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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. It may be the internet browser you are using. Are you using Internet Explorer? It works the best. Other than that I'm not sure what to say... Hope you get it resolved!
  2. Wow! Simply beautiful!
  3. Sorry, but I must disagree with this. What's the point of having a technic set with steering if you don't use it? Why are they called Building toys? Why do you think minifigures have everything they do? The moving parts? Why doesn't lego just make them stiff and in one place, not with awesome playability and functions? Simply an opinion.
  4. Girls month...Oh, lego themed? XD Star Wars, definatly.
  5. Jim, I'm still working on yours. Thanks for being patient. Norrignton: Could you get me a better pic of your sigfig? Take your time though.
  6. Have a great Birthday guys filled with lego, cake, and all the things you want!
  7. School, and fixed up my part of the trade with Exobuilder.
  8. A lot of times when ordering online you have to buy them seperatly. I useualy buy them in packs of 50, different colors. Besides, if you bought bulk off of Ebay, well, I wouldn't trust them.
  9. You know what, I was just about to post this. About a year ago, I purchased a few Droid BPs. About a week ago, half of my Super Battle droid's arms snapped. However, for those who are having this porblem, and you have hydraxon, then I have a cure for them Look at this: I tried this for my new figs and it looks great. Plus it has better hans now.
  10. You're welcome. I to am slightly annoyed by the door porblem. It is especialy a problem near the caboose, as the roof isn't as easy to remove as on the Passenger car...
  11. Yes, but it cost 30$ more. Thanks! And it might be avaible this coming christmas... You're welcome.
  12. Or geonosis. It could have the 3 colems, the 3 creatures, Techno Union ships, and more!
  13. A padme Geonosis, with torn shirt and sleeve, please! How useful that would be!
  14. That would be nice, but I couldn't afford them all, so I would feel bad not being able to get some of them...
  15. Okay, now this may require 2 people. First, grab a pair of pliars or a wrench. Also, a long technic rod. Place the long technic rod in the bttom of the crate. Secure the pliars or wrench to the edge of the hat. Have one peroson pull down on the barrel, while you pull with the pliars. Be careful not to damage the hat. If that doesn't work, then your only solution is to hack of the bottom of the crate with a coping saw, and get to the hat.
  16. Me and Exobuilder sorted out a trade today: I am sending him the following: Ashoka Tano, Anikan's hair, a dwarve beard, And omplete Chameleon Hunter with minifig. And he is giving me:
  17. Yes glowing sword elements
  18. Concerning the Taj mahal scale, can you imagine the size if it was? To bad it doesn't have an interior.
  19. Exactly. Try a lightsaber hilt or technic axl. Don't use pliars or anything, and they will ruin the hat.
  20. Great find! I hope they do this more often, but with different sets. I want the Venator, but not much of the other things. Looks Like I shall be purchasing a jeep, perhaps?
  21. A bit to complicated for lego “and unto the water she went, trident in hand” ”and u to land he went, fire sword in hand” ”underground he went, club in hand” ”to the jungle, the sythe”
  22. Good return to form
  23. Yesterday I purchased the 7737 Coast guard set. A review will follow.
  24. Nice! The lighting is perfect. I look forward to seeing more. And you would be better off posting them in this topic, but you can post them in seperate threads like Dr. S' grunts.
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