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About FernandoQ

  • Birthday 10/15/1946

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    Las Arenas-Getxo
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    Technic and GBC


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  1. Thank you. The return of the ball is with the Tester a module with a snake longer than usual and the Pin-Ball elevator of Akiyuki. Also in this case I have used my Whirligig version with instructions from Matt Norman and an extended version of Maico's Skaerbaek.
  2. My version of the Ball Factory (Akiyuki-Berthil) in its first public appearance https://youtu.be/tE-dekrEpLo
  3. Hi Berthil, The Ball Factory is running with 21 buckets as it can be seen in the video. The problem with the Bucket Emptier was a little twitch due to a touch between the back wall and the emptier . I solved it by eliminating the yellow plate below. I'm still working on the Spiral lift improvement, as I still have doubts about the best solution.
  4. My little circuit with the reproduction of Berthil's Akiyuki Ball Factory next to Maico's 4 bars and Fernando's Tester. A great job of Berthil that works wonders, only the spiral elevator gives me problems and something I have already improved. Thanks and congratulations Berthil. Fernando. https://youtu.be/3ydnf2G7BzA
  5. Ankou fact, there are losses in the Spin Robots balls, but they were the first test, now no falls.
  6. Thanks Berthil, I put the rainbow-wave at the maximum speed of the 9v regulator. Then it works at a theoretical 70 balls per minute and works well. In half an hour only one stop to 55 real balls for 30 minutes, about 1650 balls. Very well. I also use a 9v regulator only for the rainbow-wave.
  7. Now I have made the improved version of rainbow-wave and it works better, but I can not stand five hundred balls without getting stuck. The improvements introduced help smooth and constant operation.
  8. I found the changes introduced very interesting. Thanks to Berthil and Courbet. I'm sure I'll do it again.
  9. Hello Doug72 The hands of the robot, rather the arms, and the neck. Three for each robot. That piece 24014 does not exist in any Technic set and I think we are missing almost all Technic fans
  10. My version of the Akiyuki Catch and Spin Robots with the Cup to Cup type 2 and the Hockey Sticks
  11. A great creation I have enjoyed watching the video many times and understanding all the solutions.
  12. My Tester module with an elevator equal to Pinball has the 2L red axles and I have never had to remove them. Greetings.
  13. My video of Akiyuki Hockey Stick Lift. It works wonderfully without any problems since the first test. Greetings.
  14. Akiyuki in addition to the video of the new railway system has placed on its website the instructions for the four modules of the basic layout. Only the instructions for the crossing of trains that we already had in Courbet's version are missing. I think it's the first time that Akiyuki gives us some GBC instructions.
  15. My version of the Sorter-Robot of Akiyuki with the instructions of Courbet, next to the Marble-Run and the Bucket Wheel Tower of Akiyuki and the Return and the Tester of Fernando. The Sorter-Robot uses the program of Courbet with modifications to count the balls and to be able to regulate the speed of the motor that moves the cylinder with the spiral. It also allows to stop the Sorter-Robot with the tactile push button leaving the different motors in their initial position emptying the ramps of the orange and white balls. Greetings. https://youtu.be/YLpi_ElQ_Y8
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