Heya. Just PM me if and when the pics come back and I'll unlock it for ya'.
Hello everyone! I promised I would have a new custom up soon, so here it is. The Ignius. Now you will notice it is a bit messy looking in the first two pictures, but in real life, you can't notice it.
So, how was it done?
1) Firstly, I took a spinax mask, and loped off the front section of it.
2) I then removed the two teeth, and sanded it down.
3) A pieces was taken out to make a mouth. The eys were widened.
3) A bit of rock clay was added. Rock Clay is a clay that turns as hard as rock when dry.
4) The two pieces were adjoined with more rock clay.
5) After the rock clay was dried, a very awsome step was taken. It was a glue that actually melted the plastic to the point where it would stick to eachother, and harden.
6) More Rock clay and two wooden pegs were inserted.
7) It was smoothed out.
8) A strong sealer was added to the clay spikes and other rock clay, to make it very strong. Indestructible.
9) It was sealed a second, third, and fourth time.
10) Paint and sealer was added.
And here are a few final pics. The black armor is still a WIP.
Although it may not look it, this is very strong. It has two wooden pegs in it. I am working on smoothing it out some.
And on a MOC:
It is still a work in progress, as I need to smooth out the edges and the back of the mask, and get rid of the excess plastic.
But feel free to comment on the progress so far!