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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. IMO one of the most boring figures of the wave. Not really many MOC opportunities for reusing the parts either. Speaking of Nacho Libre,I still have it sealed in it's case. Seems kind of stupid, not sure if I want to watch it. Great review!
  2. Alright, I'll get to work on getting pictures for the tutorial,I'll keep you updated.
  3. What would you prefer, me giving you a tutorialon how todo it,or meactually building it for you? I have build hairpieces in the past such as my mohawk piece that snap to studs fine and dandy. Let me know. VBBN
  4. Quck tip for those who only own one brick seperator and have very tight lego bits in a similar configuration as this... (Add the stuck pieces on a plate, and add a larger plate next to it. In this example, you can see the 4x4 as the larger plate.) Apply heavy pressure to the back of the seperator where it touches the plate. I know that this is one of those things that can make you swear loudly if you ony have one seperater,so there you go.
  5. Aside from the fact that I have reviewed about 4 magazines this month, today I shall be bringing you a quick review of the Spring 2010Lego catalogue. Before we begin, do note that this does not cover all content of the magazine. I am simply showing the main highlights to the magazine that may interest you, such as contests,special offers,etc. Cover: The main highlight of this magazine is for sure the Prince Of Perisa theme being released, and that is apparent with the cover, which shows the theme in action. Of note is the small logo on the side which says "Introducing Lego Games" Inner Cover As we open up the magazine, we are greeted by the main flagship set of the magazine, the large Prince of Persia set As well we get the usual contact information, magazine overview,etc. More PoP If you take a look at the next page, you will see the rest of the PoP sets that are up forgrabs. I do find the "Collect them all" minifigure list kind of strange, but it's nice to see all the figs lined up. Other Random New things Besides PoP, there are some other new sets added in amongst the themes such as the new SW exclusives a nd this new Atlantis set, which looks pretty nifty. LEGO Games As explained earlier, the new lego board games are the secondmain attraction of the Spring 2010 product catalogue. This page shows the range ofgamesavailable. The small blue strip was holding in place a smaller pamphlet, which I willgetto at the end of the review. Lego Universe Pre Order So you think there is an advertisement for the pre order of lego universe? Wrong. THERES 3. Now if they had put one at the start,middle, and end of the magazine, I can understand it. But for goodness sake, these ads were allcontained on 3 pages together! A bit overkill IMO. Brickmaster Back Cover A nice image of the new emporium. 'Da Pamphlet You've been waiting for this, no?Well unfortunatlythis"pamphlet"isjust a boring ad with useless info and little kiddies all over it. I'm not sure why this was required,seemsoutofplace for aproductcatalogue,I would catagorize it with the club magazine, personally. Actually,it makes me think of thoseold useless yellowpamphlets you usedto get with every legoorder online. So all in all, its really just a filler catalogue until we get the upcoming wave of sets for summer,with Hero Factory and such, and the only realattractions are PoP, the LEGO Games, and the abundance of Lego Universe Upcoming Pre Order stuff. If your subscribed to the lego product catalogues, this will be nice to check out the PoP stuff, but if you arent at all interested in it, I'd wait till the summer catalogue comes around. But in any case its free,so youve gotnothingto lose. Larger photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vbbn/ Enjoy, and stay tuned for some new lego reviews and, you guessed it, the latest in lego books and magazines. VBBN
  6. What we know so far; -Optimus will take amore Heroic visualchange -Bumblebee will be more mature -The movie will dig deep into character development, and the roots of G1. -A very dark storyline will be used Sam Witwicky Mikeala Banes Ron Witwicky Captain Lennox Epps -New Characters: John Malkovich as Sams first boss Frances McDormand as National Intelligence Director for the US government -newest Autobot to join the ranks; Ferrari 458 Italia -Leaked concept art showed Cybetron and what looked to be unicron -Movie will be shot in LA, Chicago, Washington DC, Florida, Texas, Africa, Moscow, and China. -This quote; I figured I'd put this seperate from the Transformers thread,like the War for Cybertron gamegot a seperate topic. Anywhoodles, discuss.
  7. If nothing else this could be interesting for the larger accesories. What of that paper garment? I find it quie stupid, but I am curious as to what its made of.Is it like cheap paper or a playing card material or something along those lines?
  8. Thanks for the review, How is the quality of the plastic? VBBN
  9. Thanks for the review, I've never heard of this customizer but I do say that the pieces look fairly nice. Though as others have said, those guitar cases are quite silly,look like stilts to me.
  10. Looks nice! Lots of nifty details to look at. A nice way to tie in sets and MOCs.
  11. Welcome to the boards, Hope your leg gets better! If nothing else you can always build a Lego cast.
  12. Welcome to Eurobricks, Keep on sharing the MOCs over your course here on EB.
  13. I'll go with 33-Inn On another note, my entry apparently was fogotten to be placed in the first post. I've sent a message to Ratchot, I guess we shall figure out what happened there.
  14. As far as I've been told it's finalized form is dark red.
  15. Quick update, in need of some things.
  16. Welcome aboard to Eurobricks, glad to see new members moving over from Tabletown. -VBBN
  17. Looks great so far! Fantastic details, and very accurate in it's design so thus far. Doesn't look like you have an interior planned. What will you do with it after it's complete?
  18. VBBN


    Welcome to the light ages. -VBBN Oh, and Eurobricks too.
  19. Welcome to Eurobricks I do find MISB collections a bit silly, but I must applaud you as its quite hard to keep large amount of wonderful collectibles kept in their cardboard prisons. -VBBN
  20. Welcome to Eurobricks. Ask if you have any questions. -VBBN
  21. I'll try my hand out at the map in addition to whatever you guys come up with. (man, voting for best MOC and now best map? )
  22. Metroid isn't bad, though I do find it to be inferior to Bionicle Heros(DS, same console) as it had the same controls, but had far more enemies, better weapons, at least 20 times the amount of maps, more entertaining boss fights, etc. Mario is okay, and I dont care at all for Zelda. I'm more of a Halo, NFS, CoD, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, etc. kinda guy.
  23. I find ironic that a brand called "Best Lock" doesnt stay together for a pancake and a side of bananas. Thanks for the review,it sems Reasonably clever Chris has slowed down so it's nice to see you hoping in on the bootleg boat. -VBBN
  24. Helryx and Vezon. Yeah, I'm evil.
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