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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Danee

  • Birthday 04/25/1987

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  1. @Stewen at first, everything should be fake, now everything is full of flaws... What's your intention here?
  2. @agrof i totally agree. We shouldn't forget that a lot of people at TLG worked hard for this set, but at the end, they leaked it by their own. I don't want to be that guy who launched the website too soon .....
  3. But Promobricks.de only suspects this in relation to the published photos. Maybe the product images are just retouched for marketing purposes and we still get stickers.
  4. Since we already got two supercars, i think it will always be the same. Simple suspension/steering, fake engine, openable doors, transmission. IMHO, this series is mainly about the looks and the challenge, to recreate a car with primarily technic pieces and basic functions which have to fit into the chassis and bodywork. The designers have to fulfill the requirements of the VW Group and TLG. The car has to be clearly recognizable and the designers have to follow the LEGO design guidelines. I can imagine that the development and approval processes take a lot of time, so that they mainly focus on the looks and try to refine some technical functions with every new supercar. With every new set, I expect the "quality" of its predecessor and I'm happy about everything which has been improved.
  5. @Anio I am one of this few users who unbuild his flagship sets that way And yes, it gets a little bit frustrating sometimes I also place every pin and gear like it’s aligned in the instruction and try to place the liftarms so, that you don’t see the little dot caused by the injection moulding. So, build and unbuild takes a lot of time for me, but I really enjoy this extended building process
  6. Yes, I’ve ordered it for 335,29€ And the order is correctly processed with estimated delivery on October 5th.
  7. Amazon Germany offered the set yesterday morning for 335€. Ready for shipment on October 4th. I’ve preordered the set, so i‘ll get it with a 25% discount at release date, which is an acceptable price for me. Soon after i placed my order, it got unavailable and meanwhile it is listed for retail price (449,99€), again. Amazon actually displays the set with LEGO’s confidential name, which is “Elephant”. Here is the ASIN, if someone is interested: B07NDBGW4G
  8. Very nice review, as always, Jim. Did you see that the translated German text on page 20 is identical to the introduction text of box 2 on page 138? TLG is very reliable when it comes to flaws in its Technic UCS sets I can‘t understand that no one at TLG recognized it. I saw it instantly when i finished box 1, yesterday.
  9. Many thanks for the instructions Do we need any additional parts to pimp it like that?
  10. http://www.steindrucker.com/bedruckte-teile-fuer-42056 but i‘m afraid that the parts for the Bugatti will be far more expensive because of their parts selection and amount.
  11. That was my thought, too. But with this amount and type of parts, it will surely be quite expensive
  12. Or they need these parts to reach the piece count of 3599
  13. I think that their main focus is on replicate the look of the car, to satisfy their licensing partners (Porsche, Bugatti). After that, they fill up the left space with some avarege technic functions. I can say about my experiences, when someone is looking at my Porsche, most of them are amazed that it is made of LEGO, but they don't ask me if it got some super fancy functions. So I conclude that TLG is aware of this and develop this line up more as a showcase model with a sprinkle of functions.
  14. Maybe but it is more challenging to realize such functions with existing parts instead of create new parts to make things easier. Nevertheles, it's nice to see the evolution and i'm very happy with these new parts and the new possibilities we'll get with them
  15. I think that these stickers devaluate the look of the cockpit imho, and i think it shouldn't be a problem for TLG to print at least the tiles. I understand that they don't print Technic beams, panel, etc, but tiles should get printed. I mean, they promote them as ultimate sets and they are not limited, so they produce a lot of them in the next two years. But maybe, i'm too narrow-minded with this
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