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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. Core Hunter from the Breakout series.
  2. Oh it's nothing to write home about, it's more to show thats the closest I can manage to his original arm without the gimmick. The random other piece on his chest is just me throwing around ideas, nothing final by any means.
  3. Next up is Bruizer, who to many is a disappointment because of him extremely gimmicked arm. While from some angles it looks nice, many think it destroys the set as a whole. Is this set worth the $12.99 price tag or not? Read on to find out. Set name: Bruizer Set Number: 44005 Pieces:62 Price: 12.99$ 11,99 € Year of Release: 2012/2013 Links: Lego.com Brickset Lego Description: Packaging Bruizer's packaging is the same as most current day Hero Factory packaging, coming in a resealable bag. The front shows Bruizer in a very deceiving pose, completely hiding the gimmicked arm.The same is true of the back, which continues to show him at an angle hiding the ugly gimmick. There are arrows to show the motion of it however, and there is also a picture showing off the hero core he comes with and how to apply the code. Parts Upon dumping out Bruizer's bag, we see a smaller bag of parts, the orange brain slug, and the instruction manual. Recolored parts We have a shell piece in trans neon orange, an orange exo-force robot arm, what I believe to be an unseen color of the larger spike piece, and a dark gray 3.0 "paw" piece. New pieces We have the rock-styled armor piece in gray, a personal printed piece which appears to be rocks and magma, and a new technic piece with a ball joint in the center. This is going to be a very awesome piece for MOCing purposes and I am looking forward to it. In addition, if you change his arm as I did, then this piece becomes uselss with the set, so you can add that to your MOCing parts collection. Brain Slug and Mask Note: The new head piece is not pictured here, see this review for a full look at it. Firstly is the brain slug, which as explained in Pyrox's review, is a softer plastic. Now we get it in an orange color, which goes great with the magma-rock theme that bruizer has going for him.The mask itself looks nice, though I'm not a big fan of the mouth he has, it looks dopey and takes away from the ferocity he should have. The mask on an old Metru head Once again it goes great with the older Metru styled heads. The Build We start off with the back of the torso, but beginning to build the arm function right from the start. Adding Limbs We begin to add armor and limbs. Note the lack of a right arm. Right Arm Here is where the set starts to go downhill. This is his arm, simply armor stuck onto a static technic frame. Built Onto Torso The arm is then added to the assembly we created before. When you pull down on the red balljoint to the left, the arm moves up, and falls when you let go due to gravity. More Armor added on The look of the arm is slightly better after some more armor is added on. Finished Set Yikes. While it isn't the worst looking set, the arm is an absolute mess. It has only ONE point of motion, and that is the swivel as shown here: Arm Function To put it plainly, it's horrendous. It only looks decent from one angly, and that is the angle you are looking at it right now, the side. Due to the lack of articulation, you cannot even get the arm to tilt inward so that it is the side you see when looking at him. it can't even support itself upwards if it wanted to, there is no ability to "block" the function like we has back in the days of the Toa mata and nuva, where you could swap out the gear for a technic piece to hold it in place. As for the rest of the set, it's mediocre. The legs are a standard, boring design, and the arm is a tiny gimp arm compared to his massive gimmick arm. With that said, I do love the look of his upper torso and shoulders, the resulting look is fantastic to say the least. One last thing that I find to be...Weird, is the "weapon" in his left hand. if that is supposed to be a weapon, then that has to be one of the laziest and mos lackluster weapons I have ever seen in the history of Lego Action Figures. I think they were trying to make a dagger, but I'm quite sure that is not going to do much damage. Size Comparisons As far as size is concerned, Bruizer is a big guy, and fits the 12.99 price tag quite well. With Pyrox Bruizer fits the price tag better in temrs of size for sure when compared to Pyrox. He also has 20% more parts than Pyrox does, though most of that is put into the gimmick arm. My Personal Changes EDIT: My original changes to this guy have been modified and improved, please see my new version here Rating: Parts:7.5/10 Not a huge amount of interesting things to be seen here, but there are some useful elements such as the new technic bit and the stone pieces. Price: 7.5/10 62 parts for 12.99 is a little better than Pyrox, but most of it is for the gimmick arm. Playability: 7/10 For little kids I'm sure the punching fuction will be fun. For the rest of us, maybe no so much. Poseability: 5/10 While his legs are fine, the slight restrictions and tendancy for the brain lugs tail to pop out, and the almost static gimmick arm, this guy falls hard in this category. Overall, Bruizer is an okay set as a standalone.he has a nice theme to him, but the gimmick ruins a major part of the figure. With that said, if you do modifications to him as I did, and you have no issue doing so, then he is one of the best figures released so far in my opinion. -VBBN
  4. After some Modifications to remove the gimmick. Not sure why I put the extra piece on the torso, but since this guy seems to be based off of an exploding rock filled with magma, it seemed to work. Still have a lot to change on him however.
  5. Hey everyone and welcome to the first of many Hero Factory Brain Attack reviews I'll be doing. Today I will be reviewing Pyrox, who seems to be the "poster character" of the villain sets this year. Set name: Pyrox Set Number: 44001 Pieces:50 Price: 12.99$ 11,99 € Year of Release: 2012/2013 Links: Lego.com entry Brickset Lego Description: The Packaging Pyrox's packaging is like most current day Hero factory sets, coming packaged in the resealable bag. I do like this type of packaging, because personally I've never been a fan of keeping the packaging. Anyway, it shows him in his usual pose on the front, as well as a "x1" for the brain slug. makes me wonder why that is so significant, are there sets later on that'll have more than just 1? Or is it the more likely option, so people don't see the brain slug infested background and think you get a bunch. The back is the usual, displaying the Hero code points, in this case 600, and an actual size picture of his mask/face. The Parts Overview Most parts are contained in a single bag, with the exception of the face, brain slug, and torso, and of course instruction booklet. Instructions Quick view of the instructions. Same as the front of the packaging, with a brain slug popping out of the corner to say hello. One thing, the images in the manual for instruction do a good job differentiating between black and dark gray/gunmetal. Recolored Parts Not sure if the Ben 10 foot in black is new, or the witch doctor "tail" bit, but regardless it is a nice piece to have in that color. You get a torso armor piece in dark red, an upper chest armor in gunmetal, and some of the 3.0 "fingers" in translucent neon orange. New Pieces Firstly we have that BEAUTIFUL flame piece. The color on it is absolutely stunning, and the clarity of the piece itself looks fantastic. I'm not so sure it looks all too firey with that shaping, more of an electric piece, but either way it still looks great. Next we have the new armor covering piece, a sort of rocky formation, in dark red. It can also be found on Bruizer, and fits him slightly better. Regardless, the piece is pretty nice. You also get two new technic pieces, both of which could be great in making custom weapons and torsos(the two main interests I have for them) They are pretty self explanatory so I'll leave it at that. You also have the new printed piece on a trans neon orange 4-long shell. It looks a lot nicer than the printed pieces we saw with the Fire Lord series, though personally I am still not a fan of printed pieces like that on my sets, especially ones that are single , not in pairs. We also have the new head piece. I'm kind of...split opinion on this. For a figure like this, it works great, because it it allows all of the pieces to the head to connect together. As a stand alone head piece though, it really doesn't work too well to give the effect of a face unless you have specially crafted heads like Bulk. As you'll see in a minute, it looks quite awkward when used with previous helmets that went with Glatorian heads. Finally we have the Brain Slug and the mask. The mask is a nice looking Minotaur mask, and pulls off the effect very nicely. At first it's hard to get over just how BIG this mask is, for comparisons sake most masks are about as large as the top of this mask to the bottom of his upper jaw. The entire lower jaw is was adds the huge amount of extra space to it. The brain slug is made of a flexible plastic, and has some cool brain detailing in the main body. He has a peg at the back of his tail to plus into the back of Pyrox, and the red bits are hard plastic. There is a single axle on the bottom to connect him to the head. Size Comparison Here is a size comparison to what everyone is relating these guys to, a Kraata. Also included I have shown a krana, and for fun my SigFig(To show standard comparison to a lego Minifigure.) Different Applications of the head/mask Here you can see just how the new mask fits onto the new head. Without the brain slug(And this head is turned, the set with the hons actually uses the other axle hole on the top of the head for the mask. which is even less noticeable) his eyes barely match up to the mask eyeholes. However, with helmets that were meant for the Glatorian heads, it fits a lot better. The downside is, there is no face behind the helmet, which for Vortixx here, isn't the greatest look. Surprisingly, the new Pyrox head works WONDERFULLY with old Metru heads. It is an absolutely perfect fit, with the eyes matching up. And here you can see a side view, which is fluent, though like I said previously, the extra jaw space is somewhat ridiculous. I would recommend using this mask on larger MOCs if that is your intent, as even on Pyrox it gives a pretty goofy look. Pyrox's frame is slightly different than usual, using an "XT4" style ankle connection which is slightly limiting, and having shorter wrists. He also has a neck extension as per usual, which really will change how big or small he is as you will see. As we add on more armor, you can see the assymetry starting to show. He also uses his printed piece here, which...I'm not a big fan of. It's just too random for my taste, I wouldn't mind a printed chest piece or something, but as a random leg bit has always seemed odd on villains. Here we can see the spinning fire weapon being built. The fire pieces, as mentioned before, look great. The weapon itself is lackluster, it spins, but not really sure of the purpose as to why it needs to spin. You can also see both of the new technic bits being used here. The hand looks very terrifying using the neon orange claws, though I kind of wish both his hands used this, not just one. The head assembly. Nothing much to say here, other than its BIG, the horns give the set serious width and the slug on top is equally as massive in size, and paired with the large Pyrox head... It looks great however, the red eyes with some of the yellow showing through actually looks a lot better than I had anticipated. I'm usually not a fan of eye backings that dont make the eyes light up, but in this case it doesn't look all too bad. The Finished Set As I said earlier, the extended neck piece can allow for a lot of different stances, from short to tall, and in his more "four legged" state as seen in the trailer. He articulation is decent, though his legs will need a slight bit of modification to allow for ankle swivels, and the brain slug can be slightly restrictive, though not as bad as the Piraka had it. His color scheme overall flows okay, though the different shades of translucent and transparent pieces can be a bit distracting, and the gunmetal gray on his chest looks completely off. Dark red or black would have worked far better in my opinion. Size Comparisons Depending on how low or high up you set the neck, Pyrox can either be a smaller looking set or the larger figure that is more worthy of a 12.99 price tag. He is larger than I expected, though I think half of the set alone is the massive head he has. I know I keep exaggerating that point, but really, it is so freakin' huge on him it's ridiculous. Now admittedly I like that, as I will be using this on my Tyrant 2.0 most likely somehow, but regardless it's something to keep in mind. Rating: Parts:8/10 Decent For MOCing, though he is a set I will need 2 of due to the assymetrical amount of parts Price: 7/10 50 parts for 12.99 is a little rough Playability: 8/10 Spinning fucntion can be fun for some people, though to me the posing of the set and MOCability is more important Poseability: 8/10 Decent, only downsides are the lack of ankle swivels and the slightly limited head articulation Overall, Pyrox is better than I expected. Parts wise he is a nice set to have, and is sure to be a Fire-Mocist's dream. As a set itself, it could use some bulking up, but i don't think it is as bad as everyone says. The biggest annoyance with him is the tendancy for the Brain slug's tail to pop out of it's connection port, so do keep that in mind. So there you are guys, a quick review of Pyrox, I'll let the pictures do most of the talking here. If you are on the fence about him, then I would take the jump and get him. he is not as dissapointing or as luckluster as people make him out to be. Besides, we all know Frost Beast will need a buddy in the summer, and this guy looks quite a bit like his buddy in crime! VBBN EDIT: Extra pieces: As with previous villains in the breakout series, the hero core is back so you can get the code for online, even with the viallin sets. You know what that means... Another Trophy for Core Hunter.
  6. Rather unexciting news I guess since everyone is drooling over Dragon Bolt and such, but just thought I'd throw this out real quick that my order finally came in for Review for pyrox will come later today, bruizer tomorrow.
  7. UNITY Toa Garan stood opposite of Toa Defilak. Now, it was their turn to match off. Garan drew out his Pulse Bolt Generators, which were more powerful versions of the weapons he had as a Matoran. He placed them together, and fired out a sphere of energy, that was growing stronger as it traveled. As a Toa, it grew more powerful faster, and quickly expanded, like a storm going to engulf Defilak. Defilak threw a wall of air at the Pulse bolt, but it consumed it, and continued to travel towards him. He Placed his twin daggers together, and jumped up, using the longer dagger to pull himself up over the energy bolt. He dropped back down to the ground, and swung with his weapon, only to have it matched by Garan retaliating with a swing of his own Pulse Bolt Generator. Garan fired another bolt, this time it was moving in an irregular path, Defilak did not know how to avoid it. He rushed forward and jumped straight into the bolt, absorbing the energy into his Dagger. he didn't even know he was capable of doing it, but something in his mind allowed him to. He took the force, shock and pain of the blast and directed it back at Garan, who ended up being blasted with his own attack. "Risks." Keetongu said. It was the only word he spoke, but Defilak understood. Risk was how he unleashed his full potential. It had been chosen to him the day he chose to risk his life going deep into the pit, not knowing what would happen. Balta Burst into the arena, attempting to catch his breath. "What's wrong?" Garan asked, moving nearer to Balta. "Hewkii Just warned me," He began, taking a deep breath, "Something is happening. We need to get ready." Garan and Defilak nodded, and drew their weapons. They looked to Keetongu. The ancient Rahi had pulled out a massive sword. There were markings on it that were unknown to the toa. The sword crackled with energy, and seemed to power Keetongu. "Ready." He said, then looked to the three Toa in approval. Their training was complete. *** Xult stood at the bridge of the Dreadnought Warship, the largest and most powerful ship in their universe, matched only by the Nurae's Flagship, the Retaliator, which had set off to Anarae. It housed all of the Nurae, they had abandoned their planet after many of their people had been taken over by the Plague when the Raul Scouts attacked. The room was large and had a circular window which overlooked the entire front end of the ship and the space ahead of them. All around the room, Xeeno sat at computer. navigators, engineers, weapons specialists, anyone who had to maintain the ships systems by computers that may need urgent reports was here. A small Xeeno walked up to Xult. "Commander Xult! All of our warships have been...destroyed. We are the last ones left." It said, sadness filling it's voice. "Last ones? We had over 50 ships, what happened to them!" Xult yelled. Before the Xeeno could reply, the space ahead of them tore open. A spinning vortex errupted from the sky, purple and blue lightning fired out, striking the Dreadnought. "Prepare all weapons systems! Scramble the fighters, ready the jump crews, load the cannons, and open the armoy! Throw the ship into a 45 degree angle to the right of that vortex, move straight and set a course to sector B-57a!" Xult yelled, and grabbed a hold of the console in front of him as the ship pulled to the right. The bay doors opened on the side of the ship, and hundreds of small fighters flew out. Some were bombers, some interceptors, and some were dropships loaded with armed Xeeno. As Xult watched, something came out of the vortex. At first, they could hardly be scene in the black skies of space. But as they advanced closer, the white eyes of the Plague became apparent. Hundreds of plague fighters emerged from the vortex, firing bolts of shadow across at the Xeeno fighters, who fought back using heavy missiles and bullets, the Xeeno ammo of choice. The fighters clashed, and hundreds of explosions emerged as a result, as ships from both sides were obliterated. Anti air defenses on the Dreadnought destroyed all ships that came near it. "Keep steady! Shut down the engines, we are going to stay here and destroy as much as we can! We are the first line, and we will not fall!" Xult said, giving confidence to those on board. Yet it was not to last. small pods slammed into the decks of the Dreadnought. They hit everywhere, all around the outer panels of the ship. Creature emerged from the pods, in a violent, shattering manner, like they had been trapped in glass. They had weapons resembling buzzsaws, chainsaws, and heavy serrated swords, and began to attack at the ships outer armor. The ships defense cannons blasted, and annihilated wave after wave of the drop pod plague soldiers. "500 years this ship has been in operation. It will not fall today. We will-" He stopped. Something else was coming out of the vortex, but is was not a fleet of Plague ships. It was massive. It was hard to observe because it, like the other plague fighters, was pitch black, but Xult could tell where it was because He couldn't see the stars behind it. It was a Plague warship, with enormous spikes protruding from it. The ship changed course, and headed straight for the Dreadnought. It had massive pincers in the front, at least half a mile long, and as it got close to the Dreadnought, becagn to shut, attempting to grab onto it. "Throw the ship into reverse! NOW!" Xult yelled, but it was too late. The pincers grabbed onto the ship and squeezed , digging into the sides of the warship, cutting through armor, destroying the bay doors. then the front of the Plague ship opened like a massive mouth, and dagger shaped blades lines the outsides of it. the pincers were on a sliding mechanism that allowed the main body of th ship to move forward while still grabbing onto the Dreadnought. the mouth closed of the Plague ship closed, and engulfed the front end of it. The command bridge into which Xult was in, was now pitch black for the windows were inside of the mouth. The lights of the computers were the only thing lighting the room now. The mouth must have closed tight, because suddenly the jagged teeth pierced through the ceiling, almost stabbing Xult right down on the head. "What the hell is this thing..." Xult said, grabbing his shotgun. The windows of the ship had not broken from the mouth closing, but it seemed like the mouth had created an airtight seal. However the Xeeno took precautions, they each grabbed a helmet what would allow them to breath. those who stood in the bridge watched in silence. They could see nothing, just the darkness that surrounded them. And then BAM! something had slammed into the glass of the ship. a pair of white eyes stared at them through the glass. None of the Xeeno had fired out of fright, but they were thrown off guard. "They aren't getting through this glass without a lot of fire power." Xult said, once again trying to reinforce confidence to his soldiers." The creature tilted its head and screeched. The sound was deafening, and because of the airtight seal the mouth had created, it was very, very audible. The screeched echoed around inside the connected ships, and it shattered the glass of the bridge. The creature that had clung to the glass fell inside the ship, and many of the Xeeno fired at it. The creature was faster, and leaped across the command bridge, clinging to walls and ceilings. It smashed through a wall at the back of the room and continued to move, screeching as it did so. Before the Xeeno could engage, another creature entered the bridge. And another. And another. Slowly, they kept climbing in, and the only thing the Xeeno could see was their white eyes. The Xeeno in the bridge ran, moving to the back of the ship. It seemed forever to reached the hatch to exit the ship. This was, afterall, a 4 mile long Warship. Hundreds of Xeeno were now standing on the outside of the ship, their helmets the only thing keeping them alive, struggling not to fly off into space and be lost forever. Plague were not inside the Dreadnought everywhere, and those Xeeno who stayed inside were firing at benings they could barely see. The lights and power of the ship were gone. Xult watched as the Plague Warship shifted and changed once again. This time, more spiked arms emerged from it, and crashed down, piercing more parts of the Dreadnought. Small hatches opened from them, and plague began to pour out. They were now on the outside of the warship, the defense cannons disabled. The Plague Warship has massive white eyes itself, they had created it to seem like a living being within itself. Xult knew this was the end. They were hopeless, outnumbered, outpowered. Yet then, a flash of white illuminated the ships. A white, daggerlike ship, almost resembling a floating iceberge, rammed into the Palgue Warship, tearing it away from the Dreadnought, ripping it free from the arms that held it. The mouth tore away at the shop as it was pushed away, completely removing the bridge of the ship. Xult looked to see the ship that had just warped into the area. It was the Nurae Flagship, the Retaliator. *** Axonn grabbed the Ignika. he looked at it, the mask that represented Spherus magna and it's people. The mast of Mata Nui. "Mata Nui...Protect us." he said, staring at the mask. Then he handed it to Vezon. "Use it's power, focus it on the Plague when they are here. it may work, it may fail. It's worth a try either way." Axonn stated. behind him, stood a force stronger than any he had seen before. The Toa Spherus, Toa Nuva, and Toa Mahri, as well as the other toa created by the remaining stones, stood, ready to fight. Flaudis was ahead of them all, his sword drawn, and cape fluttering in the wind. Matoran, Agori, Exo Toa, Boxers, and legions of Vahki also stood, spreading across miles of land. Massive Scopio machines and tanks moved along, with Kaxium and Thornatus vehicles parked and ready. Other massive figures lined the field, such as he Voporak, Devastator, Eliminator, Zivon, even the kardas Dragon, which Vezon now was climbing onto. "The enemy will move forth, never stopping at once to make way for one of us. We must ready our weapons. Ready our spirits. Today, we fight not as a force of many, we fight as a force of one! We will protect the generations, the legacy that we have yet to make. protect the universe from shadows that lurk behind white eyes. Tear away their wrongdoings! Tear away their spirits! Leave none standing. We start with the battles. We start with the destruction of evil. We fight the war. We end with the resurrection of a new world, a new universe, a new galaxy free of beings who kill for nothing. We fight, in the name of the three virtues! Unity! Duty! Destiny!" Axonn yelled, his voice booming across the cities, the deserts. It echoed through the voices of others, and everyone heard the words he spoke. Thousands, millions cried out the three virtues. There was no more hiding, no more preparing. The fires of the Plague burned bright, and the voices of their rulers guided them. The skies tore open ahead of them. The Plague was coming. There was no more time for preperation. The Shadows in the Deep crawled to the surface, and the Day when Light betrays drew one step closer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And there you have it, finally the war is starting. Now I did name this chapter "Unity" Instead of Chapter 8, because, well, listen to macku's words at the end of chapter 7. And actually that was all of chapter 8 right there, hence the long scene with the Xeeno. I felt like I didnt give them enough writing time yet so that was a good opportunity to give them a bit of a badass scene. Now then, time to release some....Spoilers hmmm? -This story will end at chapter 10. Unity, Duty, and Destiny are the final 3 chapters. -This isn't the end. My biggest secret...this is a trilogy. In fact, a massive trilogy. And I'll give even more spoilers as to say this: The next episode in the series will be 25 chapters, and the last one will be around 40. This is merely an introduction >:D -Lastly...enjoy Nurae Storm. Blue was purposeful, already have a part written somewhere that describes the color a bit more and somewhere in there I had mentioned Storm also having blue lights on his body now, so just wait for that. Lastly, this is just a size comp and also to show, that His size relative to Tahu Mata, is how big all nurae are to toa in the story:
  8. Uh When did Rocka become Optimus prime? In all seriousness, that felt to me like a version of a transformers trailer, the fly-over camera following JetPrime/Jetrocka as he shoots at an enemy around in a city. Regardless, Dragon bolt looks great, and his tail is going to be SPLENDID for parts.
  9. Going to drop a double in here, but Don't have much of a choice, need to keep my schedule rotating. Last part of Chapter 7 Chapter 7 (con't) Toa Defilak flipped over a bolt of fire and shot a sphere of compressed air at Toa Balta. It struck him dead on, exploding upon impact. Balta was knocked back, but quickly pulled himself back up, then leaped forward to grab onto Defilak. Defilak was faster, and avoided him, then kicked him down and drew his dagger to Balta's mask. "Looks like I win again." Defilak said, grinning. "Number one rule in combat...Don't let your guard down" Balta began. He then kicked the dagger out of Defilak's hand grabbed onto his legs and brought him down. He threw a bolt of fire at the stone wall near Defilak, turning into magma. It began to raid down on Defilak, but he threw up a sphere of air around him that deflected the substance at Balta. He then charged once again at Balta, this time immediately stopping instead of leaping. Balta had braced for the attack, and had jumped forward to counterbalance it, however Defilak had not moved. Now, Balta had a face full of dirt. He stood up once again and brushed himself off. "And the number two rule, don't rely on the element of surprise to take down your enemy. Always assume they know everything." Said another being. Defilak and Balta looked over to see their brother, Toa Garan enter, with Keetongu walking behind him. The ancient Rahi had been training these three Toa for the war. Garan had been the first to ask for help, Balta and Defilak had joined in attempts to uncover their secret to releasing their full potential. Balta turned to Defilak, and began to speak. "Well then, let's ignore the element of surprise, do a gentlemen's draw." Balta said, drawing his dual swords. "You can't be serious. I've beaten you over 30 times today, most of which we knew we would be fighting. You have only had the element of surprise on me a few times. What makes you think you can win now?" Defilak asked, drawing out his dual daggers. "Persistence." Balta said, smirking. Defilak shrugged and threw a wall of air at Balta. The last few times he had done this, Balta had been knocked down, and easy overtaking. This time, Balta ran the opposite way, running with the wall of wind.until it dissipated. He reached the back wall of the arena, placed his feet on it and vaulted a back flip off of it. Defilak threw a barrage of air spheres, but Balta was expecting this. He tightened his shape, becoming a flying dagger through the air. When he was near Defilak, he opened his form and spun knocking both of Defilak's daggers away. He fired beams of fire at the floor around Defilak, and a wall of fire rose. Defilak tried to Combat it with a shield of air, but this fire was different. it consumed the air, becoming hotter, and increasing in sheer size. Balta then ceased the fire, and Defilak collapsed to the ground. Keetongu clapped his hands slowly and laughed. "Persistence. It's easy to combat someone who is predictable. Then you become the unpredictable. And the unpredictable, can never be brought down." Balta said, then did a slight bow. "It also means you must be beaten before you can prevail. usually that's a good sentiment of life-" Defilak began, then placed his hand on Balta's shoulder before leaving the arena. "-But the enemies we will face may not give you second chances to prevail." *** Toa Hewkii stood, staring at the night sky. Standing next to him was Toa Macku. She was standing close, leaning into his side, her head resting on his shoulder. "You know what I hate? Our symbol, the watchful protector who keeps us all safe, our entirety, Mata Nui, is going to be in the hands of a crazed skakdi that tried to kill everyone he could a few years ago." "But the mask could save us, could end this war. As much as I hate trusting vezon, it's either him or throwing ourselves into a war that we may not win." macku replied "We will have to fight either way. How will we fight with no spirit to watch over us? What motivation do our people have? We had planned on having a full force. Look at us! The Xeeno have gotten angry and are rebuilding their city from the attack, they are defending their own planet. The Nurae are now on high alert and reconnaissance to infiltrate the Anarae's world, the Ragu apparently died years ago and nothing is left of them. For mata Nui's sake, the only planet besides that is the Anarae, and we don't know what they are capable of! We have the Toa, the bohrok, the visorak, the Vahki, boxers, exo toa...We even have an ancient monster that could stop time and go about his merry way while we are stuck in time forever. We are relying on swarms of creatures that were our enemies, because we have one common enemy. What if it isn't good enough.We have no idea what they are capable of. Our only hope is that the Nurae can get the artifact and give it to the Plague and hope they leave." Hewkii replied. "We will find spirit in the ones we want to find it in. Those who don't, will find it in themselves." Macku said, then threw her arms around Hewkii. "This is the only fight that has ever meant anything. it defines our people, because it shows we are now working together. We finally have found Unity, Hewkii. The three virtues will be fulfilled by this battle. our Duty will be to fight, and our Destiny is to be determined. If we win, then our people have won the virtues. If we lose, then I will die beside you, and our destiny will be remembered by generations to come." They lay down in silence for a while, until Hewkii spotted something in the sky. "You see those orange specs up there?" Hewkii asked, and pointed to a spot in the sky. "Yes, the ones moving." Macku replied "They are Xeeno warships. They could store 25,000 beings each, and have enough firepower to stop a planet in it's tracks." Hewkii replied. "When this war is over, I think I might invest in one. You know, something to play around with." Hewkii said, followed by Macku laughing. Yet then, his gaze got thinner as he squinted to see the orange dots dissapear. After that, a larger orange color took their places. hewkii jumped up, and drew out his hammer. He reached out to help Macku up. "Run to Axonn. NOW!" Hewkii yelled, parting from Macku as he ran to assemble the other Toa nearby. *** Spawn grabbed his sword, black and gold in color, with jagged edges that seemed to glow with power. "The first wave has been sent, air attack forces will dominate the air." ieogla stated. "Waste no time, send more. Kill them all." Spawn replied. He then walked away, and went into the pitch black chamber he previously had gone into. He knelt once more, the pitch black taking over him. This time, he was not greeted by the voice of the Plague. This time, he was greeted with a growl, and a pair of white eyes emitting from the darkness. The Dragon of Fire had been summoned.
  10. Personally I like the new headpiece for the versatility it can offer in terms of creating custom heads for larger MOCS, as opposed to creating something out of technic pieces using a standard socket as the connector, or a balljoint, you can use that head as a base. Otherwise I see it to be just a head meant for the masks/helmets designed specifically for it, because I for one hate any helmet that gives a lack of eyes. That is one of the main purposes of a head piece, I feel, is to give a solid light effect to the eyes. If all It does is connect a mask to a body and give it some substance, then I could come up with hundreds of other ways to do that. It's why I like Glatorian heads, you have a solid face guaranteed to show from behind the helmet, whilst these new heads could pose a problem to that if you use older helemts. or even in the villains case, i don't have any yet personally, but I don't assume they look too fantastic if you remove the brain slug, because the eyes are not really there(and the masks are kinda just flat in Ogrum's case for example) Just my thoughts really, I by all means welcome this new head mold because it could be used greatly with new MOC techniques, but at the same time I think previous masks will still be best suited to the heads they were meant to be on. (And then there are the Inika heads which...well yeah let's just stay away from those in terms of wide range of uses.)
  11. Mata Nui kill me now if this is how lego works
  12. Based on that picture it's pretty definite that dragon bolt is the large set, not a small set, and the probability of there being only 1 small set the entire wave is highley unlikely, as well as the fact that not all figures would be on that wall. Why dragon bolt is pictured twice is beyond me, but somewhere there is Aquagon, and I am 99% sure that Aquagon is in th small set section. If not, then Aquagon is the large and Dragon bolt is the small, but if going by the likely hood of there being 2 small sets is true, then the set numbering places Evo and Aquagon next to eachother, designating them as being smalls. In addition, the grouping in that picture would put Aquagon right below evo, completeing the grouping. Otherwise Aquagon would be up next to Rocka. In addition, take a look at current set numbers for the winter wave. They are all over the place, so I'm not sure grouping numbers is the best way to go about things. And...I'm not exactly sure where you see Dragon Bolt and Aquagon as being similar because of "gon" That's one of the most far fetched comparisons I have ever seen, Dragon is part of a name whilst Aquagon sounds to be some sort of shaped figure. And in addition, It's not comparing Dragon and Aquagon, it's Dragon BOLT and Aquagon. Bolt being placed at the end dismissed that theory entirely. Waspix, XT4 and Scarox all share similar traits being the 4-armed beings with a color scheme that is fairly close, but names don't exactly match.
  13. Well slap me with a brain slug and call me sally That has to be some of the worst quality prelims we have ever seen, but I guess that's to be expected with them being so under wraps this year with prelim images. Jet Rocka: My hope is that it's like the exo toa in the respect that you can swap out heroes, like a jetpack. It does carry a Buzz lightyear vibe, though that could just be the angle of the photo. Afterall, I did think that in prelim pics of Gorast that she had kopakas mask as her hands... I've seen a lot of complaints about Rocka being released yet again, people saying he is the "bumblebee" of the line or something. I'm going to drop some stats in here, I do hope those with this opinion read the following. This will be his fifth version from the time span of 3.0-5.0, whilst Furno who was at first a "poster character" for this theme has had 6 versions from the span of 1.0-5.0, so to be precise he has had 3 versions in the span of 3.0-5.0. One time we saw furno have 2 versions in the same year, that bring Furno 1.0 and the Furno Bike. Rocka has had two years already where he had 2 incarnation. Rocka 3.0 and Rocka XL, and now Rocka 5.0 and Jet Rocka. Now I'll go even crazier and compare all of the heroes. Firstly using a 1.0-5.0 basis: -Furno: 6 -Rocka: 5 -Stormer: 5 -Bulk: 5 -Surge: 4 -Breez: 4 -Nex: 3 -Stringer: 3 -Evo: 3 -Dropship Hero: 1 Now let's start this from the point into which Rocka was introduced, which was at 3.0-5.0 -Furno: 3 -Rocka: 5 -Stormer: 3 -Bulk: 3 -Surge: 2 -Breez: 2 -Nex: 2 -Stringer: 2 -Evo: 2 -Dropship Hero: 0 Now here's some comparison of the top characters, Furno, Rocka, Stormer, and Bulk: -Furno has had 1 XL and 1 large set(furno bike) -Rocka has had 1 Xl and will have presumably 1 large set based on the look of the Jet Rocka set. -Stormer has had 1 XL and no large set -Bulk has had no XL and 1 large set(Bulk and vapour.) As it stands, Furno still takes the cake with the most sets released overall, after this year Rocka is 1 set behind rocka, whilst missing 1.0 and 2.0 incarnations. In terms of speed into which they were released, Rocka has had 2 years of having 2 versions in the same line of sets, Furno has had 1. So yes, since the time of his release, Rocka has had 2 more versions pushed out than other characters have had in their time of release. Just thought I'd throw out some statistics to show the relase of heroes that we have gotten. It's not to say I don't like that we are getting rocka, because I do generally like his design, and the way that I have my figures is I compress them. i take elements from each incarnation and place them together into one, for example my rocka: (Not bad for a quick cell phone pic) I take elements and add them to it to make what I personally feel is a good version of the character. Now do mind his arms, I needed what he previously had for Tyrant 2.0, so I'm stuck with those bits right now, but again this will be fixed when I get my Brain Attack sets. So really I don't mind more versions, I just wish some characters had this many versions, so I have a huge amount of choice as to picking what I think is a good version of a figure. Anyhow now that that tangent is done, some thoughts on the other figures from what I can barely see: Surge: I'm liking the looks of that weapon, and from what I could see in the trailer his design should be farely nice. It also appears that he is a larger figure, which would be nice to have since his 4.0 incarnation was indeed small. Stormer: I can't see much at all in that pic, but the trailer made him look decent, and white has always been my favorite color of set since Bionicle started, so anything with an Icy theme is welcome to me. I did like the looks of his shoulders, which seemed to have some nice spiked bits on them, certainly looking forward to CGI pics of that. Frost Beast: I already love him, mainly because I like the general design he has, makes me think of the Piraka(the brain slug helps in that effect) and he looks like a polar opposite of Pyrox. Evo: I can't really see much there, but I'm pretty sure that's him, with a green visor on his face. I'm pretty much expecting him to be breez/rocka/bulk but with slight variation of parts to the design, and with the staff he had in the trailer. Dragon Bolt/Aquagon: My guess is that bigger bag is Dragon bolt. if you look thre is a small bag protruding from behind those bottles, so unfortunately I think Aquagon is a small set, will be interested in seeing his design. Dragon bolt is difficult to analyze, I'm seeing a surge-eque color scheme which suggests a combiner model between the two(which would make sense of course) Though with that said, since it seems characters are being paired with similar colored beings to combine with, my guess is that Aquagon will get paired with surge, whilst Dragon bolt gets paired with Evo. (Hence, two blue villains in this wave perhaps.) Regardless, I think I see some wings there, and that had me extremely excited to see his design. While I am more of a fan of humanoid-looking enemies, I don't think a dragon would be a bad exception to that.
  14. True, the Lion especially which was more tha likely to show the slimmer look that lions have. But as a 4.0, he was tall which gave a skinny feeling, though he had a lot of bulk made up by his weapons, which blended well with the look. This character really only has the massive shield giving him bulk, and personally, I dislike the shield and plan on replacing it or just keeping it on his back. (And again, one of the main ways to add bulk to him is to put it on his back, which then it becomes kind of needless persay. It's just a matter of personal opinion, I think as a non-lion character he should have more bulk to him, and that is what I plan to do with mods of course. More of a general statement relating to the smaller heroes really.
  15. Not a fan of this guy at all. I still love golden characters so I mean I do enjoy the look of this guy generally but the design of him, Breez, and Bulk is extremely uninspiring and lackluster IMO. Sure, it's a smaller set, but he just looks ridiculously skinny compared to what he was and should be. Now maybe Rocka can be okay like this since the rumors of jet Rocka, but a character like Bulk using it is just saddening to me. We already got a nice bulk in 4.0, lets have the spots filled by heroes that fit this design more. Random tangent there, but still. And nice review Gata, picture quality is excellent. Made me realize I need to kick out my Pyrox and Bruizer reviews soon
  16. Are we talking about a characters...well, character, like traits, attitude, ideals, etc? Or build? In terms of characterization, I like vezon the best. He has so much personality, is so versatile,and I am a huge fan of extremely dark and twisted characters, so Vezon takes the cake. Build wise, I think the most well constructed set is the Kardas Dragon(Yes I know it's a combiner, but it was available as a boxed set, so close enough for me) Its design was superb, especially for being a combiner, was huge, and pulled off what it needed to do super effectively.
  17. Click the "quote" button to the bottom right of the person's post, or click on the mulitquote if you'd like to quote more than just one person. You can click multiquote on any posts you'd like to quote,then press reply to bring up the screen with all of your quotes. And welcome to the forums.
  18. 2013 villains and Furno are up on Amazon now, time for me to put this 75$ gift card to use. Unfortunately Breez, Rocka, and Bulk are MIA. Trying to get my hands on Breez, but that can wait. Planning on getting Bruizer for sure, as well as multiple Furno and Pyrox for my work on updating 'ol tyrant there.
  19. Chapter 7 Flaudis examined his surroundings. An hour ago, he had fallen through a portal into what was now a large, barren desert. Large skeletons of unknown origin protruded from the sand, and large rocks were scattered about, though massive plains of sand still lay all around them. Hydraxon was in front of him, guiding the way. The single eyes being known as flight followed behind him, seeming to watch everything at once. Vezon dragged on behind, watching...Well he couldn't be sure. Everytime he looked back at the grinning creature, it looked away immediately. Either he was watching Flaudis, or checking to assure nothing followed them through the portal. Or both. After what seemed like days, darkness had ascended upon them. It was an eerie dark, like black fog, clouding out the world around them. In the far distance, a dim light could be seen piercing the darkness. it was the Temple of the Guard, a sight that brough relief to the group. "Skakdi, look at the tower." Hydraxon stated as he stopped walking. The Ignika that was usually placed on the ower to over look their universe had been taken down. "They are getting ready. maybe the dark scared them" Vezon replied, smirking. Flaudis had no idea what they were talking about. He was more focused on the large being advancing toward them, who was dragging a massive axe behind him. The being was strong looking, with red and crimson armor. Hydraxon moved over to the being, and they stopped for a moment to talk. The large being then turned away from hydraxon and moved toward Flaudis. "I am Axonn, leader of the retaliation forces." The being stated. "It is good to meet you, Flaudis. The king of the Toa...under your rule, the Toa will be more powerful than any force on the planet." "Powerful? Powerful enough for what? To stop the plague?" Flaudis asked, slowly pacing away from axonn then spinning around abruptly to move near Axonn. "We were powerful. We lost. We will lose again." He replied angrily. "You are dealing with a force that multiplies everytime they fight. A force who is lead by being that don't just want to see our universe crumble, they want to see the entirety of everything bend to their will. At least, that is what you think, isn't it? You are false." Hydraxon and Vezon moved to Flaudis' blindspots, surrounding him. "Speak the nessecities, not fill talk." Hydraxon spat. "You know they are looking for things, looking for weapons, such as precious artifacts, masks, tools, whatever. But you don't know what they are looking for specifically. I do. because we gave it to being that live in your universe. His creators." Flaudis replied, and pointed to Flight. "The Anarae? What was this object you gave them?" Axonn then said, looking back to Flaudis "It was..a massive white pyramid shaped object. What it is or what it does is unknown.We gave it to them to keep safe the minute Jixia Nui was being threatened. We had found it, our mining teams, deep in the crust of our planet. No one knew how it had gotten there. But anyone who came near it went insane, and either dissapeared, or died. We decided to make it the Anarae's problem. So they take the object, and next thing we know, their whole planet dissapears." "And we were built to stop it." Axonn, Flight, Flaudis, Vezon and Hydraxon all turned to see two beings walking toward them. Each of them had a single eye, the Nurae. One of them was Storm. the other was pitch black, with a red eye that seemed to be more alive than any other Nurae. It was also larger than storm, and did not speak int he same robotic tone that Storm and Flight did. He was part of the new generation of Nurae. "What do you mean?" Axonn asked, greeting the two Nurae. "If you do not mind, I will speak for storm. I have all of his knowledge, however I can speak more fluently. I am Faller." The black Nurae replied. "Of course." Axonn said, then motioned for Faller to continue on. "Using the technology that the object gave them, we were created. The lies that they tried to kill us because they had doubts about making us were false. We were controlled by the object, we were instructed to destroy. But yet, something stopped us, stopped controlling us. We left the planet, afraid of the object. Who knows what it has done to the Anarae, but one thing is to be certain; If it can create us, then it is limitless in power, and may be more than we expect it to be." "Oh, fantastic. The one thing that an entire universe has searched for, for thousands of years, killing galaxys just to find it. And it's sitting right in our neighbors front yard." Vezon smirked. The skies grew darker.
  20. Aquagon? Apparently it's time to learn some new shapes. But Dragon Bolt sounds promising, albeit the obvious fact that Bolt Dragon sound far better IMO
  21. With the shield on his back he looks a bit better than usual. Do you have a close up photo of his helmet? (without the visor. Would like to see it up close in detail)
  22. Chapter 6(con't) Flaudis moved away from Vezon, brushing off his armor. Unlike the others, his was not scorched. The black grime that fell from it was simply dust and dirt. "You are not scarred like the rest of these prisoners." Hydraxon stated "They tried to scar me, scorch me. But I resisted. Pulled back, killed 5 plague all in one go. But then..well, the big ones came." Flaudis replied, turning back to face Hydraxon and Vezon "The big ones?" "There's always bigger ones. The plague have taken over hundreds of universes, taken their forms. When something the same size as you loses a fight, they send one ten times larger. That's why they have never been stopped." Flaudis replied, moving to the wall of the tower. Here, there was a small window set into the stone. Flaudis looked out to see a green being standing at guard at the base of the tower. "You come with others. What do you want with me?" He asked "The plague are going to attack our universe now. Axonn instructed us to find the leader of the ancient toa, and that would be you. Case in point, you will be coming with us." Hydraxon replied dully. "You know of the Toa?" Flaudis asked, his attention now at the fullest. "The Toa exist in our universe, our universe is the descendant of yours." "And you do not have a leader capable of leading your Toa?" Flaudis asked "Too much talk, old timer. Either you stay here to rot, or you move with us. Regardless of your plans, I'm opening this portal and going back to our universe. Follow or don't." Vezon snapped, his temper growing short. "Get...get out...of here..away..leave..." Deceiver began. "They...are coming..fast..attacking soon...fast.." Hydraxon looked out the window of the tower and yelled down to flight. Wings and thrusters materialized on Flights back, and he shot up to the tower. He materialized a Nurae disintegration rifle and blasted open the tower wall. Vezon raised his spear, and a hole tore open in the chamber. "Aren't you bringing the rest?" Flaudis asked, looking to the other kings. "They are not the mission." Hydraxon replied "I'm not leaving without them!" Flaudis replied, stepping back from the portal. It was loud, the sound of a tornado ravaging the skies. "TOO BAD!" Vezon yelled and kicked Flaudis in the back, knocking him forward into the portal. Vezon, Hydraxon, and Flight followed, and the portal closed. Deceiver left the room, and exited the tower. A black pod slammed into the ground in front of him. It broke off into five parts, the center one unfolded into a larger figure, the four smaller ones became Raul. They dove into the ground, and circled the tower. The larger being grabbed Deciever by the throat and pulled him up to his face. Its seven eyes seemed to tear through deceiver, causing fear and great pain. The being dropped him, and stepped on his chest, his foot a mess of armor covering vicious claws. "Where did they go." The creature asked, his voice a low screech, slime clogged in his throat. "Away...not here...gone...too late plague...too late..you are.." Deceiver stated. "Die..I will..before you know...before tell you..before i tell you..." "Die, you will not. You hide among the shadows, thinking we couldn't find you. We have always known where you were, little one. But you were kept alive, you may have had some value. helping those who dare enter our realm, and telling us the secrets they hold. But you fail at this task." He took his foot off of Deceiver and stood back. "For your failures, you will be punished. But not with death." The four Raul emerged from the ground, their mutating spikes on their backs situated upward, aimed to fire. "Now you take your rightful place among the Plague." The being said, known as Siiroak then turned and left. The Raul fired, and Deceiver screamed.
  23. Chapter 6 "Hurry! Quickly....quickly we must move!" Deceiver urged as the group approached Inferno Tower. Two massive doors were the only way into it. They stood tall, covered in dark black material, just as the rest of the City was covered in. Fire seemed to burst from the seams of the door, as if the tower itself was indeed containing an Inferno. "Should have brought a little flame toa with us," Vezon smirked. "Nurae, stay here and keep watch." Hydraxon stated, turning his gaze from Vezon to Flight. "Acknowledged." Flight replied, and turned away from the doors, watching the pathway they had come from. Deceiver moved up to the doors of the Tower. He placed his hands on the door handles, and they swung open with immense force. Fire erupted from the entrance, blasting out the front, scorching Deceiver. "Uh...Are you okay?" Vezon asked, holding back from bursting into laughter. "Fine...ow...yes fine...Plague have tower set up as a blast furnace. When...when they bring prisoners...fire burns them...symbol that they are prisoners...prisoner signs of scorching" Deceiver replied, then moved into the tower. Vezon and Hydraxon followed. As they stepped into it, a blazing heat struck them. It seemed to compress them, making them weak. Their armor was weaker, their joints slowing down. "Thousands of years trapped in a furnace. A pleasant way to spend an eternity." Vezon joked. Hydraxon stopped and stared at him. "Silence Skakdi. I didn't assist you to hear you talk." He said coldly. "Don't pester me, Jailer. You forget, I make the final decision if you make it out of here or not." Vezon responded, grinning. They both fell quiet. They could hear upstairs, screaming. Moaning. Cries for help. "How long do you think they've been screaming for help for?" Vezon asked, figuring that the kings were close. "They heard our voices. I don't think many beings come into here." Hydraxon replied. Deceiver moved over to the spiral staircase that continued to go up to the top of the tower. Vezon and Hydraxon followed. As they walked, they cries for help grew louder, until they walked up to the top floor. Small jail cells lined the circular room. Each being in the cell had black scorched armor. They moved close to the bars. One of them reached his hand through. "Are....you here to save us...?" It asked. "Where is Flaudis?" Hydraxon asked. The beings looked around at each other. "We...don't..know each others..names.." Another responded. "Eternities spent in this Towering pile of crap and you don't even know each others NAMES?" Vezon snapped, moving toward the prisoners. "You are are useless scrapheaps. Look at you, once proud kings. And what are you now? You put yourselves above others, thinking your fame will make you powerful. You get not the luxury of death, but placed here, stuck to reflect upon your own stupidity." Vezon moved close to stare one of the kings dead in the eyes. "It's beings like me who get thrown in the dust, beings like me who are cast out as being monsters. It's the power hungry fools like you who make me the monster." The one king who had not sat up and moved close to the bars of his cell, but rather sat back and ignored the visitors finally stood. He moved close to the bars, and threw his fist, breaking the bars of the cell. Vezon and Hydraxon stood back. "You..how do you have the strength..." The kings asked, in amazement. "I am not just a king who thinks I have power, newcomer." The king said, advancing toward vezon. "I DO have power" He grabbed Vezon's spear right from his hands, and lashed out, nailing Vezon in the head, and kicking him to the floor. Vezon jumped up immediately, and rushed toward the King. Hydraxon grabbed him and pinned him to a wall. he then used his other arm to grab onto the king. "Who are you?" Hydraxon asked, his angry eyes looking to the King. "You should know, shouldn't you? After all, you come in here screaming my name, it's about time I get some answers. But to answer yours..I am Flaudis." *** The barrier stood. A circle formed around a tower being crafted by Plague soldiers. Spikes formed the barrier, with the Plague watching the Xeeno who stood around it. What happened next, was a blur. A ship came in, firing at the tower. It shattered, erupting into thousands of shards of debris. The plague were startled, and fell form their perches. The ground around them shifted, forming Devastator. He grabbed one of the plague and slammed him into the ground, flattening the soldier. One plague fired, shadow and lava at the same time hurtling towards him. he turned into the sand, the shot going through him like nothing. he reformed, and drop kicked the soldier into another. He then used his power of Telekinesis to throw the shattered debris at the other soldiers, stabbing them with the sharp shards of the tower. Eliminator appeared behind the battle, and threw his energized disks, powered with lava. They cut through the soldiers, tearing them down to nothing. The battle was over as quickly as it had started.
  24. Yes Tyrant is a dark hunter in the usual Bionicle universe, but in this story he will be presumed dead, I don't like his character much and do not plan on using him at all during this. Last part of chapter 5 right here, I know this has been a really talky chapter, but It had to happen sometime, lot of characters have been brought in and there is always a need for development of both the characters and the story itself, and long talk scenes are the best way I can go about doing that. This segment is a bit different than the first two for this chapter, taking a step away from Vezon and such, moving a bit more toward a character I had introduced a bit earlier in the story. Chapter 5(con't) Axonn glanced to the right, watching as a small blue figure ran towards him. He recognized her as Senix, and noticed her face full of fear. "What is it, little one?" Axonn asked, kneeling down as Senix caught up to him. "The plague t-t-they infected Agori! Made them evil, they tried to kill me! Raanu mutated, right before my eyes I..." She collapsed her face into her hands, trying to clear her mind. "What happened to them? Where was this?" Axonn questioned, alarmed. The sand beneath his feet shifted. It swiped across the wind, spinning in the air, forming into the massive armored figure who Senix had been saved by. "They were eliminated." Devastator replied. "This is Devastator, if it weren't for him, I'd be dead right now." Senix said, looking up to Devastator. "Thank you, Devastator. I will go to the council, we will discuss the recent findings." Axonn replied. "Stay withing city limits, if we need answers for any questions." Axonn moved away. **** Devastator walked with Senix along a dirt road near the outskirts of the city. He stayed close to her, watching the movement of every being around them. "What happened to the Dark Hunters? The Turaga have told us stories, but not many." Senix asked as they walked along. "Unknown. I was sent on a mission by our leader, to collect a late payment. I never planned on collecting the payment, however, I was part of the rebellion. We hated our leader. Once he put you on his bad side, which he would do no matter what, he would torture you, hate you, torment you...So we rebelled. The dark hunter who was sent to kill those who failed their missions, Eliminator, would start the rebellion, with me. He was supposed to rendezvous with me on the island, pretending to our leader that I had failed, and that he would carry out the mission. Or at least, we were going to, but Teridax's uprsing destroyed the entire organization, the islands ripped to shreds, the Dark hunters scattered. We don't know where our old leader is, but when we find him, he will die." Devastator replied "What happened to Eliminator?" Senix asked "He is about a mile behind us, at the Temple of the Guard." Devastator replied, still watching his surroundings. The conversation was broken as a figure yelled from behind them. They turned to see Axonn in the distance, raising his massive weapon into the sky. They ran back, meeting the armored being once again. "What is it?" Devastator asked as he approached Axonn. A Xeeno stood next to him. It was Xeran, general of the Xeeno, and he was angry. "STUCK HERE! My planet is being attacked by the plague! I recieved word that a small group have created a small tower in the center of Teruckt, and no one is allowed near it. And Axonn here wants me to stay. STAY! And talk battle plans? I have a great one, Kill them! KILL THEM! I will not sit aside while my people are watched by the enemy." Xeran yelled, throwing his fist into a wall of the temple, gouging the stone. Dust flew everywhere, and Xeran growled. "We need to do this tactically, Xeran, We cannot risk anything!" Axonn yelled, slamming his axe into the ground. Devastator sensed the anger in them both. "Then I will go to Xeeno. I will stop them, retake the city." Devastator replied, His cold eyes shifting from Axonn to Xeran. "Don't be foolish, Devastator, you don't know what you are up against, doing something alone like that is suicide." Axonn stated "The Xeeno will aid him." Xeran said, thankful that Devastator wanted to assist. "You are both mistaken. I am never alone." Devastator replied, and looked up. A massive figure jumped from the top of the temple, and landed between Axonn and Xeran. He was black and purple in color, and had arms all along his body, holding disks. Eliminator stood, ready for battle.
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