minifigs that are included, no matter the ppp ratio. If I can get some nice historic minifigs I can overlook useless parts or a bad ppp ratio. Pay per use doesnt convince me. In the end its about the money I invest and what I can do with the parts that I got.
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