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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. What a beautiful set, and in such great condition too, especially the figs. I don't have any of these... and I don't have the transparent parts to make it either.
  2. Don't worry about it. We're still waiting for permission to re-post them.
  3. Why should this be needed? EB has been an AFOL site for years. Proudly proclaiming that you are a TFOL is reason for an instant ban. We are being nice here and giving people a second chance. If they don't get the hint...
  4. Interresting mod. I'm not sure what I will end up doing with mine. (I corrected your title.)
  5. Thanks for your opinions LordGalewind. I want 8297 mostly for the suspension, transmission pieces and the PF parts, so at full price it's a bit of a hard sell for me. I'm leaning towards the telehandler... but you're giving me doubts now! I was looking thought the instructions last night and I was impressed by the escavator; especially the transmission and battery box integration. I was expecting the linear actuators to be geared that way, but I still want one! I need one more free transmission piece to be able to make a super-car gearbox... or I could break 8421 and have one now. Buying 8297 would give me it all in one package... (Don't worry about the lack of a review; your posts were great!)
  6. Very nice.... and super squishy!
  7. I've entered! Thanks Mr Ambassador!
  8. I've at last integrated the old indexes; there's some great old MOCs there too! I also made a start on the current topics.
  9. It's a good shape, but at this stage I think more detail is needed.
  10. It's too sleek to be inspired by Twilight! It reminds me more of a beefed up B-Wing.
  11. It's close enough so I classed it as a mod! Good work.
  12. What a beautiful ship. This is one of the ships that clearly has weapons... but I bet LEGO would deny it! Thanks for the great review. (I was trying to buy this on eBay last month... but I was outbid. )
  13. Fair point...
  14. Yes. You heard it from here and from me on EB.
  15. I still don't class that as proof. Look how much the vikings sets changed over their development; the prototypes has beard pieces. We may end up with "elves" that are just the return of forestmen... which still would be good!
  16. Please note that due to an overabundance of topics like this we prefer that they are in community. As for advice, I second the opinion of CGH! Any advice I or anyone would give would reflect what they want, not what you want. My advice to you is to download the instuctions and decide that way. Yes!
  17. Not by TLG... and they are the only guys that can confirm LEGO lines. When I see a catalog with the sets, or news on their site, that's when it's confirmed for me.
  18. Both are still rumours. You can't say they are confirmed until they are er... welll... confirmed.
  19. I've been meaning to get around to making a big rant on this when I get around to it.... but it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen. Thus I'll say quickly that this ia a stunning MOC, and I love it all... especially the hair!
  20. Did you look at the scanned flyer? Seems pretty clear to me.
  21. No personal attacks.
  22. I voted black... ...and I fixed the typo. No caring around here!
  23. I rarely put stickers on now as it limits MOCs. But sometimes I put them on if I think I could re-use the stickered piece of if I think it's essential. The best I could find was here.
  24. This seems more of a community discussion...
  25. All I know is contained in this newly merged topic.
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