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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. Those are special tags and Country flag. Special tags are awarded if you earn them. Their are various ways to do so. For instance, mine; The Golden Tag is a certified teacher of the Academy. The Imperial Logo is from participating in the Tie Army Wants You RPG game. And lastly, the space tag, which at one point was being given bt snefroe. Unfortunatly, I am not sure as to how country flags are given. I believe it is just another reward. Also, their is a limit of 3 special tags and 1 country flag.
  2. Ouch, this set is becoming less and less appealing to me. Over sized parts, bad colors... And those wheels don't seem like they would give him a smooth ride.
  3. The Mahri and Hordika. Mutants just aren't lego's strong. spot.
  4. Aye, that is my bad. Yes, he lives in my timezone. However my time settings keep getting messed up. They are either an hour forward or backward, I can't get the real time. I believe that is why he is telling me to change my time.
  5. The main breakege problem with the mahri was Hahli and Lesovikk. As for 2008, I thought it was okay. The story was okay, but not as epic as it could have been. The sets were nice, but mainly the Phannys(phantoka). The Mistakes(Mistika) were bad, but Bitil was great! So was Taky. I think the problem was the colors(too much gray and silver), and the joints. Other than that, it was an okay year. But 2009 is definatly looking to beat it set and hopefully, story wise.
  6. My entry for the Durby is done! And good idea making the sidelines for members.
  7. Okay, here we go! Apologies for the picture quality. Here it is, the V-Box. The two weapons at the front give it a devastating terror throughout the hill, and the sleek skis make it fly through snow like butter. Also, it has a large turbo boost at the back. You can see the boost here. The large spikes protect it from other Snow boxes hitting him. Note: THe skis are technic, and the one weapon is a Bionicle Minifig weapon. THe attahment of the skis keep them sturdy, AND can move left or right to turn. Enjoy!
  8. That is because you don't have the Mistika or Phantoka. Or have you gotten them recently?
  9. Theme Name: The Gladiator Wars Characters: Fighters of different tribes Conflict: Battling for power Setting: The different eras of earth. Background Info: Basicly, each set has 2 or more figures dressed in armor fighting. They are in the different eras of earth, mainly the jungle, rainforest, volcanic range, ancient Rome, etc. Sets can be from a volcanic base to a Colesium.
  10. Great entries everyone! My entry will be done tomorrow.
  11. It’s the same print as any minifig or printed system part
  12. Great, thanks! Regards, `La Empray VBBN
  13. Where? The only paint I see is on Skralls shirld. Now, while looking great, it's certainly a step for Bionicle.
  14. Quick question, can Academy Moderator Teachers join? Sounds fun! Looking forward to seeing some entries.
  15. Paint? In my opinion it's the best year for Bionicle since 2006 Though that could change if the quality of parts is low.
  16. Some more pics of Tuma: Link
  17. I am from USA.(didn't want to send a thrid PM)
  18. 1)Zesk or Tarduk Mata yellow Yes.
  19. Ooo, lots to see here! Looking forward to it. Battle Chariot? Fortress! Awesome! Hmm, sad no farm. Those are some...interesting names. Let's hope for some awesome vehicals! Woah.. Not liking the sound of the "v"s though. Meh, not very exciting. Great. More pink bricks! :skull: As always, looking forward to them. Oh, interesting! Again, interesting.
  20. Gresh and Tarduk's helmets would make great claws for MOCs, especially if released ina different color.
  21. Either an Air Hockey table or...
  22. Excellent Moc! I would probably be this guy:
  23. Very nice! Thanks Hinckley Claus! Very classic and refreshing. I wonder how Inferno fits all of hit hair into that small little hat...
  24. Hmm, Pm sent! Hoping to trade with you! Look at my topic to see my wants.
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