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  1. hmmm... I'll have the bluerays end of the month, I'll keep an eye out for that section particularly. Maybe they'll do a cross section some day. I'd do the leg struts differently myself... they're way too thin in the show to work
  2. Season 2 episode 7 wings of the master about 4 minutes in, they are bording the Phantom via a ladder in a room that seems to be behind both tthe lounge and the galley
  3. couldn't he just maglock to the wall and run up it? ha
  4. Oh, you are so right, that ladder is aligned with the air lock that they use when the phantom is guns-out. Is there maybe another room further aft of the galley? Trying to find that sketch again, and I've not seen it used either
  5. Alright, per a sketch that I've not been able to source yet, the cross ship corridor (with the airlocks to either end) have two descending floors/ramps that function as lifts, dropping down to the level of the main cargo hold way at the rear. Also, the ladder to the phantom is in the lounge You can see it to the right
  6. Is there a cargo lift in it somewhere? How would they get something heavy from one of the lower bays (via front ramp or the floor slot) up to the main deck?
  7. Heh, I'm trying to convince the wifey we should do this as a 5 year project. Have you fiddled with the legs yet? Edit: The more I think about it, the more it seems the cruciform central and ancillary corridors (nose/ball turret to engine and airlock to airlock) would be the construction lynchpin
  8. Created a user just to post - this is amazing! Looking forward to further progress. I think the crew rooms are a big part of the character of the ship, so retaining those would be key to the end result
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