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  1. I apologise for what is possibly a stupid question, but how does '75192 CONFIDENTIAL_Direct $799.00' prove the next UCS is a Falcon? There's nothing tying the set number to the name, is there? Yes it more or less confirms the next UCS will be enormous, but it could still theoretically be anything, couldn't it? Not trying to say it does or doesn't exist, I'm just curious why you're all saying that set number is definitely the Falcon.
  2. Not sure if this will interest anyone, but I made a review of sorts of the Mega Bloks USS Enterprise set. You can see it here: http://imgur.com/a/oXbfh
  3. My copy of this set arrived yesterday (imported at enormous expense), only for it to suddenly have a UK release date (Aug 31st) for £190 at Zavvi: http://www.zavvi.com/toys-construction/mega-bloks-star-trek-the-original-series-u.s.s.-enterprise-ncc-1701-vehicle/11321471.html This is a little over half the price the set cost me, so I'm kind of annoyed. I'd asked every UK toy store I could think of if they'd be getting it, but I'd forgotten Zavvi even exists. So yeah, looks like you'll be able to get it in the UK in a few weeks at least, at exactly the $250 Amazon.com price, which is unusual. I started building it last night and finished the stand. Thankfully, there were no painting problems with my figures like the kind Jang had. Tonight I'll hopefully get the engineering hull done. Uploaded a couple of pictures of the packaging if anyone is interested: http://imgur.com/a/jTI3p The box is glorious and there are So. Many. Bags. Mega Bloks have definitely improved their quality since I last made one of their sets and the pieces snap together nicely. So far I'd say they're about 90% up to Lego's standards. The lack of numbered bags is a real problem though.
  4. It's definitely worrying that the only two videos I've seen of this set either had serious problems with parts not fitting together / major misprints / entire bags missing / prints misaligned. It isn't helping to change my opinion that Megabloks are inferior, that's for sure. It's also a shame that the saucer has studs all over it while the rest of the model is smooth, makes it look like two different sets have been stuck together. All that said, I've ordered one anyway, because it's still a thing of beauty. Unfortunately I still can't find a single UK company that sells it, so I've had to import it from the US to the UK, totalling $400 / £300 :( I'll make a proper review with in-progress pictures once I have it, since I haven't seen any anywhere.
  5. So I checked with both Toys R Us and Smyths, the two main toy store chains here in the UK, and neither of them will be stocking the Enterprise set either. Unfortunately it seems like the only choice is going to be to import it.
  6. Quite possibly, and for a Lego version of this I'd happily pay that. Not so much for a Mega Bloks model. If the reviews are good then I'll be getting it either way. I didn't expect it to be $160 as predicted on the previous page, but I didn't think it'd be much more than 200.
  7. The price has been revealed now, since the set is available to pre-order from Amazon.com, and it's a hefty $250. So much for 160. Link for those interested: https://www.amazon.c...BxBL&ref=plSrch Some nice new publicity shots there. The model is enormous, 85cm long, but it still seems quite expensive to me, given that it's Mega Bloks and not Lego. Also,some more bad news, I got in touch with Mega Bloks and they say there's no plan for a UK release of this model, which probably also means wider Europe won't be getting it either. Hopefully some independent retailers will be getting it because it'll be expensive to import.
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