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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. I asked... 1.) Why are female sets so un-female looking? 2.) Why are the same designs re-used over the years (For instance, the Inika torso's have been used constantly. Same with the armor.) 3.) Why don't you use more trans- colors? 4.) Why don't you produce chorme gold or silver? I'm not talking massive quantities, just a few parts for a set. 5.) For my final question, I must ask, what do you try to accomplish when designing sets? Hopefully this will get some answers.
  2. The middle one. Different rules, but a similar concept. Yes! And the small black/red boat looks like the boat that was in the indy movie. Remember? The brown ones, that Indy sends through the two cargo carrier ships. Very nice and realistic.
  3. Okay, I LOVE that pickup truck. VERY well done, DJ.
  4. I had never heard of this contest until now, and it's just a coincidence that we are running such similar competitions. Looking great so far guys! The more I look, the more I like entry 3. A nice military boat indeed.
  5. Damn, I should read more than just the pictures. Interesting technique. I would do something similar, but alas I have no desire for the rocket set.
  6. Strange, I'm running a similar contest at BH... Anywho, I'm going for the last one. Seems like something I would buy.
  7. Teridax: Godzilla.
  8. Not much of a problem for me. I am as much of a technic junkie as a system one. Makes them much more stable. Of course, when it comes to sets like the 'Mahal, they mess with the set by taking away the interior.
  9. Not sure. I'm a little sad that Mcain didn't win, as I am a republican. On the other hand, I have no homework, so more posting here and building. So all in all, an alright day for me.
  10. (Thanks to Doctor Sinister for the pic) Also, I am looking for roadplates. So, basicly, this is what I am looking for. These tires. And lots of em. I have a butload of Bionicle and this: That I am willing to trade for this. Requirements: US Only Preferred if you have done a successful and smooth transaction prior to this. You send first(as always with me) "How can I be trusted?" -I have done various ebay auctions in the past with great feedback -I have done other trades here on EB, and they have been great transactions. Post here or PM me, VBBN
  11. Really? I thought that was just some random rahi. I am somewhat glad Lego didn't make remake The Makuta, like Takanuva or the nuva.
  12. The new heads are not related to avtoran heads in any way
  13. Meh, it's too different. But it might do. Very true. I might get one of these, mainly for the parts and to review. And for a rock monster.
  14. This.... ...Is definatly similar. And sadly it didn't have steering either. Why TLC? It should be easier to mod than tiny turbos though.
  15. A very interesting pig. Nice use of parts. How did you do the beachball?
  16. Rockoh T3: Enjax T3 Brutaka: Bookar I'll think of more soon. Nice topic idea, BTW.
  17. VBBN


    Lego modding or staff modding? Both are great, of course. Welcome to Eurobricks! Glad to see you wanted to join here.
  18. Very nice. I'll put it up immediatly. I have a 20 inch by 20 inch screen...It's a little small.
  19. Latte's in Michigan look like that. But with whipped cream topping. Looks like you had a good time! My sigfig will be traveling to Chocage and the Lego store in December !!
  20. Technic jeep? I saw the one on the Destral Cycle page, but my subscription expired, so I am not getting it anymore. If I do, I will certainly look for them!
  21. Hat: Anything you want. If you do hair, make it dark brown or black. Or any hats/helmets. They change all the time. Torso: TIE Pilot Torso. Legs: Just a black pair of legs. Extras: Shoulder Epaulets. You can find them on bricklink, or from a few Jhonny Thunder sets.
  22. Great job! Glad to see the functions remain. Man do I love this set. My mom got it for me for my birthday. It is the one thing that makes me love creator.
  23. Welcome to the forums! I hope you find yourself at home here. Ah, another modular fan. So you steer away from EF, Belville, SB, and PM? As do I, except for EF. Do you stay clear of Bionicle, or do you foray into that as well?
  24. Thanks everyone! Runninglizard: The gray piece was used to attach the front and back of the explorer(the lisencse plate/headlights, tailights, etc.) It has small curves in it to prevent it from stopping the wheels from moving. I'll get you a pic next time I am downstairs with my camera.
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