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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. Great! I might actually purchase one of these sets!
  2. Well, I'm not to bad at the drums, but thats it. Oh, and I'm fair at a piano.
  3. Great review! Quick question, are the wheels hollow or are they solid rubber? `La Empray VBBN
  4. It why the blue pins
  5. What? And one other thing to add to Kim's post, is don't go around posting 50 pointless points in a row. The ranks only come with respect, so make sure your posts have some content and meaning to them.
  6. Sounds good, I'll be entering.
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen; You may remember Brickforum Module, but it wasn't a great success. So in my doings I have created a new sit, with a new hosting service, Synthasite. Now I doubt anyone wants to join more forums, so this is just for you. No forums, just a daily blog and various sections to check daily! Brickforum Module` Let me know of your comments. :) EDIT: And just to clear things up, I don't want this to be major advertising, so I'll just post a link to the site in my sig.
  8. Actually, those pics are perfect! And I am loving this guy.
  9. 0+ Vassal 100+ posts Citizen 500+Posts Knight(poll powers) 1000+ Posts Count 2000+posts Duke 4000+posts Grand Duke Edit: Whoop, it's 4, not 5 thousand posts.
  10. Yes that is a given. Still not sure what to put in the back though.
  11. lol great pose
  12. Thanks for the review! Woah, from seeing how long Atakus's head is, I am anxious to see skrall's! And I am excied about printed Bionicle parts! But not so much about the stickers on Tuma. And I don't mind blurry pics-they are better than nothing!
  13. his review is next
  14. Well, My want is pretty simple; A Bayonet. I think it would make the world a difference. :)
  15. Works with me lol
  16. Here's one that I love:
  17. On the other hand( ), I've heard many people over at BZP who hate them. Maybe I can just buy them from them. Or maybe the plastic is better this year(doubt it)
  18. Please see my new trade topic.
  19. Ah, thanks to both of you, gentlemen. Question answered! Regards, `La Empray VBBN
  20. Oh, well, the only figs I liked were the Russian Guard and the German German guard, so it's a tie of them.
  21. Okay, now this may not be a big deal, but... Usually when you go to a topic, you can see the users who are browsing that topic/respective forum. However, for the last 3 weeks or so, I haven't had this feature. Is it something that I can fix or is it just something with the server? Thanks, `La Empray VBBN
  22. Now I'm not the greatest MOCer, but I am quite fond of what I am turning out right now: More pics here Please post your suggestions that I can add when working on it later on. Thanks, VBBN
  23. The hands are growing on me. Lets hope they don't break.
  24. Whew! Ah, that makes sense. Once again congrats to the other winners!
  25. Great work! Very funny. I want to get some of these wittle guys now. Regards, `La Empray VBBN
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