Been a long time since I posted, been really busy. Anyway, here goes:
I have sets:
4504 Millennium Falcon (used, mkt value ~$175)
10123 Cloud City (used, mkt value ~$200)
4501 Mos Eisley Cantina (used, mkt value ~$60, I might have 2 of these)
and figs (all new and assembled, unless o/w stated):
bley emperor palpatine from 7264 (mkt value ~$30+)
yoda (mkt value ~$15)
lando from cloud city 10123 (mkt value ~$30+)
red royal guards x2 (mkt value ~$7-8 )
kashyyyk troopers x2 from 7261 (unassembled, mkt value ~$10)
c3po pearl light gold (mkt value ~$12)
bib fortuna (mkt value ~$10)
r2d2 (mkt value ~$4)
and rare part
1x red vader helmet (mkt value ~$30)
I want the following:
10178 motorised AT-AT x 2 (mkt value ~$150 new, less if opened)
4500 snowspeeder only x 2, I don't need the figs/radar dish (mkt price ??)
6210 MISBox (mkt price $75)
7662 MISBox (mkt price $100)
7036 dwarf mine (mkt value ~$65)
figs from 7666 (tell me how much u think its worth ;-) )
figs from 7665 (tell me how much u think its worth ;-) )
new battlepacks especially 7668 x many many (~$10 each)
7669, 7672 ($20, $50 respectively)
chrome gold c3po, but only if reasonably priced :-)
I am on the SSL with multiple +s on FBTBforums, and am located in Singapore. I ship worldwide (airmail please). PM me if you are interested in any kind of trade (I might be interested in purchasing want-items if the price is reasonable). I am kinda busy nowadays, so trading might be slow; but if we both respond pretty quickly then there should be no problems.