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About Maico

  • Birthday 05/27/1968

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  1. build the complete axle in one straight line Then select the parts to the right of the cardan joint, bend all in the correct angle. Then select right axle with right part of the u-joint. bend it back to the hole where you need it to be.
  2. I think the problem is the program trying to connect to brickshelf using http instead of https.
  3. @MajklSpajkl that's called troubleshooting...
  4. MLCAD has an option to export it's submodels. Souds silly, but you can find it in the menu bar under "submodels"
  5. Actually, this one is not mine. This one belongs to Klaus Hansen. Klaus his model is I guess a derivative of the model of Jean-Marc Nimal: This one is mine: My module is running clockwise where the others are running counterclockwise... (two links to the same video with a different starting point...)
  6. The closer you get to the exact weight the better. But @JBrost is right in what he says...
  7. you can find it in several of my videos where I follow the blue ball. An example:
  8. It would be nice if everyone would do something like that. On a show there are people asking so you tell them it is not your creation but from someone else. They give you credit anyway and you gave credit to the original designer by telling. But how about those God knows how many viewers who don't ask? They asume you build it and so the original designer doesn't get any credit. For that I do like the aproach of Klaus Hansen. He uses a 1x6 tile with his name as the builder and owner of that module and a second tile 1x6 with "Design: Akiyuki" if it is not his own design. I give credit in my Youtube videos by puting a line "Design: Maico Arts" or something like that next to each module. If I know the name of the original designer...
  9. Good idea. Just downloaded the zip file and extracted everything and put in the location of the previous version. Thanks!
  10. Hmm, I had the same pain in removing version 2.3.7. Finally running 2.3.8 by removing a lot of stuff from 2.3.7 by hand. Now when trying to update to 2.3.9 there is a problem uninstalling then 2.3.8 version...
  11. @Berthil is right, In my module the archimedes screw itself is rotating, in this module it is stationary. Offset in this module is two studs. That would be too wide in my module... :-)
  12. just did :-) Those green wheels look very familiar :-)
  13. My list of events in june and july which I will or cannot attend: june: LEGO Fanweekend Portugal, Parades de Coura, Portugal (www.fanweekend.pt) (I can't be there though) Absolut Steinchen, Hochschule Reihn Bonn Sieg, Sankt Augustin, Germany www.absolutsteinchen.de (I will be there) Festijn met Bouwsteentjes, LEGIO museum, Grootegast, Netherlands (I will be there) Fanabriques, Colmar, France www.fanabriques.fr, (I will be there) juli: Brick.IE, Ireland (I can't be there) I don't know if the organisers of the event I can't attend have other GBC builders Who do participate. Kind regards, Maico Arts
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