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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. Welcome! Please tell us a little bit more about yourself, so we get to know you better.
  2. Welocme to Eurobricks! I hope you have a nice time here.
  3. Sharpies are a fine quality permanent marker. They cost a bit more than your average marker, but the results are woth it. However, yellow sharpies won't work on the fleshie heads. They will come out uneven and rub off over time. If you really want to make them yellow, I would strongly suggest using Testors Arcylic or Games Workshop paints. They are expensive, but I can't express how amazing they are. Hope this helps! VBBN
  4. Why did I have that microphone in bed...
  5. Thanks for the review! I'm loving the cook and Trans cones...
  6. For what? The set or review? And you will find that this set can spark your interest. Poll added.
  7. Sorry about not being able to post much on these. I was at school today and these days really go by fast.
  8. Hello everyone! Last christmas was when I recieved this amazing set, and now I am going to review it. Name: Holiday Train Number: 10173 Pieces: Unknown Released: Seasonal Availability: Not Available The box: Front This thing's box is HUGE! It is very long, and although it is short in length, it is about 2 1/2 minifigs deep! And it is filled with parts. It is larger than my studio as well. I realy need to get my new one up and running. A side view showing the figs pics. Back of the box: I really like these scenes. Another back of the box image: Manuals: There are two in this set. The first one is 60 pages and book 2 is 50. Random image: Figs: What a group of figs! The conductor is fun and has a really nice red scarf. The two ticket guys are awesome, especialy the dark red caps. The other figs are a woman, a boy, steven steelburg with a classic space jacket, and a scary looking man. :shock: Stay tuned, as I will later post part 2, the set! Enjoy, VBBN It's a bit shabby, but part 2 wil detail the set heavily.
  9. Thanks for the review, Dunamis! Wow, this set is looking better every time I see it. So many nifty features! I wish lego would make more mini-minifig scaled fighters like those, they are so cute! God is this thing HUGE! I thought the gunship was big. After I have obtained the eiffel tower, this will be sure to take the next spot on my list. VBBN
  10. That's it, I'm tired of these nose squabling Baritones. I want to see them. How could anyone hurt Trex? It might have been one of his fellow workers...They were the ones that have access to any tools if (I scream clone) is right about the nailed windows. My vote is Betty. I'm so sorry, but I just can't trust you right now, friend.
  11. VBBN

    Lego Truck MOC

    I made this MOC this week and I thought I would show it to you. I'll have more pics up later. Enjoy!
  12. VBBN


    Welcome to the forums!
  13. Nice! I'm loving the Freeze.
  14. Welcome! I look forward to seeing your creations.
  15. Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you will be doing more divers reviews. Divers was a great theme. Somehow it just seemed to stand out amongst the other water themes like aqua sharks, aquanauts, and aqua raiders.
  16. So, we can have three entries, one for each division, awesome! I will get started! Let's see, ship....fort....
  17. Yes. You can buy them without the crappymeal.
  18. Most of old themes like classic space(the new galaxy police) and aquaraiders and castle, etc are coing back, so perhaps we should see the return of ninja's, Wild west(PLEASE!!), and Studio? I would also like to see another Mech Theme.
  19. Nice! I rember this scene in the movie...Hilarious!
  20. Always-Saliva Link Click Click Boom(halo 2 video)-Saliva Ladies and gentlemen-Saliva Your disease-Saliva Link
  21. Yes, but you can buy them speratly for 75 cents each...
  22. I just like fabuland because they are classics.... And I like fabuland housewives by Hinckley. Ohhh...Kopaka Mata..
  23. I am in so much suspense...I would love to have some classic Pirates!
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