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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Gabi_BC

  • Birthday 04/13/1989

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  1. Ha! Just came across this while watching Poirot on the TV in the background Great work. I was just thinking about building his beautiful apartment building in Lego (at least in LDD) as a stay at home project.
  2. I have the unbuilt 42078 right beside me, i am seriously contemplating jumping straight to this version. Excellent work, i think this is one of the best C-model ideas i've seen around here.
  3. Coal is probably on the way out, yes, but iron ore, copper and gold mines are here to stay for a very long time.
  4. In the "Future set wishes and speculation" i wrote this back in 2016 Guess i'm getting my wish fulfilled and honestly i couldn't be happier. A 7motor machine far exceeds my expectations, this is well within MOC territory. I'm guessing one of the more popular mods to this will be switching it from a mining shovel to an excavator since the real life model offers both options (backhoe attachment or face shovel attachment).
  5. My wallet hurts just from looking at this but they sure look great together.
  6. Here's a link to the entire folder (pretty chaotic but if you sort by date you'll find the latest versions) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dyrthxpdjs40oow/AAC-gncNpfxql796owr2uKTPa?dl=0
  7. I am almost certain of 2 things. 1. I am buying this in the near future. 2. I am not applying all the stickers.
  8. This is way, way beyond what i tried to do I guess modelling separate components could be possible. Otherwise ldd would certainly crash. Or bluerender would crash. Something certainly would.
  9. There has to be a pier and a ship somewhere in this!
  10. it gives me great pleasure to see this actually built. Thank you for your appreciation.
  11. Those used in opencast mining can dig both below and above grade Not only that, but you don't need to rotate the buckets depending on how you're digging, like is sometimes the case with BWE's.
  12. closest you can get to the real thing with this solution. Just like with the 42055 bwe, the bucket discharge is not exactly similar to real life operations, but a decent trade-off. I'm guessing you will need a deflector plate to keep the load from discharging onto the buckets below and probably jamming the machine. The clamshell bucket is, i think, the most realistic approach so far.
  13. The bucket itself has no moving parts. The buckets are emptied when they go around the drive sprocket inside the excavator body. The material falls off the back of the bucket, into a chute and then onto conveyors or into railcars. The geometry of the bucket ensures that the material stays inside the bucket until it goes around the sprocket. That is why the buckets have that "tail" I added some pictures i took at Ferropolis (awesome place, must visit if you have the opportunity). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/94ofk9iumvnbgnw/AABUnzvKG4PxTKc7vq4f_KjLa?dl=0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkDlm0FmmZY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z41eabO0OTo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8tv-FUfq0g
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